#1 Re: PDF Engine » Drawing Tables in PDF using SynPDF » 2012-06-12 18:12:55

Yes this is what i exactly need smile
Thanks !

btw, can i add a user password / owner password to the PDF and change the user permissions [ReadOnly/CopyOnly] etc ?
Using synpdf that is

#2 PDF Engine » Drawing Tables in PDF using SynPDF » 2012-06-12 16:22:16

Replies: 4

I need to generate a PDF report which would contain a table.
It would also contain some header text which would be repeated on every new page.
I just want to know if i can add a table to the PDF using Synpdf library.
I am new to Delphi and synpdf.
Please find the sample pdf file here : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/174941/Sample.pdf

Thanks !

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