#1 Re: PDF Engine » AddFromRichEdit - font style not preserved » 2011-07-13 17:46:25


I was doing it in almost identical way as in the example you pointed me to - but I realized that when using in production code, which is utilizing TJVRichEdit from JVCL library, the font styles are retained as they should be. I'll investigate further what are the diferencies and how it is working when using TntRichEdit. I'm just wondering why the preview is displaying everything correctly and in the PDF output from TRichEdit source styles are missing.

I forgot to mention that it's related to Delphi7 which I'm using for my projects.



#2 PDF Engine » AddFromRichEdit - font style not preserved » 2011-07-13 14:02:37

Replies: 3


I tried the synPDF and I must say it's wonderfull piece of code.

I tried it instead of PDF creator to save result of some electrical measurement. But I noted that the boldness (and possible other styles) from RTF aren't preserved. In the preview everything is OK, but in the resulting PDF there's everything from RichEdit without styling.

Manual output, using DrawText and other methods, where is the font.style property set manually, works fine. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, I tried include fonts in PDF and other things, but without effect. Only standard fonts and 'Symbol' font are used - the Symbol font seems not to be included too :-(

Part of the input file together with the whole testing source files and PDF output are stored on [http://web.spscv.cz/~kolousek/synPDF]

Thanks in advance for help of anyone here ...


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