#1 Re: mORMot 1 » [DCC Fatal Error] SynMongoDB.pas(6119): F2084 Internal Error: URW1111 » 2017-02-22 18:00:54

My old PC was giving me a lot of trouble after Win 7 to Win 10 upgrade and I supposed that this problem with Mormot framework was something related to it (DLLs conflict, corrupted Windows registry, etc.)

I just changed my PC and made a clean Delphi 2010 Pro installation with Mormot following the instructions in 26.3 documentation paragraph, but I still have the same problem sad

I ckecked and checked again the environment variables, the Delphi library paths, but no way to compile TestSQL3.dpr.

Now I have a doubt.
The installation instructions say to put 64-bit SQLite3 library in Win64 .exe folder.
This library is needed only if I want to compile 64 bit Delphi applications or is needed for any 64 bit Windows SO even if I develop only in Delphi 10 which is 32 bit?
And, just to be sure... which is the intended Windows 10 64 bit .exe folder?
Three years ago, when I installed Mormot for the very first time, I don't remember if I copied sqlite3-64.dll, but in any case I compiled and passed all the tests.

By the while, I'm using Mormot whitout any problem in my application and I can run almost all examples supplied with the framework.

#2 mORMot 1 » CreateAndFillPrepareJoined parameters: any example? » 2017-02-22 17:38:58

Replies: 1


I'm trying to use TSQLRecord.CreateAndFillPrepareJoined() method to automatically create nested objects, but I don't understand the method parameters.
Neither in the whole Mormot documentation nor in the forum there is a complete and explicit example of this method.

In CreateandFillPrepare the SQL 'WHERE' clause with its parameters is easy to understand and straightforward.
In CreateAndFillPrepareJoined there are aFormatSWLJoin, aParamsSQLJoin and aBoundsSQLJoin parameters.
Do these mean that to call this method an explicit SQL JOIN clause is needed?
If yes, how should I write such clauses?
And if we must write explicitly the SQL JOIN instruction, doesn't it negate the concept of automatic nested object creation which should be the scope of this method?


#3 Re: mORMot 1 » [DCC Fatal Error] SynMongoDB.pas(6119): F2084 Internal Error: URW1111 » 2017-02-05 19:51:38

Some additional details.
Trying to solve this problem, I just found that when I try to compile TestSQL3.dpr and consequently get the F2084 error, every other project doesn't compile anymore and Delphi shows an error in dcc140.dll.
For example: [DCC Fatal Error] Exception EAccessViolation: Access violation at address 05DE535B in module 'dcc140.dll'. Read of address 146DA80C

If I quit and relaunch Delphi the problem disappears and I can compile every other project, but if I try to compile TestSQL3.dpr it starts again: F2084 error and dcc140.dll error for whatever project I try to compile.

#4 mORMot 1 » [DCC Fatal Error] SynMongoDB.pas(6119): F2084 Internal Error: URW1111 » 2017-02-05 18:55:51

Replies: 2


very long time since my first post here.
After three years I updated mORMot files in Delphi 2010 Pro and tried to run TestSQL3.dpr to check everything is ok but I got the error in subject: [DCC Fatal Error] SynMongoDB.pas(6119): F2084 Internal Error: URW1111

The editor pointed to an empty source row in SynMongoDB.pas and after many searches in Google about Delphi compiler error F2084 I didn't find any helpful information.

I don't know if this matters, but few months ago I updated SO going from Window 7 to Windos 10 and since then I never used mORMot: by the while, I had no problems with all my other Delphi projects and third part libraries in the meantime.
The previous version of mORMot was working and passed all test in Win 7.

I disintalled and reinstalled Dephi with all Embaradero patches, Andy's DevExtensions and IDE Fix Pack, checked all library and search mORMot paths in Delphi options but I still get the same error.

No particular conditional define in project options: maybe I'm missing something, any clue about this problem?


#5 Re: mORMot 1 » Synopse mORMot Framework SAD 1.18.pdf is corrupted » 2015-04-20 14:46:20

I just tried a couple of times to download it from http://synopse.info/files/pdf/Synopse%2 … 201.18.pdf and I got a 10,8 Mb corrupted file.
The last one I dowloaded correctly was on 7/4/2015 and was created on 6/4/2015 (13,8 Mb).

#6 mORMot 1 » Delphi 2010 compiler errors in mORMot.pas » 2013-05-08 17:08:15

Replies: 1

Hi all,

first message here.
Today I downloaded the last sources and installed mORMot for the first time.
I'm using Delphi 2010 Pro but after following all instructions (unzip, library path, SQLite3*.obj files, etc.) I tried to compile the TestSQL3 project but I got an error.
I read the documentation (very good and complete! yikes), searched the forum, the blog, the code comments but I didn't find any help about this problem.

This is the code that causes the error:

{$ifdef ISDELPHI2010} // Delphi 2009 generics support is buggy :(
function TSQLRest.Service<T>: T;
var service: TServiceFactory;
  service := fServices.Info(TypeInfo(T));
  if (service=nil) or not service.Get(result) then
    result := nil;

Delphi says '[DCC Error] mORMot.pas(20736): E2010 Incompatible types: 'T' and 'Pointer', pointing to the line 'result := nil;'
I didn't define any strange complier directive on my own.
I tried also to compile without directive ISDELPHI2010 in Synopse.inc, but I got the same error.

Then I Googled a bit and I found on StackOverflow this answer.
So I changed
'result := nil;'
'result := Default(T);'
Now I can compile, run TestSQL3.exe and pass all the tests.

The question is: is it a safe change?
I don't use Generics in Delphi, so I'm pretty lost with the Generics incompatibility types error message.

Thank you in advance.

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