#1 Re: mORMot 1 » Too many tables TSQLModel error » 2014-12-20 01:04:09

OK, how can I do join selects if the tables are in differents databases (TSQLRestServerDB) ?

#2 Re: mORMot 1 » Too many tables TSQLModel error » 2014-12-19 15:42:23

How can I use the ORM the select multiple sqlite databases (each database would have its own TSQLRestServerDB class) ?

#3 Re: mORMot 1 » Too many tables TSQLModel error » 2014-12-18 13:02:35

Is there a way to permit more than 1 model in the TSQLRestServerDB?

#4 mORMot 1 » Too many tables TSQLModel error » 2014-12-18 11:59:24

Replies: 18


I got the error: EModelException: 'TSQLModel has too many Tables: 257>256'.

How can I solve it? Because I need all those tables in the same SQLite3 database and TSQLRestServerDB only accepts one model.

It's a ERP and all this tables cannot be modified.

#5 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot to Nested TClientdataset... and back again. ORMCDS unit » 2014-12-18 11:13:30

Sorry to post here. But there is an error when you try to create a new Post new topic on this forum:

An error was encountered
Error: Could not connect to smtp host "" (110) (Connection timed out).

#6 Re: mORMot 1 » Batch Update/Insert » 2014-09-06 15:56:05

I use internal SQLite3 engine. Now it's fixed, thank you.

#8 Re: mORMot 1 » Batch Update/Insert » 2014-09-04 19:23:12

I don't know if it's right, but looks like it stopped after this change -> http://synopse.info/fossil/info/c999b07 … f8996d3552

#9 Re: mORMot 1 » Batch Update/Insert » 2014-09-04 17:22:02

Hello, after I updated my source with the lastest version (http://synopse.info/fossil/info/0ec7937 … 2d6927dde3) the OnUpdateEvent is not being called anymore after Batch Update/Insert  !

My software really rely on this feature. Is there some new configuration, that I have to do for it to work as it used to work before?

#11 mORMot 1 » Error: The specified network name is no longer available (64) » 2014-07-21 17:10:18

Replies: 3

I get this error on the log file:

20140721 09215753 EXC   EHttpApiServer ("HttpSendHttpResponse failed: The specified network name is no longer available (64)") at 002DAE3A SynCrtSock.EHttpApiServer.RaiseOnError (4737)  stack trace 000D17D0 System.Classes.ThreadProc 0000A1EA System.ThreadWrapper 

What does it mean?

#12 Re: mORMot 1 » Error with Client-Server services via methods » 2013-11-26 15:14:40

The Ctxt.Parameters content is '' (null).

I don't understand why, because as I said:

Kobe wrote:

In the client I'm using this code to call for the execution in the server:

Http.CallBackGetResult('UpdatePrices', ['A', 25, 'B', 0.54]) // a example o the parameters, Http is a TSQLHttpClientWinHTTP

Which I believe sends values to the Ctxt.Parameters, so its content could not be '' (empty)

#13 Re: mORMot 1 » Error with Client-Server services via methods » 2013-11-26 12:55:25

Log of the error is this one:

20131126 08495753  " EXCOS EAccessViolation (C0000005) at 00180359 SynCommons.IdemPChar (16235)  stack trace 00003BEA System.@GetMem 00007BC4 System.@NewAnsiString 002031AD mORMotHttpServer.TSQLHttpServer.Request (546) 00201EB8 SynCrtSock.THttpServerGeneric.Request (4285) 00201672 SynCrtSock.THttpApiServer.Execute (4069) 0005A729 System.Classes.Classes.ThreadProc 00007ACA System.ThreadWrapper 

I'm using Delphi XE2 UP4.

In the client I'm using this code to call for the execution in the server:

Http.CallBackGetResult('UpdatePrices', ['A', 25, 'B', 0.54]) // a example o the parameters, Http is a TSQLHttpClientWinHTTP

#14 mORMot 1 » Error with Client-Server services via methods » 2013-11-26 10:59:47

Replies: 4

When I'm using the code, in this code A is Integer and B is a Extended type of  Parameter:

if UrlDecodeNeedParameters(Ctxt.Parameters,'A,B') then

I get a acess violation error that happens in this function:

function IdemPChar(p, up: PUTF8Char): boolean;
mov cl,[edx] // happens in this line

#16 mORMot 1 » Log of SQL Statements » 2013-11-12 16:55:06

Replies: 3


Is there a way to configure the TSQLLog to show SQL Statements only in case of error of execution of it?

#17 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot at it's Full Speed » 2013-11-12 16:51:26

Thanks for your answer. I think the SQLite3 database in "exclusive mode" will be right for me.

#18 mORMot 1 » mORMot at it's Full Speed » 2013-11-11 16:32:54

Replies: 2

Hello friends,

Today I'm using mORMot in a Windows Server 2008, with administrator rights, using only a delphi client. I'm using on the server side TSQLRestServerDB with a SQLite database and a TSQLHttpServer class. On the client side I'm using the TSQLHttpClient to make the connection.

Is this right? There is something else I can do get mORMot working at it's full speed?

#19 mORMot 1 » ESQLite3Exception » 2013-10-08 17:12:28

Replies: 1

I'm facing a ESQLite3Exception type of error that is shown in the log, like this:

20130930 07510242  ! EXC   ESQLite3Exception ("near \"AND\": syntax error") at 0059FC7A  stack trace 005D89E6 005FEA7D 005FD788 005FCF42 0045B5F1 00408ACA 76A2339A 77B49EF2 77B49EC5 

How can I know what is the whole SQL command that is causing this error?

#20 Re: mORMot 1 » Connection through thread » 2013-07-03 16:52:28

You are totally right. I was testing and the connection got a little bit faster too, is that related to this change too?

#21 Re: mORMot 1 » Connection through thread » 2013-07-03 14:33:31

I believe the 2nd may be the better option, and can solve this feature request: http://synopse.info/fossil/info/68337ae98a

#22 Re: mORMot 1 » Connection through thread » 2013-07-02 22:18:03

How would work this Asynchronous mode?

#23 Re: mORMot 1 » Connection through thread » 2013-07-02 20:32:09

Wich is better to solve the freezing problem: the asynchronous mode or the edicated thread for background process?

How can I help you on this development? I'm not as wise as you're on Delphi development.

#24 Re: mORMot 1 » Connection through thread » 2013-07-02 17:34:21

Does that make any sense for the mORMot project?

#25 Re: mORMot 1 » Connection through thread » 2013-07-02 14:17:36

Would the new class should work over the TSQLHttpClient class?

Do you think a implementation like this can be good to the mORMot project, working as a option to the current implementation?

#26 Re: mORMot 1 » Connection through thread » 2013-07-02 11:40:57

OK, how can I make to force the client to create a new thread, on the client side, to connect to the server?

#27 Re: mORMot 1 » Connection through thread » 2013-07-01 20:57:30

The thread that I'm talking about would be on the client side, can I use a thread to connect?

#28 mORMot 1 » Connection through thread » 2013-07-01 19:05:39

Replies: 20


I need to make the connection between client and server happens through a thread, besides the main application thread, because sometimes the connection may take longer than normal and the application freezes for a few seconds waiting for the end of the connection.

What better way to do this? Is there another way to solve this freezing?


#29 mORMot 1 » LockingMode to lmExclusive » 2013-06-24 11:31:40

Replies: 4

Hello friends,

When I change the LockingMode to lmExclusive, does it make the database more likely to corruption, in case of an external issue, such as hardware failure?

Thank you

#30 Re: mORMot 1 » Acess Violation » 2013-05-24 11:13:14

I don't know what was causing this error, but I took off the property CNPJ from this class, and put in a ancestor class that I created just for that.

Now it's working fine, no errors.

That's weird!! yikes

#31 Re: mORMot 1 » Acess Violation » 2013-05-23 11:28:43

Answering your questions:

- XE2.

- Mostly numbers, sometimes letters, something like: "1321321-54".

- SQLite.

- The last version that I did the test was this one:

I don't know if helps, but the variables values are:


colnames of the w = ('"IdMatriz":', '"RazaoSocial":', '"NomeFantasia":', '"CNPJ":', '"InscricaoEstadual":', '"InscricaoMunicipal":', '"CEP":', '"Endereco":', '"EnderecoNum":', '"Complemento":', '"Bairro":', '"Cidade":', '"UF":', '"IBGECidade":', '"Telefone":', '"Fax":', '"Site":', '"Email":', '"CNAE":', '"RegimeTributario":', '"Filial":', '"Excluido":', '"DataAlteracao":', '"IDUsuarioCadastro":');

#32 Re: mORMot 1 » Acess Violation » 2013-05-22 18:46:30

When the error happens the variable "i" has the value of 3, so I guess is the fourth field "CNPJ", that is a RawUTF8 type.

Is there any problems if the property value is null on the database?

#33 mORMot 1 » Acess Violation » 2013-05-22 18:15:41

Replies: 6


Using mormort with ORM, sometimes happens a AV when Updating a object, and sometimes happens a 'Invalid pointer operation'. I don't know exactly how to get more information to see better what is causing this errors.

procedure TSQLRecord.GetJSONValues(W: TJSONSerializer);
var i,n: integer;
label txt,txt1;
      Fields.List[i].GetJSONValues(Self,W); // Looks Like the AV  happens here
  W.CancelLastComma; // cancel last ','
  if W.Expand then

the class in question:

  TEmpresa = class(TSQLRecord)
    property IdMatriz: Integer read FIdMatriz write FIdMatriz;
    property RazaoSocial: RawUTF8 read FRazaoSocial write FRazaoSocial;
    property NomeFantasia: RawUTF8 read FNomeFantasia write FNomeFantasia;
    property CNPJ: RawUTF8 read FCNPJ write FCNPJ;
    property InscricaoEstadual: RawUTF8 read FInscricaoEstadual write FInscricaoEstadual;
    property InscricaoMunicipal: RawUTF8 read FInscricaoMunicipal write FInscricaoMunicipal;
    property CEP: RawUTF8 read FCEP write FCEP;
    property Endereco: RawUTF8 read FEndereco write FEndereco;
    property EnderecoNum: RawUTF8 read FEnderecoNum write FEnderecoNum;
    property Complemento: RawUTF8 read FComplemento write FComplemento;
    property Bairro: RawUTF8 read FBairro write FBairro;
    property Cidade: RawUTF8 read FCidade write FCidade;
    property UF: RawUTF8 read FUF write FUF;
    property IBGECidade: Integer read FIBGECidade write FIBGECidade;
    property Telefone: RawUTF8 read FTelefone write FTelefone;
    property Fax: RawUTF8 read FFax write FFax;
    property Site: RawUTF8 read FSite write FSite;
    property Email: RawUTF8 read FEmail write FEmail;
    property Logo: TSQLRawBlob read FLogo write FLogo;
    property CNAE: RawUTF8 read FCNAE write FCNAE;
    property RegimeTributario: RawUTF8 read FRegimeTributario write FRegimeTributario;
    property Filial: Boolean read FFilial write FFilial;
    property Excluido: Boolean read FExcluido write FExcluido;
    property DataCadastro: TCreateTime read FDataCadastro write FDataCadastro;
    property DataAlteracao: TModTime read FDataAlteracao write FDataAlteracao;
    property IDUsuarioCadastro: Integer read FIDUsuarioCadastro write FIDUsuarioCadastro;

#34 mORMot 1 » Compilation error » 2013-05-22 17:03:07

Replies: 1

The last release o the timeline(http://synopse.info/fossil/info/a0324142e0), does not compile on delphi XE2.

#35 mORMot 1 » Compress Files » 2013-04-29 20:09:52

Replies: 2

Hello friends,

I need to compress some files using my program in delphi. I saw that the framework has some very nice libraries to do that, but I have read the SAD documentation e I still with some doubts of how to do that.

What library would be better to use in my case? Is there any example to guide me through?

#36 mORMot 1 » Knowing if User is connected » 2013-04-10 13:57:16

Replies: 1


I need to develop a application where the server do not allow a simultaneous connection of the same user, even if in different IP address.

In your framework, what would be the better way to achieve this requirement?

#37 Re: mORMot 1 » Batch Update/Insert » 2013-04-09 13:11:17


Does the event OnUpdateEvent is called when I use the Batch Update/Insert?
If yes, Is it call for each row?

#38 mORMot 1 » Batch Update/Insert » 2013-04-08 12:23:45

Replies: 10


Amazing framework, nice job.

I was looking at batch operations with the class TSQLHttpclient and I would like to know, what is the number of records that is recomended to use in a batch transaction?

More than 3? What would be more optimized?

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