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Hi everyone,
I'm new to mORMot and could use some guidance. Currently, I'm tackling a learning curve I'm exploring mORMot because I've encountered performance issues with Delphi's TJSON methods when dealing with large datasets (100,000+ objects). After some testing, I was impressed by mORMot 2's performance (55ms vs. 10,000ms+). However, my project involves Android and iOS clients, so I looked into SynCrossPlatformJSON.pas.
I attempted to parse my existing structure using the mentioned component but encountered difficulties. The object isn't populated, and JSON isn't generated. Here's a snippet of the class I'm working with:
TArrayClass<T: Class> = class
fObjects: TArray<T>;
property Objects: TArray<T> read fObjects write fObjects;
TBaseClass = class
fValue1: string;
fValue2: string;
fValue3: string;
fValue4: string;
fValue5: string;
property Value1: string read fValue1 write fValue1;
property Value2: string read fValue2 write fValue2;
property Value3: string read fValue3 write fValue3;
property Value4: string read fValue4 write fValue4;
property Value5: string read fValue5 write fValue5;
TExtenderClass = class(TBaseClass)
fValue6: string;
fValue7: string;
fValue8: string;
fValue9: string;
property Value6: string read fValue6 write fValue6;
property Value7: string read fValue7 write fValue7;
property Value8: string read fValue8 write fValue8;
property Value9: string read fValue9 write fValue9;
TCompleteList = class(TArrayClass<TExtenderClass>);
I try to Serialize / Dezerialize the TCompleteList with jsonToObject or ObjectTojson but do not get it to work. Can anybody give me a hint?
Best Regards
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