#1 Re: mORMot 1 » Anyone had success with this framework and Lazarus/FPC? » 2011-02-18 04:08:04

Thanks for the reply AB,

Just after I posted I started poking around in the source and found the the PUREPASCAL definition which I uncommented, however I then had a quite a few errors with unicode and JSON, along with a number of other things.  I'll need to look at it more seriously later if I decide to go down this path.

I think the external SQLite3.dll would be a good thing.

I just wanted to evaluate it, so at the moment it wasn't too successful sad 



#2 mORMot 1 » Anyone had success with this framework and Lazarus/FPC? » 2011-02-17 08:20:39

Replies: 2

G'day one and all,

I've just come across this framework and very interested to get it running under Lazarus/FPC, it seems to be exactly what I've been looking for, however I've hit a couple of errors when I've added it to my project, mainly in the ASM side of things and was wondering if any others have had success in getting the framework working in a project.

If so what compiler settings have you used etc.

Many Thanks

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