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It seems `` is not quite in sync with master... Could you help to provide documentation or example to help to start using SyNode with mORMot2, preferably with Delphi and with FPC ?
It seems that TSQLHttpClient descendant will try to retry a service call after certain amount of time has lapsed. Furthermore, the client exists with an error code of 505 after another amount of time. However, there seems to be inconsistency between the receive timeout parameter when HttpClient is created and the timing of the second service call and client exit. Therefore, it seems to be confusing concerning setting up the receive timeout parameter.
The compilable programs can be viewed at viewed at gist. The server program is a simple shell wrapper. The client program tries to run a long-running shell command " date ; sleep 600 ".
parameter second service call client exit505
------------- --------------------- ----------------------
default(30s) 180s (3m) 480s (8m)
receiv + 13 258s (4m18s) 558s (9m18s)
receiv + 15 270s (4m30s) 510s (8m30s)
receiv + 17 282s (4m42s) 522s (8m42s)
receiv + 70 300s (5m) 600s (10m)
receiv + 100 450s (7m30s) 690s (11m30s)
: data collected for http time out & retry
As seen in the table above, using the default parameters for creating HttpClient, the second service call occurs after 180s has elapsed. The 1st to 4th rows indicate that there is a multiple of 6 between the constructor receive timeout parameter and the timing of the second service call. However, the 5th and 6th rows indicate that there are no consistency.
Could you help to comment how to set up the receive timeout properly ?
Many thanks !
Thank you for your efforts ! IIRC, to realize a pointer to external function in Delphi (and FPC as well), one does not use external keyword but SafeLoadLibrary followed by GetProcAddress. I have to try and return.
If the following two code blocks are equivalent to each other, the regex posted above could be used to automatically transform the hundreds of declarations in SpiderMonkey.pas
type TJS_Initialize = function : Boolean; cdecl;
var JS_Init: TJS_Initialize external SpiderMonkeyLib name 'SM_Initialize';
Delphi compatible
function SM_Initialize: Boolean; cdecl; external SpiderMonkeyLib name 'SM_Initialize';
type TJS_Initialize = function : Boolean; cdecl;
var JS_Init: TJS_Initialize = SM_Initialize; // external SpiderMonkeyLib name 'SM_Initialize';
The following regex could be helpful to alleviate the burden to support Delphi compatibility of SpiderMonkey.pas
Is there any news on this ? As @array81 reported, latest mORMot and SyNode are incompatible with each other when Delphi is used.
Many thanks !
PS: I have just tried "FPC trunk SVN 40491; Lazarus trunk SVN 59757", as suggested from the documentation, and the same AV exists.
The latest mORMot is cross compiled to linux64 by FPC on Windows. The console log is shown below.
1.2. Low level types:
- RTTI: 443 assertions passed 363us
- Url encoding: 200 assertions passed 659us
- Encode decode JSON: 396,397 assertions passed 132.40ms
- Variants: 64 assertions passed 212us
- Mustache renderer: 147 assertions passed 1.75ms
! Low level types - TDocVariant
! Exception EAccessViolation raised with messsage:
! Access violation
- TDecimal128: 17,446 assertions passed 1.89ms
- BSON: 245,068 assertions passed 50.87ms
100000 TBSONObjectID.ComputeNew in 49.84ms i.e. 2,006,179/s, aver. 0us
- TSynTableStatement: 221 assertions passed 213us
- TSynMonitorUsage: 1,202 assertions passed 212us
Total failed: 0 / 732,939 - Low level types PASSED 714.93ms
The line indicated from the file log is shown below.
TSynTestEvent(C.TestMethod[t])(); // run tests + Check() and TestFailed()
The version of fpc is
C:\fpcupdeluxe\fpc\bin\i386-win32 > fpc
Free Pascal Compiler version 3.3.1-r39711 [2018/09/08] for i386
Could you check this ? Many thanks !
PS: The same mORMot compiled by FPC on Windows as a Windows executable runs flawlessly.
SynLog in the latest version cannot compile under Delphi 7. It seems that anonymous cannot create ticket any more. The two lines are thus shown below. Could you fix this ?
code line no
before R.Seek(PtrUInt(P)-PtrUInt(R.MappedBuffer));
now R.Seek(P-PByte(R.MappedBuffer)); 1736
before W.WriteDirectEnd(PtrUInt(P)-Beg);
now W.DirectWriteFlush(P-Beg,tmp); 2044
Since many of us use mORMot as a service I decided to provide small tutorial how to say Windows to format log messages correctly during Windows log output
Hope it help for somebody...
Can you help to inform how to work with linux logs, i.e., append to /var/log/messages or /var/log/the_subject_app ? Many thanks !
MSEide+MSEgui has been updated to 4.6.2. Could you help to comment whether it is possible to use mORMot with the current MSEide+MSEgui ?
Just curious: do you plan not to fix it ?
Latest mORMot.pas does not compile using latest FPC for both i386-win32 and x86_64-linux. The line and msg shown are below.
Line 56264: ParamName := @VMP^.Name;
mORMot.pas(56264,30) Error: Variable identifier expected
The reason is in FPC 3.3.1-r39711 (installed using fpcupdeluxe), Name becomes a property. NamePtr should be used.
ParamName := VMP^.NamePtr;
PS: It seems that anonymous cannot create ticket now ? There is no create ticket on the tickets link.
Dealing with floating with big precision is always a problem. In our applications we try to avoid it by limiting precision part to maximum 4 digits and adding division(factor). For example if we need to store 8 digits precision (0.66599631) we store 2 field {value: 6659.9631, factor: 10000}. Hope it's help
Many thanks for your clever experience ! Is it because a number with maximum 4 digits can be exactly represented as Currency type ?
Yes, this is a known inconsistency, since they have two diverse implementations.
Sad to hear. It should be noted that ExtendedToStr behaves also inconsistently between Delphi25Tokyo's Win32 and Win64.
As shown in the sample code on gist , the ExtendedToStr behaves inconsistently between FPC and Delphi. Could you help to suggest the workaround ?
PS: FloatToStrF and Format seem to behave inconsistent within FPC, and between FPC and Delphi.
As shown in the gist, I am trying to store a float field into a variant field of a TSQLRecord. When the Variant field is assigned by calling ObjectToJSON, it has the correct internals.
Furthermore, the DB file has the correct float internals.
However, when the TSQLRecord is retrieved back from DB, its variant field contains string-based internals. As a result, the float field cannot be parsed back by calling ObjectLoadJSON.
Could you help to comment whether it is possible to prevent the transformation of the float internal into string internal ?
Could you share the build environment for static\i386-win and static\x86_64-win64 .a files ? For example, the OS and the toolchain versions and the gcc switches ? Many thanks !
Dear ab, many thanks !
Could you be kind enough to comment where these text settings you mentioned, i.e., woEnumSetsAsText or twoEnumSetsAsTextInRecord, can be applied to force enum serialization as text, for example, in the gist sample ? I mean, switching from
(RecordSaveJSON(Rec, TypeInfo(TRec)));
(RecordSaveJSON(Rec, TypeInfo(TRec), True));
does not work.
From your documentation , it seems that the solution is to switch from text-based serialization and deserialization to callback-based ones. Sorry for the trouble.
From your documentation , it is suggested that "For other types (like enumerations or sets), you can simply use the unsigned integer types corresponding to the binary value, e.g. byte word cardinal Int64 (depending on the sizeof() of the initial value)." With such treatment, the updated gist code serializes the enum property within the record as unsigned integer.
Nevertheless, the enum property within the TObject can be serialized to human readable text, could you help to comment whether it is possible to serialize enum property within the record also as human readable text ?
"E": 0,
"K": "",
"V": 0
"E": "meFirst",
"K": "",
"V": 0
As shown in the gist code , the call to TTextWriter.RegisterCustomJSONSerializerFromText fails if the record definition contains enum type: ESynException 'Unregistered ptCustom for TJSONRecordTextDefinition.AddItem(E: TMYENUM)'.
Could you help to comment the correct way to deal with record type with enum property in JSON serialization ?
Many thanks !
Dear ab, it seems to me that the deserialization of the class fails because GetDynArray of an array prop backed by methods will set DynArray.fValue to nil, and consequently "From := DynArray.LoadFromJSON()" concludes all of the remaining JSON is invalid and jumps to the end of the JSON. Could you help to comment ?
Furthermore, the gist sample has been clarified. As shown in DeserializeClassWithPropertyBackedByMethods2.dpr, there is no two properties pointing the actual storage.
As shown in the sample, a class with an array prop backed by methods is serialized and then deserialized. The deserialization of the class fails because, since GetDynArray of that prop sets DynArray.fValue to nil, DynArray.LoadFromJSON concludes all of the remaining JSON is invalid and jumps to the end of the JSON. It would seem more proper if DynArray.LoadFromJSON only skips the very array property backed by methods instead of all the remaining JSON. Could you help to comment ?
As discussed in, ManyAdd/ManyDelete/ManySelect/SourceGet/DestGet can be used with one less parameter - the "current" fSourceID/fDestID.
That is to say, in about 184th line of the "mORMot and Open Source friends-d573e7358a/SQLite3/Samples/ThirdPartyDemos/Migajek/synopse-sqlite-demo/Unit1.pas", both lines below should work. Nevertheless, only the second one works in the latest source.
cust.Tasks.ManyAdd(globalClient, task.ID, true)
cust.Tasks.ManyAdd(globalClient, cust.ID, task.ID, true)
Could you help to comment whether the situation is made clearer ?
Sorry for the confusion.
I did not manage to find the fix...
The diff was intended to show how to reproduce the regression . Could you help to check and fix ?
As discussed in, ManyAdd/ManyDelete/ManySelect/SourceGet/DestGet can be used with one less parameter - the "current" fSourceID/fDestID.
However, in the latest sample code "mORMot and Open Source friends-d573e7358a\SQLite3\Samples\ThirdPartyDemos\Migajek\synopse-sqlite-demo", the overloaded methods with one less parameter does not work, as tested with the following modifications
HiWin10@MICROSO-8C7VFP4 /cygdrive/d/mORMot and Open Source friends-d573e7358a/SQLite3/Samples/ThirdPartyDemos/Migajek/synopse-sqlite-demo
$ diff Unit1.pas ../synopse-sqlite-demo.original/
< ACustomer.Tasks.DestGet(globalClient, fIds);
< // ACustomer.Tasks.DestGet(globalClient, ACustomer.ID, fIds);
> ACustomer.Tasks.DestGet(globalClient, ACustomer.ID, fIds);
< cust.Tasks.ManyAdd(globalClient, task.ID, true)
< // cust.Tasks.ManyAdd(globalClient, cust.ID, task.ID, true)
> cust.Tasks.ManyAdd(globalClient, cust.ID, task.ID, true)
< cust.Tasks.ManyDelete(globalClient, task.ID);
< // cust.Tasks.ManyDelete(globalClient, cust.ID, task.ID);
> cust.Tasks.ManyDelete(globalClient, cust.ID, task.ID);
Could you help to fix the behavior ? Many thanks for your efforts !
Thank you very much for your helpful suggestions and comments !
PS: SM52 + Linux sounds quite interesting ! Great contributions from you !
The exception is seen with Win XE8/XE Tokyo, x32, SM45.
When SM52 is defined, the exception is not seen. Many thanks for your instructive test. Nevertheless, could you help to comment whether SM45 is deprecated in your company ?
With the latest mORMot & SyNode, the sample "02 - Binding" raises exception of "invalid arrow-function arguments (parentheses around the arrow-function may help)" during startup. Could you help to fix it ?
In addition to the post above, fLastClass needs to be reset to nil after removal...
procedure TJSONSerializerRegisteredClass.RemoveOnce(aItemClass: TClass);
if PtrUIntScanExists(pointer(List),Count,PtrUInt(aItemClass)) then begin
if fLastClass = aItemClass then
fLastClass := nil;
When utilizing JSON serialization, one would try and test different versions of a specific class (isolated in different units). Under such circumstances, UnRegisterClassForJSON methods could be useful
procedure RemoveOnce(aItemClass: TClass);
class procedure UnRegisterClassForJSON(aItemClass: TClass); overload;
class procedure UnRegisterClassForJSON(const aItemClass: array of TClass); overload;
procedure TJSONSerializerRegisteredClass.RemoveOnce(aItemClass: TClass);
if PtrUIntScanExists(pointer(List),Count,PtrUInt(aItemClass)) then
class procedure TJSONSerializer.UnRegisterClassForJSON(aItemClass: TClass);
if JSONSerializerRegisteredClass=nil then
class procedure TJSONSerializer.UnRegisterClassForJSON(const aItemClass: array of TClass);
var i: integer;
for i := 0 to high(aItemClass) do
In the source code shown, SynTests is slightly modified to generate dunit-report.xml. The generated file can be useful for automating the testing of multiple executable files.
Can you help to review and include the changes ?
When using DUnit, a dunit-report.xml containing test statistics will be generated. This can be useful for automating the testing of multiple executable files, because one can use tools (e.g., FinalBuilder) to check whether there are failures during automated tests.
Therefore, could you help to add the functionality of generating dunit-report.xml to SynTests.pas ?
And the root cause of the problem is that a record published property has no RTTI in the property field of the class, anyway. So adding a ref-counted field won't be enough...
Many thanks for your knowledgeable comments !
However, for the "won't be enough" part, as shown in a trivial example which is compilable under D7 and a SO post, it seems that adding a ref-counted field will be enough to generate RTTI for the record, for other records that contain it, and for the class that somehow publishes the record. Could you comment about or a possible counter-example ?
In D7, you could try to define an additional ref-counted field within the record to force rtti generation for your simple record types.
See … pe/1040908
See example of serializing record in " Text-based definition"
It seems that TSQLRecordMany.FillMany and TSQLRecordMany.DestGetJoined provide rather similar functionality: retrieving dest items related to certain source item. Could you help to comment the difference between them ? For example, what are the different situations where either FillMany or DestGetJoined fits better ?
After playing around a bit, now the difference becomes more clear to me... Sorry for the trouble!
procedure TForm1.LoadTasksForCustomer(const ACustomer: TSQLCustomer; const AList: TStrings);
tasks: TSQLTasks;
MsgUTF8: RawUTF8;
Msg: string;
task: TSQLTask;
fIds: TIDDynArray;
// Can be created directly
tasks := TSQLTasks.Create;
// How to get Dest IDs
// tasks.DestGet(globalClient, fIds); // Does not work
tasks.DestGet(globalClient, ACustomer.ID, fIds); // Works
// ACustomer.Tasks.DestGet(globalClient, ACustomer.ID, fIds); // Original
task:= TSQLTask.CreateAndFillPrepare(globalClient, TInt64DynArray(fIds));
while task.FillOne do
AList.AddObject(Format('%s', [UTF8ToString(task.Text)]), Pointer(;
// How to get Pivot instances, and Dest instances later
tasks.FillMany(globalClient, ACustomer.ID);
while tasks.FillOne do begin
// MsgUTF8 := tasks.Dest.Text;
task := TSQLTask.Create(globalClient, tasks.Dest.ID);
MsgUTF8 := task.Text;
Msg := UTF8ToString(MsgUTF8);
Msg := 'Get Dest through Pivot: ' + UTF8ToString(MsgUTF8);
// How to get Dest instances directly
task := tasks.DestGetJoined(globalClient, '', ACustomer.ID) as TSQLTask;
while task.FillOne do begin
MsgUTF8 := task.Text;
Msg := 'Directly get Dest: ' + UTF8ToString(MsgUTF8);
procedure TForm1.lbTasksClick(Sender: TObject);
tasks: TSQLTasks;
task: TSQLTask;
cust: TSQLCustomer;
clientsIds: TIDDynArray;
i, j: integer;
MsgUTF8: RawUTF8;
Msg: string;
gbEditTask.Visible:= lbTasks.ItemIndex <> -1;
if not gbEditTask.Visible then
gbEditTask.Visible:= lbTasks.Items.Objects[lbTasks.ItemIndex] <> nil;
if not gbEditTask.Visible then
task:= LoadTask(integer(lbTasks.Items.Objects[lbTasks.ItemIndex]));
cbTaskPriority.ItemIndex:= Ord(task.Priority);
cbTaskPriority.Tag:= task.ID;
FillCustomersList(CheckListBox1.Items, true);
CheckListBox1.Tag:= task.ID;
// load list of customers assigned to the given task
cust:= TSQLCustomer.Create();
cust.Tasks.SourceGet(globalClient, task.ID, clientsIds);
for i:= low(clientsIds) to high(clientsIds) do
// find the client on the list (by ID)
for j:= 0 to CheckListBox1.Count -1 do
if Integer(CheckListBox1.Items.Objects[j]) = clientsIds[i] then
CheckListBox1.Checked[j]:= true;
// Learn about FillManyFromDest
tasks := TSQLTasks.Create;
tasks.FillManyFromDest(globalClient, integer(lbTasks.Items.Objects[lbTasks.ItemIndex]));
while tasks.FillOne do begin
cust := TSQLCustomer.Create(globalClient, tasks.Source.ID);
MsgUTF8 := cust.FirstName;
Msg := UTF8ToString(MsgUTF8);
Msg := 'Get Source through Pivot: ' + UTF8ToString(MsgUTF8);
Another typo
/// retrieve all records associated to a particular Dest record, which
// has a TSQLRecordMany property
// - returns the Count of records corresponding to this aSource record <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< "this aSource record" should be "this aDest record" ?
// - use a "for .." loop or a "while FillOne do ..." loop to iterate
// through all Dest items, getting also any additional 'through' columns <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< "through all Dest items" should be "through all Source items" ?
// - the optional aAndWhereSQL parameter can be used to add any additional
// condition to the WHERE statement (e.g. 'Salary>:(1000): AND Salary<:(2000):')
// according to TSQLRecordMany properties - note that you should better use
// inlined parameters for faster processing on server, so you may call e.g.
// ! aRec.FillManyFromDest(Client,DestID,FormatUTF8('Salary>? AND Salary<?',[],[1000,2000]));
function FillManyFromDest(aClient: TSQLRest; aDestID: TID;
const aAndWhereSQL: RawUTF8=''): integer;
Moreover, would you also include test for FillManyFromDest in SynSelfTests.pas ? … 01.18.html
... Introducing TSQLRecordMany
for i := 1 to high(dID) do
if not Check(length(res)=1) then <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< should be CheckFailed as shown in SynSelfTests.pas
for i := 1 to high(sID) do
if Check(length(res)=1) then <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< should be CheckFailed as shown in SynSelfTests.pas
continue; // avoid GPF
Many thanks for your help !
It works after the following change:
plain := mmoPlain.Text;
plain := StringToUTF8(mmoPlain.Text);
mmoPlain.Text := plain;
mmoPlain.Text := UTF8ToString(plain);
IIRC there is an explicit check in SynCommons.pas which check for the TSynPersistent class type.
Many thanks for your helpful comments !
Indeed the explicit check for TSynPersistent class type is the root reason ! If SynCommons.TSynPersistent is found in the inheritance chain, the TSynPersistentClass(ItemClass).Create call ensures that the correct constructor is called. For TPersistent for example, the ItemClass.Create call goes to TObject.Create, in which case the deserialization will not work unless the field is initialized in the overridden AfterConstruction procedure.
procedure TClassInstance.Init(C: TClass);
ItemClass := C;
if C<>nil then
repeat // this unrolled loop is faster than cascaded if C.InheritsFrom()
if C<>TSynPersistent then
ItemCreate := cicTSynPersistent;
function TClassInstance.CreateNew: TObject;
case ItemCreate of
cicTSynPersistent: begin
result := TSynPersistentClass(ItemClass).Create;
cicTObject: begin
result := ItemClass.Create;
I am trying to learn about the JSON deserialization inside mORMot. As shown in the code below (and in the compilable code in gist), I am trying to deserialize a class with a published TStrings property from JSON. The deserialization only works if the class inherits from SynCommons.TSynPersistent, and does not work if the class inherits from Classes.TPersistent. Interestingly, the deserialization also does not work if the TSynPersistent code is copied exactly into the .dpr and the class is made to inherit from this copy.
// Exactly the same as in SynCommons.pas
TSynPersistent = class(TObject)
// TSample = class(TPersistent) // Does not work
TSample = class(TSynPersistent) // Does not work
// TSample = class(SynCommons.TSynPersistent) // Works
FContent: TStrings;
property Content: TStrings read FContent;
// constructor Create; // if inherits from TPersistent
constructor Create; override; // if inherits from TSynPersistent or SynCommons.TSynPersistent
destructor Destroy; override;
Sample: TSample;
JsonContentRaw: RawByteString;
JsonContentUTF8: RawUTF8;
JsonContentUTF8Buf: PUTF8Char;
JsonContentValid: Boolean;
TJSONSerializer.RegisterClassForJSON([TSynPersistent, TSample]);
Sample := TSample.Create;
Sample.Content.Add('new line 3');
SynCommons.FileFromString(ObjectToJSON(Sample, [woHumanReadable, woStoreClassName]), ChangeFileExt(ParamStr(0), '.Sample.json'));
JsonContentRaw := SynCommons.StringFromFile(ChangeFileExt(ParamStr(0), '.Sample.json'));
JsonContentUTF8 := CurrentAnsiConvert.AnsiToUTF8(JsonContentRaw);
JsonContentUTF8Buf := @JsonContentUTF8[1];
Sample := JSONToNewObject(JsonContentUTF8Buf, JsonContentValid) as TSample;
Writeln(Format('%s', [BoolToStr(JsonContentValid, True)]));
if JsonContentValid then
Writeln(Format('%s', [Sample.Content.Text]));
After following into mORMot.pas, it seems that the obvious reason could be that the GetterAddr(Instance) call returns the pointer to the underlying field if the class inherits from SynCommons.TSynPersistent, but returns a pointer to nil if the class inherits from TPersistent or, interestingly, the exact copy of TSynPersistent. Could you help to comment why a pointer to nil is returned if the class inherits from TPersistent or, more interestingly, the exact copy of TSynPersistent ?
function TPropInfo.ClassFromJSON(Instance: TObject; From: PUTF8Char;
var Valid: boolean; Options: TJSONToObjectOptions): PUTF8Char;
if GetterIsField then
// no setter -> use direct in-memory access from getter (if available)
Field := GetterAddr(Instance) else
// no setter, nor direct field offset -> impossible to set the instance
result := JSONToObject(Field^,From,Valid,nil,Options);
For Delphi, TMemo now shows correct characters after calls of CurrentAnsiConvert routines are modified to be "symmetric".
procedure TMainForm.btnEncryptWrongClick(Sender: TObject);
Key: TSHA256Digest;
plain, cipher: RawByteString;
SHA256Weak(CurrentAnsiConvert.UTF8ToAnsi(StringToUTF8(AES_KEY)), Key);
plain := StringToUTF8(mmoPlain.Text);
cipher := SynCrypto.AES(Key, 256, plain, true);
// cipher := SynCrypto.AES(Key, 256, CurrentAnsiConvert.UTF8ToAnsi(plain), true);
mmoCipher.Text := UTF8ToString(BinToBase64(cipher));
procedure TMainForm.btnDecryptWrongClick(Sender: TObject);
Key: TSHA256Digest;
plain, cipher: RawByteString;
SHA256Weak(CurrentAnsiConvert.UTF8ToAnsi(StringToUTF8(AES_KEY)), Key);
cipher := Base64ToBin(StringToUTF8(mmoCipher.Text));
plain := SynCrypto.AES(Key, 256, cipher, false);
// plain := CurrentAnsiConvert.AnsiToUTF8(SynCrypto.AES(Key, 256, cipher, false)); // Calling of CurrentAnsiConvert routines has to be "symmetric"
mmoPlain.Text := UTF8ToString(plain);
However, for FPC (on Windows), TMemo displays some characters correctly but question marks for others... O_O Could you help to comment about the reason of this behavior and possible workaround ?
The updated test files can be viewed at … 1bad7f2974
I am trying to encrypt the content from the TMemo (Chinese characters), and then decrypt and show them. The data (bytes) seems to be the same after AES encryption/decryption, as can be seen by going to the address "plain[1]" in the Memory debug window. However, the TMemo cannot display the original/correct characters. Could you help to comment what is the correct way out here ? Many thanks ! O_O
PS: The situation is tested with Delphi 7 ( comment out type ChineseString = type Ansistring(936) ) and Delphi Tokyo.
PS: Under Delphi Tokyo, the line calling SHA256Weak generates complaint "W1058 Implicit string cast with potential data loss from 'string' to 'RawByteString'." I thought methods with RawByteString parameter are ready for any string argument... O_O Could you help to comment the correct way to call SHA256Weak ?
SynCommons, SynLog, SynCrypto;
TEST_KEY: string = 'TEST_KEY';
procedure TMainForm.btnEncryptClick(Sender: TObject);
Key: TSHA256Digest;
plain, cipher: RawByteString;
SHA256Weak(TEST_KEY, Key);
plain := StringToUTF8(mmoPlain.Text);
// mmoPlain.Text := UTF8ToString(plain);
// mmoPlain.Text := UTF8ToString(AnyAnsiToUTF8(plain));
// Exit;
cipher := SynCrypto.AES(Key, 256, plain, true);
mmoCipher.Text := UTF8ToString(BinToBase64(cipher));
ChineseString = type Ansistring(936); //
procedure TMainForm.btnDecryptClick(Sender: TObject);
Key: TSHA256Digest;
plain, cipher: RawByteString;
ChineseStr: ChineseString;
SHA256Weak(TEST_KEY, Key);
cipher := Base64ToBin(StringToUTF8(mmoCipher.Text));
plain := SynCrypto.AES(Key, 256, cipher, false);
mmoPlain.Text := UTF8ToString(AnyAnsiToUTF8(plain)); // Does not work
// mmoPlain.Text := UTF8ToString(CurrentAnsiConvert.AnsiToUTF8(plain)); // Does not work
// mmoPlain.Text := UTF8ToUnicodeString(CurrentAnsiConvert.AnsiToUTF8(plain)); // Does not work
// ChineseStr := UTF8ToString(AnyAnsiToUTF8(plain)); // Does not work
// mmoPlain.Text := ChineseStr;
// mmoPlain.Text := TEncoding.Default.GetString(TBytes(@plain[1])); // Does not work
The test files can be viewed at … 447137bcbb
Sorry. It seems that linking the Crt unit will drastically change how SynLog colorize the echoed log. For example, sllInfo level log will be bold instead of being ccWhite.
For me, it looks more natural to reset color to ccBlack instead of ccLightGray at the end of TSynLog.ConsoleEcho with Linux.
It seems NormVideo is not void ?
Procedure NormVideo;
Set normal back and foregroundcolors.
I just tried to add "Crt.NormVideo" at the end of the above .lpr under FPC and it worked.
Many thanks for your effort ! I will insert "Crt.NormVideo" at the end of .lpr under FPC
After searching the internet I am still not sure. For example, on some distributions the default terminal color is dependent on the "theme". Perhaps it is better to leave it as is...
Since normally the console color is black, could you consider to reset color to ccBlack instead of ccLightGray at the end of TSynLog.ConsoleEcho ?
Currently, if EchoToConsole is set to LOG_VERBOSE, the color of the prompt for the next command becomes from black to light gray, which seems odd...
program Project1;
SynCommons, SynLog;
procedure xx;
ILog: ISynLog;
SMethodName: string;
SMethodNameUTF8: RawUTF8;
SMethodName := 'enter xx';
SMethodNameUTF8 := StringToUTF8(SMethodName);
@ returns a pointer to a variable: @str is a pointer to the string pointer, not to the string content
@str[1] is a pointer to the first char, i.e., the pointer to the string content
Pointer() type-cast the variable to another type: hard-cast of a string variable as Pointer returns the pointer to the string content
// Does not work.
// ILog := TSynLog.Enter(nil, @SMethodNameUTF8);
// Either way works.
ILog := TSynLog.Enter(nil, @SMethodNameUTF8[1]);
// ILog := TSynLog.Enter(nil, Pointer(SMethodNameUTF8));
ILog.Log(sllWarning, 'hi xx');
with TSynLog.Family do
AutoFlushTimeOut := 1;
EchoToConsole := LOG_VERBOSE;
PerThreadLog := ptIdentifiedInOnFile;
RotateFileCount := 50;
RotateFileSizeKB := 20 * 1024; // rotate by 20 MB logs