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Pages: 1
AB, Your code work as intended. I did a new project with only a button and a TImage and it worked as you pointed.
After inspecting my project where I am creating the TImage on runtime I found my error and now I can use what I expected:
and it is working !
Thank you for you help
I have the same result.
No error in the process but the image does not render in the container canvas ( a TPanel ). Any other idea ?
I am trying to use the SynGDIPlus in Delphi7 and Win7 to load a jpg file but I can´t do it work.
First I tried
Image.Picture.Bitmap := jpg.Bitmap
After I tried to undefine the NOTSYNPICTUREREGISTER and use
In both cases, no error given but the image don´t renderize anything on screen.
If I use the original TJPEGImage and use this code, it works
Any clues ?
Pages: 1