#1 PDF Engine » My metafile renders a blank PDF page. » 2012-11-05 17:56:36

Replies: 1

Hi AB,

I want to save the content of a TdxComponentPrinter to PDF using your engine.  From the ComponentPrinter, I can create a Metafile, which I can save into an EMF file, using SaveToFile, and view it fine.  But when I send that metafile to RenderMetaFile, my PDF page is blank.  If I use Bitmap of the same component output, its working fine, but my PDF contains an image, and can't be use to search text into it. 

I am wondering if there is something in my MetaFile that is not supported by the component. 

You can download my metafile from here (case sensitive): http://www.iti-logiciel.com/Downloads/testMetafile.zip

Thank you for offering that component.


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