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> No revision on the svn tree?
No. It's only me coding on different machines (some of them without inet) so, I just carry everything on a pen, when I get something stable I just upload it. Not very pro, I admit..
> performance won't be very high, but what I like very much is the low overhead.
I try to keep it extremely simple on purpose: api-mallocs instead of memory manager, no objects (the only one left (in the parser) is legacy), minimum DOM, as less Delphi-RTL/RTT as possible,...
If more performance is needed, the generate VM-code is easy to convert into something more efficient (ie. inline calls which would give us a native engine with a very bad code generator, but way faster than current implementation) or with more work (and much better performance) LLVM code.
> How do you execute the regression tests? What is your EcmaScript implementation coverage?
Haven't bothered with regression tests. My goal is not to produce an Ecma implementation, but a "glue" tool for different projects (in different languages).
I test the host applications (which are controlled by the "glue"). If results are the expected ones, stability (leaks, crashes, ...) is OK, and performance (time/resources) is reasonable...then I take it for good.
Nevertheless I like the language, and core issues: closures, functions as objects, scope-chain,... are implemented. Others (ie. regexp) not.
> Can you use some standard JavaScript libraries?
Which ones ?? most of them (jquery, ExtsJS,...) rely on a DOM that it's not present...
It's something do it on my spare time, so I don't try to cover a wide area of functionality, just the one I need.
I am the developer of perhaps it might interest you.
It consists of an extendable object framework using a stripped down ecmascript implementation as "glue".
Pros: pure Delphi, easy to extend, very small footprint, multi-threaded, ...
Cons: 32-bits only, interpreted (simple VM), free,
A "like node.js but not-async web server sample" is included. Check the *.js files.
If interested just let me know.
Pages: 1