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Is it a feature that is available to use in my Mormot2 application?
example :
TMyClass = class(TOrm)
FMyProperty: Integer;
property MyProperty: Integer read FMyProperty write FMyProperty;
@flydev thank You
zen010101 , link doesn't work
I've been banging my head against the wall for the past few hours trying to get TRestHttpServer working with HTTPS. Every time I try to start the server, it fails with this error:
! OSERR http.sys URI registration error #183 for https://+:xxxx/root
! EXC ERestHttpServer {Message:"TRestHttpServer: http.sys URI registration error #183 for https://+:xxxx/root"}
Here's what I'm trying to do:
MyServer.HttpServer := TRestHttpServer.Create(
I'm running the app as admin, and I've tried different ports and using '*' instead of '+' for the binding address, but no luck. The weird thing is that it works fine if I remove the HTTPS stuff, but I really need secure communication for this project.
I've looked through the documentation and searched the forum, but I can't figure out what I'm missing. Is there some special setup needed for HTTP.sys when using self-signed certificates? Or am I doing something completely wrong with the TRestHttpServer creation?
I’m facing a problem where TOrmTableDataSet3 is read-only, preventing me from modifying the dataset.
I'm loading the dataset using TOrmTableDataSet.CreateFromJson. Here's the code I’m using for appending data:
with DataSource1.DataSet do
FieldByName('NewQty').AsString := 'AG-' + Format('%', [UniEdit1.Text]);
However, I keep getting the error => TOrmTableDataSet3: Cannot modify a read-only dataset.
So, every time in the implementation, I need to do a case statement for each class like this:
case ClassType of
User: DoSomething;
Product: DoSomethingElse;
ClassNumber15: DoAnotherThing;
Is there a way to check which class is in the parameter and process it directly without having to check all cases one by one?
How can I create a function in a service that contains a parameter var aClass: TOrmClass and use it in a test unit? When I try to implement this, I encounter an access violation error. Could you please advise on the correct approach or what might be causing the issue?
Pages: 1