#1 Re: mORMot 1 » TSynSystemTime millisecond question » 2024-08-27 09:21:07


we have another issue with TSynSystemTime.FromDate, where also minutes...milliseconds are not initialized to 0,
which lead to nasty things...

#3 Re: mORMot 1 » TSynSystemTime millisecond question » 2023-06-14 07:28:49

Even if I use date only, milliseconds part is fixed in some random number:

  dt := isotime.ToDateTime; // fails, because of millisecond part

function TSynSystemTime.ToDateTime: TDateTime;
var time: TDateTime;
  if TryEncodeDate(Year,Month,Day,result) then
    if TryEncodeTime(Hour,Minute,Second,MilliSecond,time) then  // fails !
      result := result+time else
      result := 0 else
    result := 0;

thank you

#4 Re: mORMot 1 » TSynSystemTime millisecond question » 2023-06-14 07:15:24

Yes, but the milliseconds are always 2333 (in my case) and the fuction ToDateTime fails,
because TryEncodeTime fails because milliseconds are greater then 1000.
maybe they should be always 0 then.

#5 mORMot 1 » TSynSystemTime millisecond question » 2023-06-14 07:04:38

Replies: 7

Hi,  (latest mormot from github, D11.2ent)

if I  do:
var isotime: TSynSystemTime;
  if isotime.FromText('1962-11-12T21:59:48') then
  if isotime.FromText('1962-11-12T21:59:48.000') then
result is false, because milliseconds are always 2333.
intialization of values are random numbers (milliseconds are 2333). Also year, ...

Maybe I'm missing soemthing.

thank you,

#6 mORMot 2 » system-wide mutex » 2023-04-23 09:02:30

Replies: 1


is there ?

thank you

#8 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot 2 Generics and Collections » 2023-04-18 08:26:16


I've added

  if Assigned(Another) then begin
    fDynArray.AddDynArray(Another.Data, Offset, Limit);
    if (fHasher <> nil) then

and it works

#9 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot 2 Generics and Collections » 2023-04-18 08:14:48


What about hash performance when it is copied from another list?

listnormal := Collections.NewList<TDateTime>;
listnormal gets populated ...
// want to copy from normal list to fast
listfast := Collections.NewList<TDateTime>([loCreateUniqueIndex]);
listfast.AddFrom(casi); // copy 
   // lots of iterations in some loop
    if listfast.IndexOf(cas)<0 then  // is slower when using AddFromversus just looping through listnormal and .Add

Do we need to rehash it?

#10 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot 2 Generics and Collections » 2023-04-18 07:18:11


is it possible to:
1. copy/insert/add from another list in one line ?

thank you

#11 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot 2 Generics and Collections » 2023-04-18 07:15:06


Is it possible to convert to loCreateUniqueIndex after mylist := Collections.NewList<TDateTime> creation ?
maybe: mylist.UniqeIndex := True;

thank you

#13 mORMot 1 » Property gets updated even when there is readonly property » 2022-08-18 09:51:27

Replies: 2

Mormot 1 (latest), and D11 ent, win32

This was hidden ... and I don't know if this is normal.

We have object of TPersistent that is part of main object TPersistent:

We normally use json to store objects and retreive them.

property in question:
  property PropAlwaysRestored: TDatetime read FPropAlwaysRestored;  // <== FPropAlwaysRestored gets updated !!!??

I checked the JSON file value of property. And after JSON2Object this value is restored in object.

Thank you,
Vojko Cendak

#14 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot 2 Generics and Collections » 2021-12-22 14:09:17


Yes it works with plain records. (managed not yet wink );

thank you

#15 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot 2 Generics and Collections » 2021-12-21 21:31:41

Hi,  (D10.4.2 ent)

Is it possible to use IList<> for records ?
It reports Type is too complex.

thank you,

#16 mORMot 1 » Mormpt2 TDynArray of Records access viol. managed records in init » 2021-12-21 21:28:41

Replies: 1

Hi,  (D10.4.2 ent)

We want to have array of records to use with TDynArray.
1. Mormot 1.18 works ok with managed and plain records
2. Mormot2 plain ok, managed record throws access violation in init of dynarray.

thank you,

#17 Re: mORMot 1 » TSQLHttpClientWebsockets (too) long ConnectTimeout » 2021-10-08 13:13:53

thank you,

is there any other way ?
because we have lots of situations where ridiculously long timeouts stuck the app,
not gui, but termination of threads, restart of threads, ... getting user to see what is happening.

I don't know how others deal with situations when network breaks (which is normal situation), then you retry until it reestablishes the connection.

thank you

#18 Re: mORMot 1 » TSQLHttpClientWebsockets (too) long ConnectTimeout » 2021-05-05 19:05:41

Is it possible to add to mormot too ?
I'm not shure if we can migrate to mormot2 yet ...

#19 Re: mORMot 1 » TSQLHttpClientWebsockets (too) long ConnectTimeout » 2021-05-05 08:29:02

The properties are set through SetInt32Option

    // open client connection
    if ConnectTimeout>0 then begin
      SetInt32Option(result,SO_RCVTIMEO,ConnectTimeout);  <== ConnectTimeout = 3000
      SetInt32Option(result,SO_SNDTIMEO,ConnectTimeout);  <== ConnectTimeout = 3000
    if Connect(result,sin)<>0 then begin    <== waits around 20 - 30 secs
       result := -1;

#20 mORMot 1 » TSQLHttpClientWebsockets (too) long ConnectTimeout » 2021-05-03 11:56:42

Replies: 6

Hi,  (Windows 10 pro 64bit, Sydney 10.4.2)

ConnectTimeout takes very long (over 40 seconds) in case of non existent IP / service, although we set it to 3000 miliseconds.

Thank you,
Vojko Cendak

#22 mORMot 1 » Method based services optExecInMainThread » 2021-03-31 06:41:38

Replies: 3


Is it possible ?
(I know about multithreading, but we're using COM objects ...)
It's possible in interfaced methods (and they work perfectly for several years now).

Thank you,

#23 Re: mORMot 1 » interfaced based service exception and Parameters return » 2020-02-05 18:19:19

Thank you,

The exception is generated serverside and trapped on clientside:

server side:

procedure TSomeService.myProcWithException(... ; out Err:TSomeEnum);
  if SomeCondition then begin
    Err := MyValueForError;   //==> here I set it serverside, but it's value isn't transmitted to client(it stays default enum) !
    Raise Exception.Create('my error message');  //==>

client side:

    RestSvc.myProcWithException(...., Err);  //== here exception happens, but Err is not valid
 except on E: Exception do begin
    ReportErrorValue := Err; // here err is not valid !

Question is whether out parameter Err should be transitted as set on server side in
case of exception.

Thank you, Vojko

#24 mORMot 1 » interfaced based service exception and Parameters return » 2020-02-04 13:28:47

Replies: 3

Hi,  (Rio10.3.3 ent, mormot latest)

we noticed that when we implement exception in service call that returned
parameters are not properly returned. Is this intentional?

  TAllParkHTTPResponeType = (

    procedure SomeCallWithExceptionInside(const DeviceID: integer;out Park: TParkingsArray; out Err:TAllParkHTTPResponeType);

Err is internally set before exception, but on the client side's out Err value is wrong.

thank you,
Vojko Cendak

#25 mORMot 1 » neste object auto creation problem in interfaced service » 2020-01-04 16:48:58

Replies: 0

Hi, W10pro, Rio10.3.3ent

We have a problem when we have nested object in published properties.
We can't use j2oSetterNoCreate in interfaced service, so we propose this code:  lines with   // <==

function TPropInfo.ClassFromJSON(Instance: TObject; From: PUTF8Char;
  var Valid: boolean; Options: TJSONToObjectOptions): PUTF8Char;
var Field: ^TObject;
    {$ifndef FPC}tmp: TObject;UserCreatedObj: Boolean;{$endif} ; // <==
  valid := false;
  UserCreatedObj := False; // <==
  result := nil;
  if (@self=nil) or (PropType^.Kind<>tkClass) or (Instance=nil) then
  if SetterIsField then
    // setter to field -> direct in-memory access
    Field := SetterAddr(Instance) else
  {$ifndef FPC}
  if WriteIsDefined and not (j2oSetterNoCreate in Options) then begin
    // it is a setter method -> create a temporary object
    tmp := GetObjProp(Instance);  // <==
    UserCreatedObj := tmp<>nil; // <==
    if tmp=nil then tmp := PropType^.ClassCreate; // <==
//    tmp := PropType^.ClassCreate;
      result := JSONToObject(tmp,From,Valid,nil,Options);
      if (not Valid) and (not UserCreatedObj) then  // <==
        FreeAndNil(tmp) else begin
        SetOrdProp(Instance,PtrInt(tmp)); // PtrInt(tmp) is OK for CPU64
        if j2oSetterExpectsToFreeTempInstance in Options then
      on Exception do
        if (not UserCreatedObj) then tmp.Free; // <==
  end else
  {$endif FPC}
  if GetterIsField then
    // no setter -> use direct in-memory access from getter (if available)
    Field := GetterAddr(Instance) else
    // no setter, nor direct field offset -> impossible to set the instance
  result := JSONToObject(Field^,From,Valid,nil,Options);

The code checks whether object is already present and just updates properties and leaves creation/destruction.
Hope the code is not too long.

Thank you,
Vojko Cendak

#26 mORMot 1 » published object setter method exception in json to object » 2020-01-04 12:58:23

Replies: 0

Hi,  Windows 10 pro, Rin 10.3.3 ent


  TObejctWithObejctSetGet = class(TtcpParkCLientBase,ItcpParkClientCustom)
    property MyObject: TMyObject read GetMyObject write setMyObject;  // if we omit write setBarieraObj we get exception from json to object

Interfaced service:

procedure TAllParkService.GetObjectList(const DeviceID: integer;[b]out Park: TParkingsArray[/b]; out Err: Integer);
   // here we return objectlist of TtcpParkClientCustom objects and when method returns framework throws exception (without write setBarieraObj)

Thank you ,
Vojko Cendak

#27 Re: mORMot 1 » Interfaced method syncronisation » 2019-12-22 10:42:30

Thank you for replies.

Indeed sicShared only has one instance and does not lock anything.

-- If you have some very long process
It's not so much about long process, here's situation where's a device that must have serialized access (which happen a lot in real life)
and mwthods need to be serialized (wait in que from multiple sources). So we need some kind of control: number of calls in que, timeouts, priorities...

Maybe isn't crazy idea to implement some kind of serialization of per method calls.
It's already impelented with SyncWithMainThread actually (what we use in production succesfully for several years smile)
that was done gratiously by ab.

Regards, Vojko

#28 Re: mORMot 1 » Interfaced method syncronisation » 2019-12-20 14:10:07

Thank you,

sicShared works this way but then another mothods are also blocked.

We solved it with application logic, eg. per mothod calls managment, timoeut, max number of wait in que.

Is there posibility to get count of currently executing methods by name or ... ?

Thank you all,
Vojko Cendak

#29 mORMot 1 » Interfaced method syncronisation » 2019-12-18 17:24:01

Replies: 6


I'm asking this and maybe this is a stupid question:
We need to implement sicSingle service (multithreaded) and each call (same method) should wait for previous to end:
We get 1., 2., 3., ... n. call ... 1. is processing and others should wait and when the 1. ends, 2. comes in.
Is this already implemented in Mormot ?
We want to stay in method until it finishes or timeouts.

Or does someone has better idea ?

Thank you,
Vojko Cendak

#30 Re: mORMot 1 » Using Record Getters and setters in object exception AddRecordJSON » 2019-12-17 19:49:29

I implemented published string property and use RecordSaveJSON and RecordLoadJSON.
Worka perfectly, Thank you

#31 mORMot 1 » Using Record Getters and setters in object exception AddRecordJSON » 2019-12-13 20:53:16

Replies: 2

Hi, (latest Mormot and Rio 10.3.2)

Whe we use record in property:

  TAllParkDeviceConfiguration = packed record
    DeviceID: Integer;
    IP: RawUTF8;
    PORT: Integer;
    MODE: Integer;      
    BAR_CLOSE: Integer; 
    TIM_ZAP_CLOSE: Integer;  
    TIMEOUT_PREHOD: Integer; 
    TIMEOUT_ISVALID: Integer; 
    TRIGER_LPR: Integer;  
    TIMEOUT_LPR: Integer; 
    PROVIDER: Integer;      
property MyRecord:TAllParkDeviceConfiguration read getMyRecord write setMyRecord;

it throws : Invalid TJSONSerializer.AddRecordJSON(41541b0e).

But if I use:

property MyRecord:TAllParkDeviceConfiguration  read fMyRecord write fMyRecord ;

We need this because we use Interfaces where get and set have to be defined.

Thank you,

#32 Re: mORMot 1 » JSONtoObject disable creation of published objects » 2016-12-02 14:58:22

I've change the function so that the streamer checks whether the property has object. If it does it just write properties
and it doesn't free the object even if j2oSetterExpectsToFreeTempInstance is present.

function TPropInfo.ClassFromJSON(Instance: TObject; From: PUTF8Char;
  var Valid: boolean; Options: TJSONToObjectOptions): PUTF8Char;
var Field: ^TObject;
    tmp: TObject;
    origobj: Boolean;  // internal object
  valid := false;
  origobj := False; // assume nil
  result := nil;
  if (@self=nil) or (PropType^.Kind<>tkClass) or (Instance=nil) then
  if SetterIsField then
    // setter to field -> direct in-memory access
    Field := SetterAddr(Instance) else
  {$ifndef FPC}
  if (SetProc<>0) and not (j2oSetterNoCreate in Options)  then begin
    // it is a setter method -> create a temporary object
    tmp := GetObjProp(Instance);  // get property object
    if tmp=nil then // nil
      tmp := PropType^.ClassCreate
      origobj := True; // flag it is already present
      result := JSONToObject(tmp,From,Valid,nil,Options);
      if not Valid then
        if not origobj then FreeAndNil(tmp) else begin     // free only if not internal
        SetOrdProp(Instance,PtrInt(tmp)); // PtrInt(tmp) is OK for CPU64
        if (not origobj) and (j2oSetterExpectsToFreeTempInstance in Options) then  // free only if not internal
      on e:Exception do
        if (not origobj) then tmp.Free;  // free only if not internal
  end else
  if GetterIsField then
    // no setter -> use direct in-memory access from getter (if available)
    Field := GetterAddr(Instance) else
    // no setter, nor direct field offset -> impossible to set the instance
  result := JSONToObject(Field^,From,Valid,nil,Options);

thank you

#33 mORMot 1 » JSONtoObject disable creation of published objects » 2016-11-29 20:56:47

Replies: 2


We have an published property  that is actually TCollectionItem and internally created. In delphi's object inspector it is normally visible
and streamable ...

1. problem with code in :   

function TPropInfo.ClassFromJSON
if SetProc<>0  then begin
    // it is a setter method -> create a temporary object
    tmp := PropType^.ClassCreate;  // it doesn't create TCollectionItem class

2. Is it possible to just set properties  without creating published objects ?

Thank you and all the best,
Vojko Cenda

#35 Re: mORMot 1 » Using variant properties in objects » 2013-08-06 19:54:54

I've implemented variant in objects and it work's in production. It can translate even variant arrays
and it saves actual variant type.
Saved string is in hex. It's not JSON friendly but it could be used in some special cases.

#36 Re: mORMot 1 » testsql3.dpr Failed in D7 » 2013-08-06 19:36:15


we too. We recently upgraded to last version (1-2 months ago) and now app is receiving these EXCOS eAccessviolation (C0000005).
It happens after some time, application hangs let's say after couple of hours.
Client apps work flawlessly (calls from several threads, ...) .

App runs on Windows 7 pro. The application just stops. I have Eurekalog and it doesn't detects any errors.
I now have a program that automatically restarts production server .

Glad someone also found it.

We have normal interface based services with HTTP sys server.

thank you.


#38 Re: mORMot 1 » Using variant properties in objects » 2013-05-31 15:09:59

I found a nice Variant streaming code on the website


Streaming full variant including arrays and varTypes

Although there are some errors and missing vartypes, it seems to work ok.
It streams with varType and also arrays.

I changed the code so that it's working.

Hope you'll find it interesting

#39 Re: mORMot 1 » Saving defined properties » 2013-05-31 11:11:00

Streaming components into/from JSON? -> Yes
Storing TPersistent properties of a TSQLRecord ORM table? -> Yes

Yes it can be BLOB storage.

thank you, vojko

#40 Re: mORMot 1 » Saving defined properties » 2013-05-31 08:18:27


is there any way to implement this ?
This would be major enhancement in streaming existing components.

I'll create ticket for it -> http://synopse.info/fossil/tktview/3369 … fb5c6f49a1

thank you, Vojko

#41 Re: mORMot 1 » Using variant properties in objects » 2013-05-30 14:37:05

Hopefully you'll add variant arrays smile. That would be really nice.

thank you, vojko

#42 Re: mORMot 1 » Using variant properties in objects » 2013-05-30 14:32:07

Hi, delphi2009 ent

variant in object work only for one of getter/setter methods, if there are BOTH getter+setter method
we get access violation in

        tkVariant: begin // stored as JSON, e.g. '1.234' or '"text"'
          AddVariantJSON(PVariant(P^.GetFieldAddr(Value))^,twJSONEscape); // <== access v. with setter method or no setter method

to reproduce ...

    fValue: variant;
    fq: word;
    function getValue: variant;
    procedure setValue(const Value: variant);
    property Value:variant read getValue write fValue;  // if you put here BOTH getValue+setValue -> access violation; if there is onla one of getter/setter it works
    property Quality:word read fq write fq;

procedure TForm1.btnDemoClick(Sender: TObject);
  lobj: tmyobject;
  XML: RawUTF8;
  lobj := tmyobject.Create;
  lobj.FValue := 1.34;
  lobj.Quality := 192;
  XML := ObjectToJSON(lobj);
  Memo1.Text := XML;

That would do us a lot of good,
because we have other proxy objects, which makes code complcated, less readable ...
Hope you will fix it ASAP.

thank you, vojko

#44 mORMot 1 » JSONTOOBJECT with string property length >= 257 -> access violation » 2013-04-24 10:35:44

Replies: 2

Hi, Delphi2009ent

We have a working TCollection item from TInterfacedCollection. (it worked with previous version of mOrmot).

  TremotePLC = class(TCollectionItem)
    // server itemhandle
    property lokacija:string read flokacija write flokacija;
    property IP:string read fIP write fIP;
    property Connected:Boolean read fConnected write fConnected;
    property ErrStr:string read fErrStr write fErrStr;
    property numPersecs:Integer read fnumPersecs write fnumPersecs;
    property dbblokov:Integer read fdbblokov write fdbblokov;
    property dbblocksstrs:string read fdbblocksstrs write fdbblocksstrs;

  { Description:
      db;tagname;connectionstr;value;quality;active;sessiontime }
    property tagsstr:string read ftagsstr write ftagsstr;  // if this is longer than 257 -> access violation

to reproduce:

  I: Integer;
  ljsonstr: RawUTF8;
  aPLCStatuess:= TremotePLCs.Create;
  plc := aPLCStatuess.Add;
  plc.tagsstr := '';
  for J := 0 to 257 do plc.tagsstr := plc.tagsstr +'_';
  ljsonstr := ObjectToJSON(aPLCStatuess);
  JSONToObject(aPLCStatuess,PUTF8Char(ljsonstr),lvalid); ==> access violation

if we use widestring it's ok.

thank you, vojko

#45 mORMot 1 » ToObjectList compile error with Delphi2009 » 2013-04-22 08:09:23

Replies: 1

HI, Delphi2009ent

we have a problem with compiling latest source in mOrmot:

    {$ifdef UNICODE}
    /// create a TObjectList<TSQLRecord> with TSQLRecord instances corresponding
    // to this TSQLTable result set
    // - use the specified TSQLRecord class or create instances
    // of the first associated record class (from internal QueryTables[])
    // - always returns an instance, even if the TSQLTable is nil or void
    function ToObjectList<T: TSQLRecord>: TObjectList<T>; overload; <== [DCC Error] mORMot.pas(4571): E2511 Type parameter 'T' must be a class type

I commented it and for now it works.

thank you,

#46 mORMot 1 » Logging enhacement » 2013-02-06 11:27:32

Replies: 4

Hi, Delphi2009ent

1. Is it possible to set maximum file size and maximum rotating files (if any) ?
I had a problem that log file got over 80G :rolleyes.
We need that logging be able to limit itself:
a. maximum logfile size
b. possible to have rotating logfiles ?

2. It would be nice to have possibility to have same logfilename without time.

3. We want to add console in GUI application but we saw the StdOut in initialized in initialisation section.
We create Console woth AlloCConsole and FreeConsole.
For Now we just put RetrieveSystemInfo in Interface for now.

4. (newest version): we have problem with Logview viewing files when debugged (all lines are white). In Run mode works ok.

5. some kind of general function that would run LogView with latest logfile ? that would be nice

thank you,
Vojko Cendak

#47 Re: mORMot 1 » TSQLite3HttpClientWinSock open channel on create » 2012-12-03 22:16:23


Where can I get these files ? Tried in downloads but there are no changes in there.

#48 Re: mORMot 1 » TSQLite3HttpClientWinSock open channel on create » 2012-12-03 08:12:48

this is great. We're using already in production with success: easy, small and fast smile. Thank you for your great work.

- Is it possible to implement general retry mechanism on the level of interfaces,
so that it will always be ready to reconnect if possible not just do access violation.

Let's say: we use a lot in app:

  // this impl needs constant chekcing and recreating ===
  // initialization start
   FMySvc := nil;
   FClient:= TSQLite3HttpClientWinSock.Create(Host,IntToStr(Port),lmodel); // don't put connect method here, otherwise we have to
     // constantly recreate FClient. IMHO it's not needed. Open could be when first interface call is attempted.
   FClient.Services.Info(TypeInfo(IMySvc)).Get(FMySvc); // we just initialize at one point
   // this impl needs constant checingk and recreating ===

  // we want to use FMySvc interface all over application:
  FMySvc.MyMethod; // this statement should be able to ALWAYS try to reconnect in case of network failure
  // that way IMHO the client is rock solid 

At current implementation we now have to have function where we always check whether the service
is available, or if something gets wrong, so that we are able to reconnect our selves.
1. This is messy
2. we can do it only one function for one service
3. we have to kill the client and recreate it again and again in case of failure

For example: I looked at the pipe client server sample and it didn't reconnect when the server was restarted in between.

#49 Re: mORMot 1 » TSQLite3HttpClientWinSock open channel on create » 2012-12-02 01:09:50

maybe I'm missing something., (Delphi2009ent)

We try to use TCrtSocket.
It is said is faster that Indy and blcksock, but the use of latter are running ok in
case of network disruption.

1. Issue: I cannot call close (it's private), if I want to -> I need to recreate object.

2. serious issue     

    FTcp.OpenBind(Host,IntToStr(Port),false);  // this one works ok , it says cannot open socket ....
    // this one is strange
    FTcp.Open(Host,IntToStr(Port)); // after we have access violation ????

How can this be?
We just try to call same FTCP.Open(...) over and over untill it really opens and why AV comes in ?

please note that we used succesfully blcksock in same scenario and in production.

3. Could OpenBind have shorter timeout delay (no need to be so long) ?

#50 Re: mORMot 1 » Using several clients in threads and authorisation » 2012-12-01 08:11:30

You can easily use your application-level session, then use it on server side using it as parameter to your services.

we already did that, our auth on client and that's it.
But we miss serverside statistics, eg. how many clients, which clients, ...

Or you can use the user id to identify the session.

I still don't understand how can we use this serverside?

I'm new to morm, so any code helpers would be nice.

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