#1 mORMot 1 » Error in TSQLDBConnection.NewTableFromRows » 2014-12-07 00:01:10

Replies: 1

While debugging my application I found an error in this function:

3972          for i := 0 to n-1 do
3973            if Fields[i].DBType=ftUnknown then
3974              Types[ i ] := ftInt64  // <=== was Types[ n ] ...
3975            else
3976              Types[ i ] := Fields[i].DBType;  // <=== was Types[ n ] ...
3977          Properties.GetTableNames(Tables);

The error meant that all field types were being left as ftUnknown and not being processed

I still have an error in my application when processing BLOBS...
I am importing a database from file into an in-memory database (opened with ':memory:' filename).
All records and fields are being imported correctly EXCEPT for blobs.
The blobs are saved using the SaveToRawByteString into a field defined as  fCustomPicture: TSQLRawBlob;
I can view the blob using an external SQLite3 db management tool, so I know it is saved correctly.

When the NewTableFromRows function processes that field it thinks the column type is ftUTF8 and I end up with content in that field like "PNG
" which is not recognised as a blob and causes errors when trying to retrieve it.

Should the field type be ftBlob and there is an error in the routine?  Or am I doing something wrong?

My code is copied from sample12:

  if aSourceFileName <> '' then
    ExcludeTypes := [];
    SourceProp := TSQLDBSQLite3ConnectionProperties.Create(StringToUTF8(aSourceFileName),'','','');
    TargetProp   := TSQLDBSQLite3ConnectionProperties.Create(TSQLRestServerDB(aDestDB).DB);
      TargetConn := TargetProp.MainConnection as TSQLDBSQLite3Connection;
        TargetConn.DB.ExecuteAll('PRAGMA journal_mode=MEMORY;PRAGMA journal_size_limit=16777216;'+'PRAGMA synchronous=OFF;');
        TSQLRestClientURI(SourceProp.MainConnection).ForceBlobTransfert := true;
        TSQLRestClientURI(TargetConn).ForceBlobTransfert := true;
        TableList  := TStringList.Create;
          TableList.CommaText := UTF8ToString(RawUTF8ArrayToCSV(Tables,#13#10));
          for i := 0 to TableList.Count - 1 do
            SQL := format('SELECT * FROM %s',[TableList.Strings[i]]);
            rows := SourceProp.NewThreadSafeStatement;
              result := TargetConn.NewTableFromRows(S2U(TableList.Strings[i]),Rows,true); 

#2 Re: mORMot 1 » SQLite database in TMemoryStream » 2011-09-30 02:49:23

I'm using mORMot as an application file (like a document in a word-processor) and would also like to have the functionallity of copying a database between disk and memory.  Could you please let us know if you get this working.

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