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Pages: 1
QuickReports printed in Landscape?
I'm using Delphi 6 Enterprise, with exactly the same requirement to export QuickReports to PDF.
But I can't get the PDF to print in Landscape. I've searched the site and looked through the code. It just doesn't work for me.
The code above works great for portrait printing to PDF though. And looks Excellent.
Re: Memory Leak
Thank you Sir Rufo and Mr. Administrator
I found a way that works:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
pic: TPngImage;
pic := TPngImage.Create;
img1.Picture.Bitmap := pic.ToBitmap;
This works just fine - thank you! (Using Delphi 6 Enterprise - All updates loaded)
I'm just a bit disapointed that it doesn't work the way you say it does...
Problem using SynGDI+
You state: By adding the SynGdiPlus unit to your uses clause, some new TGraphic descendants are registered in your application to load GIF, TIF, PNG and JPG pictures. Use TPicture.LoadFromFile() method with the right extension, and the corresponding decoder will be used.
I used your TestSynGdiPlus app (works fine for .emf files), and dropped a Button on the form.
In the ButtonClick, I Add this:
and I get the following error:
Unknown picture file extension (.png)
What am I doing wrong?
Pages: 1