#1 Re: mORMot 1 » Accessing all REST methods with an ApiKey » 2014-01-24 08:17:04

Alex, if you send me your email address, i'll mail the units for CRC32 and SHA256 to you

#2 Re: mORMot 1 » Accessing all REST methods with an ApiKey » 2014-01-21 11:35:58

I have managed to create a VBA method that authenticates to a REST server, it stores the resulting PrivateHash, SessionID etc in global vars:

Option Explicit

  Dim gSessionIDasHex As String
  Dim gPrivateSaltHash As Long
  Dim gPreviousTix As Long

'Format number as a 4 Byte hex
Private Function To4ByteHex(aNr As Long) As String

  Dim AsHex As String
  AsHex = Hex(aNr)
  To4ByteHex = Right("00000000" + AsHex, 8)
End Function

Private Function Authenticate(ByVal aServer, aModel As String, ByVal aUsername, aPassword As String) As Boolean

  Dim MyRequest As WinHttpRequest
  Dim Response As String
  Dim ServerNonce As String
  Dim PasswordHashHexa As String
  Dim SessionPassWordSha256 As String
  Dim ClientNonce As String
  Dim s, i As Integer
  Set MyRequest = New WinHttpRequest
  gSessionID = 0
  gSessionIDasHex = ""
  gPrivateSaltHash = 0
  'First request ServerNonce for username
  MyRequest.Open "GET", aServer + "/" + aModel + "/Auth?username=" + aUsername
  If MyRequest.Status <> 200 Then
    Debug.Print MyRequest.ResponseText
    Authenticate = False
    Response = MyRequest.ResponseText
    'Authenticate and create session
    ServerNonce = Mid(Response, InStr(Response, ":") + 2, 64)
    ClientNonce = SHA256("TestingCLient")
    PasswordHashHexa = SHA256("salt" + aPassword)
    SessionPassWordSha256 = SHA256(aModel + ServerNonce + ClientNonce + aUsername + PasswordHashHexa)
    MyRequest.Open "GET", aServer + "/" + aModel + "/auth?userName=" + aUsername + "&PassWord=" + SessionPassWordSha256 + "&ClientNonce=" + ClientNonce
    If MyRequest.Status <> 200 Then
      Debug.Print MyRequest.ResponseText
      Authenticate = False
      s = InStr(MyRequest.ResponseText, ":")
      i = InStr(MyRequest.ResponseText, ",")
      'gPrivateSalt is "<SessionID>+<PrivateKey>"
      gPrivateSalt = Mid(MyRequest.ResponseText, s + 2, i - s - 3)
      i = InStr(gPrivateSalt, "+")
      gSessionID = Val(Left(gPrivateSalt, i - 1))
      gSessionIDasHex = To4ByteHex(gSessionID)
      gPrivateSaltHash = AddCrc32(PasswordHashHexa, AddCrc32(gPrivateSalt))
      Authenticate = True
    End If
  End If
End Function

After authenticating, yu can use the folliwng sub to append the needed signature to the url

'Construct the signature to add to the url,
Public Function SignUrl(Url As String) As String
  SignUrl = SignUrlEx(Url, gSessionIDasHex, gPrivateSaltHash)
End Function

Public Function SignUrlEx(ByVal Url As String, ByVal SessionIDAsHex As String, ByVal PrivateSaltHash As Long) As String

Dim Sig As String
Dim Tix As Long
Dim Timestamp As String

  Sig = "session_signature=" + SessionIDAsHex
  Tix = Timer * 100
  '//Must be larger then prvious request
  If Tix <= gPreviousTix Then
    Tix = gPreviousTix + 1
  End If
  gPreviousTix = Tix
  Timestamp = To4ByteHex(Tix)
  Sig = Sig + Timestamp
  Sig = Sig + To4ByteHex(GetCrc32(AddCrc32(Url, AddCrc32(Timestamp, PrivateSaltHash))))
  If InStr(Url, "?") > 0 Then
    SignUrlEx = Url + "&" + Sig
    SignUrlEx = Url + "?" + Sig
  End If
End Function

So you can test this with the following sub:

Public Sub TestUrl()
  Dim MyRequest As WinHttpRequest
  Dim Response As String
  Dim Server As String
  Dim Model As String
  Dim Url As String
  Set MyRequest = New WinHttpRequest
  Server = "http://localhost:8080"
  Model = "root"
  If Authenticate(Server, Model, "User", "synopse") Then
    Url = Model + "/SampleRecord"
    MyRequest.Open "Get", Server + "/" + SignUrl(Url)
    Debug.Print MyRequest.ResponseText
    Url = Model + "/SampleRecord/2"
    MyRequest.Open "Get", Server + "/" + SignUrl(Url)
    Debug.Print MyRequest.ResponseText
  End If
End Sub

If you need them I can give you the CRC32 and Sha256 methods too, just let me know.

#3 Re: mORMot 1 » Calling interface method through REST doesn't allow named parameters » 2014-01-17 12:18:11

Ohh .. never mind ...

I was reading the (always updated) manual, but using outdated software

#4 mORMot 1 » Calling interface method through REST doesn't allow named parameters » 2014-01-17 12:12:25

Replies: 2

Reading the SAD on page 300 (paragraph it states:"

As an alternative, you can encode and name the parameters at URI level, in a regular HTML fashion:
GET root/Calculator.Add?n1=1&n2=2
Since parameters are named, they can be in any order. And if any parameter is missing, it will be
replaced by its default value (e.g. 0 for a number or '' for a string).

This doesn't seem to work, tracing the call from the RestServer gives the following callstack


Looking at line 34544 the TServiceMethod.InternalExecute() clearly only accepts parameters starting with a '['

#5 mORMot 1 » Accessing all REST methods with an ApiKey » 2014-01-17 09:40:11

Replies: 10

We are investigating the possibilities of accessing data in our server application from within Excel, especially using PowerQuery.
We did manage to use normal authentication scheme from Mormot by writing VBA functions to handle the comminication and the calculation the session_signature parameter. Sadly, there is no way from PowerQuery to call VBA functions. Probably has to do with the possibility to store theses sheets on the cloud, where powerQueries can still be executed, but VBA methods cannot.

Main problem is the fact that (with the same REST command) the actual URI will be different every time because it must contain the (ever increasing) timestamp.

A widely spread alternative way to access data via REST is to use an ApiKey as a kind of special password. We want to implement this using a special call to ask the server for a ApiKey for a specific user (stored in the TSQLAuthUser table), which will timeout when not used for some time. As long as the timeout has not expired, the ApiKey can be used as a parameter in the URI and provide authentication.


This call will return a valid ApiKey (when the credentials check out of course). With this Apikey all other available REST command should now be available (without any additional registration of published methods or interfaces) by calling them like this:


What would be the best/easiest/most robust way to implement this?

Note: To provide extra security use of https would be advised of course, but that is irrelevant to the concept

#6 Re: mORMot 1 » How to retrieve data from TSQLRestserver from Excel Power Query? » 2014-01-09 12:45:21

Guess you misunderstood my question. We are trying to get the data from a Mormot TSQLRestServer into Excel 2013, and then use Excel PowerQuery and powerView to analyze the data report on it

#7 mORMot 1 » How to retrieve data from TSQLRestserver from Excel Power Query? » 2014-01-07 08:52:41

Replies: 2

We are investigating the possibilities to use Excel 2013 Power Query (and Pivot, Map etc) as the reporting and dashboard tool for our applications data.
Main aspect of course is how to retrieve the data made available by our server application via a TSQLRest service and store it in the Excel data model, maybe even share it via Office365. Another challenge would be to find a way to write changing parameters from the Excel sheet PowerQueries into our

Using TestProject04 we have been able to retrieve data from the HTTP server using power queries "From Web" function and normal URLs like http://localhost:8080/root/SampleRecord but this seem to only work when authentication is disabled. Can this method be used when authentication is enabled?

Using ODATA would be another possibility, but reading the posts on this subject on this forum I understand that AB is not a great supporter of that "standard"

Anybody any tips on how to accomplish this?


#9 mORMot 1 » Using TSQLVirtualtablelog with ORM » 2013-02-20 15:30:25

Replies: 4

I'v defined a TSynLog in our server application, and would like to be able to retrieve the logged records from our client application using ORM and the TSQLRecordLogFile definition.

How can this be achieved?

#10 mORMot 1 » Compile errors in MormotDB.pas with last commit » 2013-01-23 08:02:08

Replies: 1

After downloading your last commit, implementing ISQLDBStatement i get compile errors in MormotDB:

[dcc32 Error] mORMotDB.pas(881): E2010 Incompatible types: 'TSQLDBStatement' and 'ISQLDBStatement'
[dcc32 Error] mORMotDB.pas(1113): E2010 Incompatible types: 'TSQLDBStatement' and 'ISQLDBStatement'
[dcc32 Error] mORMotDB.pas(1169): E2010 Incompatible types: 'TSQLDBStatement' and 'ISQLDBStatement'
[dcc32 Error] mORMotDB.pas(1211): E2010 Incompatible types: 'TSQLDBStatement' and 'ISQLDBStatement'
[dcc32 Error] mORMotDB.pas(1231): E2010 Incompatible types: 'TSQLDBStatement' and 'ISQLDBStatement'

Cause by variable Query declared as TSQLDBStatement in stead of ISQLDBstatement

Ticket: http://synopse.info/fossil/tktview/4332 … f207c1a1e6

After changing all TSQLDBstatement declarations to ISQLDBstatment, I'm also getting lots of access violations in the selftests, part 2.7 External Database  .. maybe you have forgotten to commit one or two changes?


mORMotSQLite3.TSQLRestServerDB.EngineList('SELECT RowID,FirstName,LastName,YearOfBirth,YearOfDeath,LastChange,CreatedAt FROM PeopleExt WHERE RowID=:(1):;',True,nil)
mORMotSQLite3.TSQLRestClientDB.InternalURI('root/PeopleExt/1','GET',$18FCB8 {''},nil {''},nil {''})
mORMot.TSQLRestClientURI.URI('root/PeopleExt/1','GET',$18FCB8 {''},nil {''},nil {''})

#11 Re: mORMot 1 » Writing a TCollection to a TEXT field is not retrieved correctly » 2013-01-21 14:50:39

Again .. we managed to create our own problems here hahaha

The above problem was caused by the TSQLDBNexusDBStatement.ColumnTypeNativeToDB() implementation. There the DB types ftMemo which is used for unindexed UTF8 fields was mapped to SynDB.ftBlob in stead to SynDB.ftUTF8 ...

Does raise the question why these Object serializations into TEXT fields are always read by default (unlike regular Blob fields).. a serialized collection can get  quite large ..

#12 mORMot 1 » Writing a TCollection to a TEXT field is not retrieved correctly » 2013-01-21 13:54:48

Replies: 2

I have created a TSQLRecord with a TInterfaceCollection as one of its published properties.
When this property is written to the underlying database (our own NexusDB implementation in this case) it results in a neat JSON string


When i try to retrieve a record from this model, it does not work anymore :-(
The JSONToObject function in Mormot.pas is called from TSQLPropInfoRTTIObject.SetValue with the following value of From:


As far as i can see this is the result after calling WRBase64() in the Writer, and this is not reversed when reading.

There was another strange thing I noticed while debugging this:

When TSQLRecordProperties.Create() is called, fields with an SQLFieldType of sftObject are handled as a SimpleField, but they are actually stored as a TEXT field (Blob Memo in the case of our NexusDB implementation). Doesnt this create problems when reading back, as I had expected these properties of unknown size to be read only after calling RetrieveBlobFields()... ?


#13 Re: mORMot 1 » Why is TCollection stored as Widestring(4000) » 2013-01-18 10:56:52

Mmm been complaining here too soon :-( ...
was caused by our own implementation for the NexusDB


#14 mORMot 1 » Why is TCollection stored as Widestring(4000) » 2013-01-18 10:04:15

Replies: 1

If I define a published TCollection property in a TSQLRecord, the corresponding field will be created as a Widestring(4000). This limits the number of items the collection can contain.

Is there a special reason why a collection is not stored as a TEXT or BLOB field?

#16 Re: mORMot 1 » Storing a derived instance of TPersistent in TSQLrecord » 2013-01-14 12:20:56

Mmm .. too bad :-(
That will force us to go back to the Delphi streaming system

#17 Re: mORMot 1 » Reading TCollection property of TSQLRecord does not read all items » 2013-01-14 11:18:09

Further investigation learns that reading of the collection end in error when the TValColItem.AttributeDef value is read from the JSON stream.
To be more precise, the following call in mORMot.pas line 25742 results in nil


The definition of TWBDynAttributeDef:

  TWBDynAttributeDef = class(TLCSDataObject, IWBDynAttributeDef) {TLCSDataObject is derived from TPersistent}
    FDisplayName: string;
    FName: string;
    FWBAttributeClass: string;
    function GetAttribClass: string;
    function GetName: string;
    procedure SetAttribClass(const aValue: string);
    procedure SetName(const aValue: string);
    property DisplayName: string read FDisplayName write FDisplayName;
    property Name: string read GetName write SetName;
    property WBAttributeClass: string read GetAttribClass write SetAttribClass;

#18 mORMot 1 » Storing a derived instance of TPersistent in TSQLrecord » 2013-01-14 09:44:34

Replies: 3

A question I have is, what happens when you use some TPersistent in TSQLRecord, and you assign and object for an inherited class to it.

TMyPersistent = class(TPersistent)
    FName: String;
    Name: string read Fname write Fname;

TMyDerived = class(TMyPersistent)
    FAddress: string;
    Address: String read FAddress write FAddress;

TMyRecord = class(TSQLRecord)
    FPers: TMyPersistent;
   Pers: TMyPersistent read FPers write FPers;

What happens when i assign a instance of TMyDerived to TMyRecord.Pers and write that to a database? Will the Address property be written to?
What happens when i read TMyRecord back from the database? Will it create an TMyPersistent object or a TMyDerived object?

#19 mORMot 1 » Reading TCollection property of TSQLRecord does not read all items » 2013-01-14 09:33:48

Replies: 5

I have created a TSQLRecord class which contains a TCollection as one of its properties.In my test the Collection contains two items.

TSQLWorkbaseObject = class(TSQLWorkbaseBaseObject)

  TValueColItem = class(TCollectionItem)
      Fname: RawUTF8;
      FAttrDef: TWBDynAttributeDef;
      FValue: TLCSDataObject;
      property Name: RawUTF8 index 50 read FName write FName;
      property AttributeDef: TWBDynAttributeDef read FAttrDef write FAttrDef;
      property ValueObject: TLCSDataObject read FValue write FValue;

  TValueCollection = class(TCollection)
      function GetCollItem(Index: Integer): TValueColItem;
      function Add: TValueColItem;
      property ItemIndex: Integer: TValueColItem read GetCollItem; default;

    FImplementerClassCode: RawUTF8;
    FName: RawUTF8;
    FWBID: TSQLRecordID;
    FValCol: TValueCollection;
    constructor Create; override;
    destructor Destroy; override;
    property ImplementerClassCode:RawUTF8 index 8 read FImplementerClassCode write FImplementerClassCode;
    property WorkbaseObjectID: TSQLRecordID read FWBID write FWBID stored false; //Unique!!
    property Name: RawUTF8 index 50 read FName write FName;
    property ValueList: TValueCollection read FValCol write FValCol;

Writing the collection seems to go well, resulting in the following JSON value:

'[{"Name":"ValueName1","AttributeDef":{"DisplayName":"","Name":"ValueName1","WBAttributeClass":"TLCSSimpleValue"},"ValueObject":{"AsString":"Dit is een tekstje"}},

When the collection is read back by JSONToObject it only reads one of the items ...

Also registered as ticket: http://synopse.info/fossil/info/f99c86b1ac

#20 Re: mORMot 1 » TSQLRestClient.Add(Rec, true, true) does not work » 2013-01-07 09:33:09

Any progress on ticket 3c4146259476d06c76e5850f522ea3d093f89355?

#23 mORMot 1 » TSQLRestClient.Add(Rec, true, true) does not work » 2012-12-18 16:34:58

Replies: 7

Trying to add records with an pre-filled ID, by calling

  TSQLRestClient.Add(Rec, true, true);

But they are still inserted with a ID generated by a call to EngineLockedNextID.

Probable cause, the following line (MormotDB.pas, line 864) is always used when not in Batch mode

    result := ExecuteFromJSON(SentData,0); // UpdatedID=0 -> insert with EngineLockedNextID


Mormot_D17.mORMot.TJSONObjectDecoder.Decode('"RowID":720,"ModTime":135071471049,"Name":"PietjePuck 7","Question":"{80722197-6E21-494F-A8E3-423B42A4A168}","Address_":"Parklaan 23","PostalCode":"2347BC","City":"Nuenen","Datum":"2012-05-07","FloatNumber":7,"IntNumber":2147490647,"CurrencyNumber":255.70}',(),pNonQuoted,7,True)
Mormot_D17.mORMot.TJSONObjectDecoder.Decode('{"RowID":720,"ModTime":135071471049,"Name":"PietjePuck 7","Question":"{80722197-6E21-494F-A8E3-423B42A4A168}","Address_":"Parklaan 23","PostalCode":"2347BC","City":"Nuenen","Datum":"2012-05-07","FloatNumber":7,"IntNumber":2147490647,"CurrencyNumber":255.70}',(),pNonQuoted,7,True)
Mormot_D17.mORMotDB.TSQLRestServerStaticExternal.ExecuteFromJSON('{"RowID":720,"ModTime":135071471049,"Name":"PietjePuck 7","Question":"{80722197-6E21-494F-A8E3-423B42A4A168}","Address_":"Parklaan 23","PostalCode":"2347BC","City":"Nuenen","Datum":"2012-05-07","FloatNumber":7,"IntNumber":2147490647,"CurrencyNumber":255.70}',0)
Mormot_D17.mORMotDB.TSQLRestServerStaticExternal.EngineAdd(TSQLUnitTestSampleRecord,'{"RowID":720,"ModTime":135071471049,"Name":"PietjePuck 7","Question":"{80722197-6E21-494F-A8E3-423B42A4A168}","Address_":"Parklaan 23","PostalCode":"2347BC","City":"Nuenen","Datum":"2012-05-07","FloatNumber":7,"IntNumber":2147490647,"CurrencyNumber":255.70}')
Mormot_D17.mORMotSQLite3.TSQLRestClientDB.InternalURI('root/UnitTestSampleRecord','POST',nil {''},$18F3F0 {''},$18F3FC {'{"RowID":720,"ModTime":135071471049,"Name":"PietjePuck 7","Question":"{80722197-6E21-494F-A8E3-423B42A4A168}","Address_":"Parklaan 23","PostalCode":"2347BC","City":"Nuenen","Datum":"2012-05-07","FloatNumber":7,"IntNumber":2147490647,"CurrencyNumber":255.70}'})
Mormot_D17.mORMot.TSQLRestClientURI.URI('root/UnitTestSampleRecord','POST',nil {''},$18F3F0 {''},$18F3FC {'{"RowID":720,"ModTime":135071471049,"Name":"PietjePuck 7","Question":"{80722197-6E21-494F-A8E3-423B42A4A168}","Address_":"Parklaan 23","PostalCode":"2347BC","City":"Nuenen","Datum":"2012-05-07","FloatNumber":7,"IntNumber":2147490647,"CurrencyNumber":255.70}'})
Mormot_D17.mORMot.TSQLRestClientURI.EngineAdd(TSQLUnitTestSampleRecord,'{"RowID":720,"ModTime":135071471049,"Name":"PietjePuck 7","Question":"{80722197-6E21-494F-A8E3-423B42A4A168}","Address_":"Parklaan 23","PostalCode":"2347BC","City":"Nuenen","Datum":"2012-05-07","FloatNumber":7,"IntNumber":2147490647,"CurrencyNumber":255.70}')

#24 Re: mORMot 1 » Compiler errors if UNICODE since 2012-11-14 version » 2012-11-15 13:39:35

Thanks, think you forgot this one:

[dcc32 Error] SynCommons.pas(18094): E2034 Too many actual parameters

Line 18094 should be:

GetVariantFromJSON(Val,wasString,Value{$ifndef UNICODE},ForceWideString{$endif});

#25 mORMot 1 » Compiler errors if UNICODE since 2012-11-14 version » 2012-11-15 11:56:06

Replies: 3

Updated this morning and running into all kinds of compiler errors of code segments inside {$ifdef UNICODE} directives:

[dcc32 Error] SynCommons.pas(8756): E2029 '(' expected but ')' found
[dcc32 Error] SynCommons.pas(8757): E2029 Expression expected but 'END' found
[dcc32 Error] SynCommons.pas(18094): E2034 Too many actual parameters
[dcc32 Fatal Error] mORMot_D17.dpk(38): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'SynCommons.pas'

[dcc32 Error] SQLite3Commons.pas(2682): E2137 Method 'SameValue' not found in base class
[dcc32 Error] SQLite3Commons.pas(10890): E2037 Declaration of 'CompareValue' differs from previous declaration
[dcc32 Error] SQLite3Commons.pas(11041): E2037 Declaration of 'CompareValue' differs from previous declaration
[dcc32 Error] SQLite3Commons.pas(11229): E2037 Declaration of 'CompareValue' differs from previous declaration
[dcc32 Error] SQLite3Commons.pas(11310): E2037 Declaration of 'CompareValue' differs from previous declaration
[dcc32 Error] SQLite3Commons.pas(11381): E2037 Declaration of 'CompareValue' differs from previous declaration
[dcc32 Error] SQLite3Commons.pas(11574): E2037 Declaration of 'CompareValue' differs from previous declaration
[dcc32 Error] SQLite3Commons.pas(11637): E2037 Declaration of 'CompareValue' differs from previous declaration
[dcc32 Error] SQLite3Commons.pas(11683): E2037 Declaration of 'CompareValue' differs from previous declaration
[dcc32 Error] SQLite3Commons.pas(11732): E2037 Declaration of 'CompareValue' differs from previous declaration
[dcc32 Error] SQLite3Commons.pas(11781): E2037 Declaration of 'CompareValue' differs from previous declaration
[dcc32 Error] SQLite3Commons.pas(12004): E2037 Declaration of 'CompareValue' differs from previous declaration
[dcc32 Error] SQLite3Commons.pas(12120): E2037 Declaration of 'CompareValue' differs from previous declaration
[dcc32 Error] SQLite3Commons.pas(12255): E2037 Declaration of 'CompareValue' differs from previous declaration
[dcc32 Error] SQLite3Commons.pas(12358): E2037 Declaration of 'CompareValue' differs from previous declaration

#26 mORMot 1 » Error when creating a table with UTF8String property » 2012-10-29 10:45:44

Replies: 1

I donwloaded the lastest version (2012-10-28) and running our own unittests i get the following error:

EORMException: Unhanled type for property Name

Besides the typo in "Unhanled" .. i don't understand why this exception occurs, as the published property is "just" a UTF8String that hasnt changed.

A copy of the local variables at the moment the exception is raised (TSQLPropInfoRTTI.CreateFrom(), line 19913) shown below:

Name		Value
Self		TSQLPropInfoRTTI
aPropInfo		$3401F36
	PropType	$340E94C
	GetProc	-16777196
	SetProc	-16777196
	StoredProc	1
	Index	50
	Default	0
	NameIndex	1
	Name	'Name'
Result		('ModTime', sftModTime, [], -2147483648)
aSQLFieldType		sftAnsiText
aType		$50032E24
	Kind	tkLString
	Name	'UTF8String'
C		nil

#27 Re: Low level and performance » Circular reference and zeroing weak pointers » 2012-10-23 15:28:23

How can i use this SetWeakZero if I have a TDictionary<integer, IInterface> as i need some reference to the Interfacefield and TDictionary.AddOrSetValue....

#28 Re: mORMot 1 » Batchsending an empty batch results in error 400 » 2012-10-18 06:57:09

Thanks for the fix!

Why not add a unittest for this particular problem so the test will ensure it will keep working in the future:

Synselftest.pas, line 4400

        Client2 := TSQLRestClientDB.Create(Model,nil,'testpass.db3',TSQLRestServerDB,false,password);
          Client2.Server.DB.Synchronous := smOff;
          Client2.Server.DB.WALMode := true;

#29 Re: mORMot 1 » Batchsending an empty batch results in error 400 » 2012-10-16 11:52:54

TSQLRestClientURI.BatchSend() really cannot cope with empty Batches, so I guess an enhancement is needed here:

Line 17810:

    if fBatchCount = 0 then begin // Nothing to send
      result := HTML_SUCCESS;


#30 mORMot 1 » Batchsending an empty batch results in error 400 » 2012-10-16 10:18:06

Replies: 4

We've created a unittest setting up a RestServer and a RestClient, when we start a batch on the client, and immediately after issue BatchSend the return value is 400 ...

procedure TLCSServerSessionTestBase.TestEmptyBatchSend;
  Ida: TIntegerDynArray;
  Check(SQLWorkbaseRestClient.BatchStart(TSQLWorkbaseObject),'BatchStart failed');
  CheckEquals(HTML_SUCCESS,SQLWorkbaseRestClient.BatchSend(Ida),'Empty BatchSend failed'); // FAILS, RETURN VALUE = 400

This same thing happens when we use Http, NamedPipe, or Messages

Is this designed behavior? We would think that sending an empty batch is not an error, even though it is not very efficient ;-)


I added a new Test to TTestExternalDatabase.CryptedDatabase, and this one fails too!

        Client2 := TSQLRestClientDB.Create(Model,nil,'testpass.db3',TSQLRestServerDB,false,password);
          Client2.Server.DB.Synchronous := smOff;
          Client2.Server.DB.WALMode := true;
          while False do begin

#31 Re: mORMot 1 » TestSQL3 test 2.5 - Admin rights needed to register URL root » 2012-10-11 12:20:02

Like i said, i registerd the needed urls in the registry with  THttpApiServer.AddUrlAuthorize('root',  '888', false);

but as it turns out .. i forgot the last parameter '+'

#32 mORMot 1 » TestSQL3 test 2.5 - Admin rights needed to register URL root » 2012-10-11 11:10:32

Replies: 2

Trying to the TestSQL3 executable, registered needed urls in the registry, but i still get the error whith every assertion in test 2.5:

TSQLLite3HttpServer.Create: Impossible to register URL (administrator rights needed) for root.

I even manually changed the right in the registry where the url was registerd, but no luck so far..

What am i doing wrong???

#33 mORMot 1 » MSSQL via ODBC: Datetime field overflow (0) » 2012-09-14 12:03:22

Replies: 0

When i'm trying to add a record to my table in MS SQL (2008) server via ODBC i get the following message

[22008] [Micrsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Datetime field overflow (0)

The field involved is a Tdatetime field, created as a datetime field in the external SQL-table, and the value assigned to it is now()


SQLite3DB.TSQLRestServerStaticExternal.ExecuteFromJSON('{"ModTime":135058350095,"Name":"Hans Hasenack 0","Question":"{7DFAE7C2-C6F0-40D9-8D05-AA2A835A359C}","Address_":"Dit is het adres laan, 23","PostalCode":"1234AA","City":"Nijmegen","Datum":"2012-09-14T14:00:15","FloatNumber":0,"IntNumber":0,"CurrencyNumber":0}',0)
SQLite3DB.TSQLRestServerStaticExternal.EngineAdd(TSQLUnitTestSampleRecord,'{"ModTime":135058350095,"Name":"Hans Hasenack 0","Question":"{7DFAE7C2-C6F0-40D9-8D05-AA2A835A359C}","Address_":"Dit is het adres laan, 23","PostalCode":"1234AA","City":"Nijmegen","Datum":"2012-09-14T14:00:15","FloatNumber":0,"IntNumber":0,"CurrencyNumber":0}')
SQLite3Commons.TSQLRestServer.URI('root/UnitTestSampleRecord','POST','{"ModTime":135058350095,"Name":"Hans Hasenack 0","Question":"{7DFAE7C2-C6F0-40D9-8D05-AA2A835A359C}","Address_":"Dit is het adres laan, 23","PostalCode":"1234AA","City":"Nijmegen","Datum":"2012-09-14T14:00:15","FloatNumber":0,"IntNumber":0,"CurrencyNumber":0}','','',$9A164D)
SQLite3.TSQLRestClientDB.InternalURI('root/UnitTestSampleRecord','POST',$18F4BC {''},$18F568 {''},$18F574 {'{"ModTime":135058350095,"Name":"Hans Hasenack 0","Question":"{7DFAE7C2-C6F0-40D9-8D05-AA2A835A359C}","Address_":"Dit is het adres laan, 23","PostalCode":"1234AA","City":"Nijmegen","Datum":"2012-09-14T14:00:15","FloatNumber":0,"IntNumber":0,"CurrencyNumber":0}'})
SQLite3Commons.TSQLRestClientURI.URI('root/UnitTestSampleRecord','POST',nil {''},$18F568 {''},$18F574 {'{"ModTime":135058350095,"Name":"Hans Hasenack 0","Question":"{7DFAE7C2-C6F0-40D9-8D05-AA2A835A359C}","Address_":"Dit is het adres laan, 23","PostalCode":"1234AA","City":"Nijmegen","Datum":"2012-09-14T14:00:15","FloatNumber":0,"IntNumber":0,"CurrencyNumber":0}'})
SQLite3Commons.TSQLRestClientURI.EngineAdd(TSQLUnitTestSampleRecord,'{"ModTime":135058350095,"Name":"Hans Hasenack 0","Question":"{7DFAE7C2-C6F0-40D9-8D05-AA2A835A359C}","Address_":"Dit is het adres laan, 23","PostalCode":"1234AA","City":"Nijmegen","Datum":"2012-09-14T14:00:15","FloatNumber":0,"IntNumber":0,"CurrencyNumber":0}')

#34 Re: mORMot 1 » Unregistering a RestServer with TSQLite3HttpServer » 2012-09-14 06:44:49

Great!! and again on such short notice!

I noticed one small breaking change:


needs to be changed into


#35 mORMot 1 » ORA-12899 error Value too large with auto-created Auth tables » 2012-09-14 06:35:46

Replies: 1

When my unittest  running on Oracle auto-create the TAUTH* tables it creates the PasswordHashHexa field with length 40 (according to the index property in TSQLAuthUser)
But when adding the default users in InitializeTable() the PasswordHashHexa is longer than 40 positions, resulting in the following error:

ORA-12899: value too large for column "OPF_MORMOT"."AUTHUSER"."PASSWORDHASHHEXA" ( actual: 64. maximum 40)

The callstack being:


Looking at the SHA256DigestToString function, it sets the length to SizeOf(TSHA256Digest) * 2
And TSHA256Digest is an array[0..31] of byte, so the result will be 64 in length

#36 Re: mORMot 1 » Please add a default Guest user to AuthUsers when creating the table » 2012-09-14 06:10:06

Why not add the Guest user with the same password as User, Admin, Supervisor .. that way you can't be comprising the security any more than you already do?

#37 Re: mORMot 1 » DB_FIELDS definition for MSSQL contains error » 2012-09-13 15:02:46

haha now i understand .. our MS SQL is not 2005 ... its 2000!

and the definition of nvarchar says:

nchar and nvarchar
Character data types that are either fixed-length (nchar) or variable-length (nvarchar) Unicode data and use the UNICODE UCS-2 character set.


Fixed-length Unicode character data of n characters. n must be a value from 1 through 4,000. Storage size is two times n bytes. The SQL-92 synonyms for nchar are national char and national character.


Variable-length Unicode character data of n characters. n must be a value from 1 through 4,000. Storage size, in bytes, is two times the number of characters entered. The data entered can be 0 characters in length. The SQL-92 synonyms for nvarchar are national char varying and national character varying.

When n is not specified in a data definition or variable declaration statement, the default length is 1. When n is not specified with the CAST function, the default length is 30.

#38 Re: mORMot 1 » [ODBC Driver Manager] Invalid descriptor index when creating table » 2012-09-13 14:57:59

Ha, i hadn't noticed the dependency ... your correct of course

As stated in another thread, it now turn out I was using MS SQL 2000 with these tests, and not 2005 as I was thinking.

#39 Re: mORMot 1 » DB_FIELDS definition for MSSQL contains error » 2012-09-13 14:55:49

I dont know if you missed something .. but in my setup of MSSQL 2005 and using OleDB connection .. these things need to be changed to get it working..
Have you seen it working with your initial values?

#40 mORMot 1 » [ODBC Driver Manager] Invalid descriptor index when creating table » 2012-09-13 14:22:52

Replies: 2

When trying to run my Unittests against a MS SQL database using trhe ODBC connection, I got an "Invalid Descritor Index" error every time the external table was created by the test.
It turns out that you have to read columns in order after running a statement!

So I made the following correction to SynDBODBC.pas:
On lines 1561 and following, I orders lines so that the the ColumnUTF(x) calls were orders according to the column they were referencing, resulting in:

      while Step do begin
        F.ColumnName := ColumnUTF8(3);
        F.ColumnType:= ODBCColumnToFieldType(ColumnInt(4),F.ColumnPrecision,F.ColumnScale);
        F.ColumnTypeNative := ColumnUTF8(5);
        F.ColumnLength := ColumnInt(6);
        F.ColumnScale := ColumnInt(8);
        F.ColumnPrecision := ColumnInt(9);

#41 mORMot 1 » Deadlock in transaction using MS SQL over OleDB? » 2012-09-13 09:56:44

Replies: 1

I've created the following unittest to test if using a transaction when applying an update is working. This tests works on oracle (OCI), our own nexus driver, but now i've tried it on MS SQL using OleDB and the method stalls at line indicated in the code ...

procedure TMormotDBBaseTransactionTest.TestCommitTransaction;
  Rec: TSQLUnitTestSampleRecord;
  lStat: TSQLDBStatement;
  cNewQuestion = 'New Question!';
  cID = 2;
  CreateSmallModelData(Client); // Add 10 records to the UnitTestSampleRecord table

  //Create another connection to test table contents outside of transaction

  Rec := TSQLUnitTestSampleRecord.CreateAndFillPrepare(Client,'ID=?', [], [cID]);
    Rec.Question := cNewQuestion;

    // Use other connection to check that the update has not been committed yet
    lStat := Conn.NewStatementPrepared('Select Question from UnittestSampleRecord where id='+ IntToString(cID), true);
      lStat.ExecutePrepared;  <<<- Here execution halts!!! No exceptions, just freezes
      CheckNotEqualsString(Rec.Question, lStat.ColumnString(0));


    lStat := Conn.NewStatementPrepared('Select Question from UnittestSampleRecord where id='+ IntToString(cID), true);
      CheckEqualsString(Rec.Question, lStat.ColumnString(0));


When pausign and looking at the the callstack:

:7749f8b1 ntdll.NtWaitForSingleObject + 0x15
:76151194 kernel32.WaitForSingleObjectEx + 0x43
:6fb02985 ; C:\Windows\SysWOW64\DBnmpNTw.dll
:6faaacb6 ; C:\Windows\SysWOW64\DBNETLIB.DLL
:6a4aa077 ; C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\Ole DB\sqloledb.dll
:6a47faa2 ; C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\Ole DB\sqloledb.dll
:6a47f864 ; C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\Ole DB\sqloledb.dll
:6a47f652 ; C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\Ole DB\sqloledb.dll
:6a48182f ; C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\Ole DB\sqloledb.dll
:6a4788cb ; C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\Ole DB\sqloledb.dll
:6a47f5c6 ; C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\Ole DB\sqloledb.dll
:6a6a12ff ; C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\Ole DB\oledb32.dll

it looks to me as if its waiting for the transaction .. while the statement shuold be excecuted in another connection (and does so with i.e. oracle OCI)

#42 mORMot 1 » Please add a default Guest user to AuthUsers when creating the table » 2012-09-13 09:30:49

Replies: 4

This will make it much simpler to test authentication on a default database as it adds a restricted user who restrictions can be tested immediatly

#43 Re: mORMot 1 » DB_FIELDS definition for MSSQL contains error » 2012-09-13 09:14:59

And while your fixing this .... the DB_SQLLIMITCLAUSE for MSSQL should not be top(%) but top %

#44 mORMot 1 » DB_FIELDS definition for MSSQL contains error » 2012-09-13 08:26:10

Replies: 6

Using an OleDB connection to a MS SQL server, i get an error when it tries to create the AuthUser table with the following statement:

SQLite3DB.TSQLRestServerStaticExternal.ExecuteDirect('CREATE TABLE AuthUser (ID  bigint PRIMARY KEY, LogonName nvarchar(20) NOT NULL UNIQUE,DisplayName nvarchar(50),PasswordHashHexa nvarchar(40),GroupRights bigint,Data varbinary(max))',(...),(...),False)

Seems like the definition in DB_FIelds is wrong here:

  (' nvarchar(%)',' bigint',' float',' money',' datetime',' nvarchar(max)',' varbinary(max)'),

I guess the "max" should be substituted with the actual maximum: 8000

#45 Re: mORMot 1 » Unregistering a RestServer with TSQLite3HttpServer » 2012-09-12 06:06:54

ab wrote:

If you try with an external SQLite3 properties?
How are the models created? Perhaps two tables are marked as external with diverse db and there is an issue...

What are external SQLite3 properties?

#46 Re: mORMot 1 » Unregistering a RestServer with TSQLite3HttpServer » 2012-09-11 14:59:29

Thanks for confirming this ;-)

I do, however run into a problem that i cannot seem to fix :-( but its a little bit difficult to explain ...

I have two executables, Server and TestClient.

The server is started with the following code:

  lModel : TLCSServerModel; //Descendant of TSQLModel, nothing new here
  lConnProp: TSQLDBNexusDBConnectionProperties;
  lModel := TLCSServerModel.Create(BASE_MODEL_URI);
  lConnProp := TSQLDBNexusDBConnectionProperties.Create('', '.\ServerDB', '', '');
  VirtualTableExternalRegisterAll(lModel, lConnProp);

  if not lConnProp.DatabaseExists then

  inherited Create(lModel, 'ServerDB.db3', True);

  FServerModel := lModel;
  FServerConnProp := lConnProp;

  FRestServers := TDictionary<RawUTF8,TSQLRestServerDB>.Create;

  FHttpServer := TSQLite3HttpServer.Create(cPort, [Self]);

The server has got the following implementation of the ILCSServer interface method Opendatabase:

function TLCSServer.OpenDatabase(aConnectionString: RawUTF8; var URI: RawUTF8; aCreate: boolean = false): Boolean;
  lConProp: TSQLDBConnectionProperties;
  lRestServerDB: TSQLRestServerDB;
  lModel: TLCSModel;
  iCreateDB: ICanCreateDatabase;
  Result := False;
  if aConnectionString <> '' then

    //Determine database type and protocol
    lConProp := CreateConnectionProperties(aConnectionString);

    if Supports(lConProp, ICanCreatedatabase, ICreateDB) then
      if not ICreateDB.DatabaseExists then
        if aCreate then

    if lConProp <> nil then
      //Create separate TSQLRestSeverDB object for this database

      lModel := TLCSModel.Create(URI);
      VirtualTableExternalRegisterAll(lModel, lConProp);
      lRestServerDB := TLCSRestDB.Create(lModel, UTF8ToString(URI) + '.db3', True);
      lModel.Owner := lRestServerDB; //Make Restserver destroy model


      //Register the new restServer with the http server, using a new URI, and add it to list of RestServers

      Result := true;
end; {- TLCSServer.OpenDatabase }

Now the testclient gets started separately of course, executing the following test method:

procedure TLCSServerTest.TestOpenDatabaseAccess;
  lDBUri: RawUTF8;
  lWB: TSQLWorkbaseObject;
  lClient :  TSQLite3HttpClient;
  lModel: TLCSModel;
  cNewFolder = '..\..\UnitTest\NexusDBServerTest12';
  FModel := TLCSModel.Create(BASE_MODEL_URI);
  FClient := TSQLite3HttpClient.Create('localhost','888',FModel);
  CheckTrue(FClient.SetUser('Admin', 'synopse'), 'Authentication failed');

  CheckNotNull(FLcsInterface, 'LCS Interface not retrieved from server');
  lDBUri := 'TestDB12';
  lClient := nil;
  lModel := nil;
    CheckTrue(FLcsInterface.OpenDatabase(cNewFolder, lDBUri, True));
    lModel := TLCSModel.Create(lDBUri);

    lClient := TSQLite3HttpClient.Create('localhost', '888', lModel);
    CheckTrue(lCLient.SetUser('Admin', 'synopse'));

    lWB := TSQLWorkbaseObject.Create;
      lWB.ID := 0;
      lWB.Name := 'Blabla';
      Check( lClient.Add(lWB, True) > 0, ' Adding workbaseobject failed.');


If i execute this client ... it always fails with an access violation in TSQLRestServerStaticExternal.ExecuteDirect((line 1022) when it tries to execute the statement:

  Query := fProperties.NewThreadSafeStatementPrepared(SQLFormat,Args,ExpectResults);

If you inspect the value of fProperties it says Inaccesible Value

This is the callstack after the access violation:

SynDB.TSQLDBConnectionProperties.NewThreadSafeStatementPrepared('select max(ID) from %',(...),True)
SQLite3DB.TSQLRestServerStaticExternal.ExecuteDirect('select max(ID) from %',(...),(...),True)
SQLite3HttpServer.TSQLite3HttpServer.Request('/TestDB12/WorkbaseObject?session_signature=0000004C000688DA500964C9','POST','Cache-Control: no-cache'#$D#$A'Connection: Keep-Alive'#$D#$A'Pragma: no-cache'#$D#$A'Content-Length: 29'#$D#$A'Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8'#$D#$A'Accept: */*'#$D#$A'Accept-Encoding: synlz'#$D#$A'Host: localhost:888'#$D#$A'User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows; FREE)'#$D#$A'RemoteIP: ::1'#$D#$A,'{"Name":"Blabla","UserID":""}','application/json; charset=UTF-8','','','')
SynCrtSock.THttpServerGeneric.Request('/TestDB12/WorkbaseObject?session_signature=0000004C000688DA500964C9','POST','Cache-Control: no-cache'#$D#$A'Connection: Keep-Alive'#$D#$A'Pragma: no-cache'#$D#$A'Content-Length: 29'#$D#$A'Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8'#$D#$A'Accept: */*'#$D#$A'Accept-Encoding: synlz'#$D#$A'Host: localhost:888'#$D#$A'User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows; FREE)'#$D#$A'RemoteIP: ::1'#$D#$A,'{"Name":"Blabla","UserID":""}','application/json; charset=UTF-8','','','')

Do you have any idea what i am doing wrong here ...???

#47 Re: mORMot 1 » Unregistering a RestServer with TSQLite3HttpServer » 2012-09-11 12:51:02

No the intention was to have one server process for multiple clients
I was thinking the overall authentication would be in the model that is serviced by the main TSQLRestServerDB. This server has itrs own model, different fomr the one that are opened with the OpenDatabase() method

#48 Re: mORMot 1 » Unregistering a RestServer with TSQLite3HttpServer » 2012-09-11 11:59:13

Well ... I had kind of a plan for our new server process that should work as follows:

The server contains a single TSQLite3HttpServer, which is created on startup, and it contains one TSQLRestServerDB. There is an interface registered to this RestServer with the following declaration:

  ILCSServer = interface(IInvokable)
    {1 open the database as specified in the connectionstring, return if this was succesfull - return the root URI of
        the associated TSQLRestServer in var param URI - aConnectionstring contains all info needed to connect using
        <protocol>://server/name syntax - if aCreate is true than create the database if it doent exist }
    function OpenDatabase(aConnectionString: RawUTF8; var URI: RawUTF8; aCreate: boolean = false): Boolean;
    function CloseDatabase(const aURI: RawUTF8): boolean;

When a client connects to server and calls OpenDatabase, a new TSQLRestServerDB is created by the main server thread, and this new TSQLRestServerDB is connected to the database mentioned in the connectionstring. The new TSQLRestServerDB is also registered with the TSQLiteHttpServer so the client that opened the database, can now access this database through a newly created client? not sure here). This way a client can open multiple databases.

When the client is done with the database it should close it, hence the request for an Unregister() method.

Maybe i'm trying to create this all wrong .. if so .. please advise ....

#49 mORMot 1 » Unregistering a RestServer with TSQLite3HttpServer » 2012-09-11 11:23:03

Replies: 12

I can use TSQLite3HttpServer.AddServer to add a newly created TRestServer to a HttpServer, but how do i remove the RestServer from TSQLite3HttpServer?

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