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OK, my idea is like this:
We could search directly using sql query such as:
select a.ID from Customer a where a.Licenses containing 'UserName:"AA"'
I don't know how fast can we search inside the blob. But based on my experience, it will not too fast. But at least it works.
OK, in the mean while, I think I should use One to Many relations first.
Is there anything I can do to help?
I have read the SAD forward and backward but I couldn't find the answer.
I have class like this:
TLicense = class( TCollectionItem)
FUserName : TTextProperty;
FPassword : TTextProperty;
FActive : Boolean;
property UserName : TTextProperty read FUserName write FUserName;
property Password : TTextProperty read FPassword write FPassword;
property Active : Boolean read FActive write FActive;
TLicenses = class(TCollection)
property Detail[index:Integer]:TLicense read GetDetail; default;
TSQLCustomer = class(TSQLStandardRecord)
FLicenses : TLicenses;
constructor Create; override;
destructor Destroy; override;
property Name:TTextProperty read FName write FName;
property Licenses : TLicenses read FLicenses write FLicenses;
I have already been able to append a record. Now I would like to search all the Customer that have licenses.UserName = 'AA'.
My code is:
Client.OneFieldValues( TSQLCustomer, 'ID', 'RawUTF8DynArrayContainsCase(UserName,:("AA"):)', Data);
CheckEquals( 1, Length(Data));
Unfortunately, the Check fails because the query returns nothing.
Is there anything I have done wrong?
What is the right way to search in Collection?
Thanks in advance,
Pages: 1