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Yes, it does.
Thank you.
I'm talking about TDynArray.Find(const Elem; const aIndex: TIntegerDynArray; aCompare: TDynArraySortCompare): integer;
According to the comments above the declaration in SynCommon.pas Find should return the index of Elem.
/// search for an element value inside the dynamic array, from an external
// indexed lookup table
// - return the index found (0..Count-1), or -1 if Elem was not found
// - this method will use a custom comparison function, with an external
// integer table, as created by the CreateOrderedIndex() method: it allows
// multiple search orders in the same dynamic array content
// - if an indexed lookup is supplied, it must already be sorted:
// this function will then use fast binary search
// - if an indexed lookup is not supplied (i.e aIndex=nil),
// this function will use slower but accurate iterating search
// - warning; the lookup index should be synchronized if array content
// is modified (in case of adding or deletion)
The array is sorted on one way. An external lookup table is sorted on otherway with CreateOrderdIndex() method. I manually set to 0 the length of the external lookup table before each CreateOrderedIndex() call to be sure that external index is correctly synchronized with array content.
Then, when I use the indexed lookup table, 2 cases occur :
- If DynArray.Count <= 11, Find(Elem, aIndex, aCompare) uses iterating search (because of the n>10 condition), the result is the index found as described in comments.
function TDynArray.Find(const Elem; const aIndex: TIntegerDynArray;
aCompare: TDynArraySortCompare): integer;
var n, L, cmp: integer;
P: PAnsiChar;
n := Count;
if (@aCompare<>nil) and (n>0) then begin
P := fValue^;
if (n>10) and (length(aIndex)>n) then begin
// array should be sorted -> use fast binary search
end else
// array is not sorted -> use iterating search
result := -1;
- If DynArray.Count > 11, Find(Elem, aIndex, aCompare) uses binary search over aIndex and te result is the index IN the external lookup table which is not consistent with comments nor documentation.
function TDynArray.Find(const Elem; const aIndex: TIntegerDynArray;
aCompare: TDynArraySortCompare): integer;
result := (L+n) shr 1;
cmp := aCompare(P[cardinal(aIndex[result])*ElemSize],Elem);
if cmp=0 then
IMHO, result should be aIndex[result] in the last case to be consistent with comments and documentation.
Did I miss something ?
It seems there is a bug in the Find function when supplying an index and a compare function.
If Count > 11, the result is the position in the supplied index array (aIndex).
If Count <= 11, the result is the position in the wrapped array (fValue).
The result is inconsistent whereas parameters are the same modulo the lenght of the wrapped array.
function TDynArray.Find(const Elem; const aIndex: TIntegerDynArray;
aCompare: TDynArraySortCompare): integer;
var n, L, cmp: integer;
P: PAnsiChar;
n := Count;
if (@aCompare<>nil) and (n>0) then begin
P := fValue^;
if (n>10) and (length(aIndex)>n) then begin
// array should be sorted -> use fast binary search
L := 0;
result := (L+n) shr 1;
cmp := aCompare(P[cardinal(aIndex[result])*ElemSize],Elem);
if cmp=0 then
if cmp<0 then
L := result+1 else
n := result-1;
until L>n;
end else
// array is not sorted -> use iterating search
for result := 0 to n do
if aCompare(P^,Elem)=0 then
exit else
result := -1;
Considering all the FindAnd*** functions, I'm not sure about what should be the value returned by the function.
As far as I'm concerned, in some cases, I also need a function that gives the position in the index array.
By the way, thank you for your great job.
Pages: 1