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Even with mormot 1 ?
Hi, I want to ask: Is there any way to serialize and deserialize JSON in a cross-platform FMX application (e.g., for Android) using mORMot, similar to the RecordSaveJSON() and RecordLoadJSON() functions? I read in the documentation that we can use JSONVariant, but this just converts JSON to a variant. I'm looking for a solution that would allow proper serialization and deserialization of records or objects, as those functions do.
//My server initiates 32 threads after it calls root/timestamp and root/EmpService._contract_.
//Then, it calls the function TestThread.
Interface Post: root/EmpService.TestThread = 200 out, 20 B in, 28.67 s {"result":["30000"]}
Interface Post: root/EmpService.TestThread = 200 out, 20 B in, 32.76 s {"result":["30000"]}
Interface Post: root/EmpService.TestThread = 200 out, 20 B in, 32.13 s {"result":["30000"]}
Interface Post: root/EmpService.TestThread = 200 out, 20 B in, 32.20 s {"result":["30000"]}
Interface Post: root/EmpService.TestThread = 200 out, 20 B in, 31.77 s {"result":["30000"]}
Interface Post: root/EmpService.TestThread = 200 out, 20 B in, 33.57 s {"result":["30000"]}
trace unit6.TsimpleServer(039b86c0) End current thread (THttpServerResp) Thread ID=1390 'Httpsrv 11111 root ThttpsrvResp' thread count = 6
trace unit6.TsimpleServer(039b86c0) End current thread (THttpServerResp) Thread ID=02a8 'Httpsrv 11111 root ThttpsrvResp' thread count = 5
trace unit6.TsimpleServer(039b86c0) End current thread (THttpServerResp) Thread ID=88 'Httpsrv 11111 root ThttpsrvResp' thread count = 4
trace unit6.TsimpleServer(039b86c0) End current thread (THttpServerResp) Thread ID=13a4 'Httpsrv 11111 root ThttpsrvResp' thread count = 3
trace unit6.TsimpleServer(039b86c0) End current thread (THttpServerResp) Thread ID=1de4 'Httpsrv 11111 root ThttpsrvResp' thread count = 2
trace unit6.TsimpleServer(039b86c0) End current thread (THttpServerResp) Thread ID=1de4 'Httpsrv 11111 root ThttpsrvResp' thread count = 1
The server always returns a result, but in the console of my test, I get a timeout error if I call the function more than six times. If I call it fewer than six times, I receive the result in the test console.
I can also call the function concurrently more than six times and receive the result in the test console, but I have to increase the number of iterations from 30,000 to less than 20,000.
this is the erreur in the test console :
EXC EInterfaceFactory {Message: "TInterfacedObjectFakeClient.FakeCall(IEmpService.TestThread) failed: 'URI root/IEmpService.TestThread [] return status 'Request Timeout' (408)"} [main] at 7a526d
When I change the number of iterations in the function from 40,000 to 30,000, I can call the function 6 times concurrently. However, when I try to call it 7 times concurrently, they all give me a timeout.
I am using sicPerThread with a thread pool size of 32 and useHttpSocket. Each time I call the function, the server uses one thread to execute it. I called the function four times, and I have 32 threads in the pool. I don't know why I am experiencing a timeout.
// creation of the server
TSQLRestServerDB.Create(HttpPort, [tsimpleserver], '+', useHttpSocket);//32 in the thread pool by default
constructor tsimpleserver.Create(aModel: TORMModel; aDBFILENAME: TFileName);
inherited Create(aModel, aDBFILENAME);
ServiceDefine(TemployeeService, [IEmpService], sicPerThread);
I'am working with Windows 10 in virtual machine using Delphi 12.0 Athens / C++Builder 12.0 Athens, product version of 23.0.
CPU : Common KVM processor: 2.10 GHz with 2 cores , 2 sockets and mormot 2.2
The function in the SOA is defined as follows:
function server.functiontotest: string;
g: Integer;
ResultStr: string;
g := 0;
ResultStr := '';
while g < 40000 do
ResultStr := ResultStr + IntToStr(g);
Inc(g); // Increment g
Result := ResultStr;
The function takes time to return a result. When I call the function with 2 or 3 clients, it returns the result successfully. However, when I call it more than 4 times, I always get a timeout error. Additionally, I am using sicShared for the SOA. Even when I try changing to sicPerThread, I still encounter the same problem.
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