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The ByteScanIndex() is using Agner Fog's assembly code.
It reads at aligned 16 bytes, and ignore the out-of-range bytes.
This is a pretty valid scheme in practice, but I understand it does not please ValGrid.
Please try with
But I don't know with TDYNARRAYHASHER_
Could you try without the hsoHeadersInterning option in the THttpAsyncServer?
This is the only place I could see use of TDynArrayHasher.
Or please try with
During my tests, I also discovered that shutdown may block if several servers are listening (noport).
I will investigate.
On May 29 commit
- with hsoHeadersInterning warnings remains the same
- without hsoHeadersInterning only one remain
==1532807== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
About "shutdown may block" - from my experience it not block, but sometimes wait too long
Last edited by mpv (2024-05-30 09:07:19)
It is weird, because _BYTESCANINDEX should be fixed by allocating the memory buffer size + APPEND_OVERLOAD = 24 in TRawByteStringBuffer.RawAppend.
And our ByteScanIndex() has in fact the same logic as in FPC RTL IndexByte(). Just a bit more optimized, e.g. with proper opcode fusing. But it is the very same idea about aligned 16-bytes reads.
About hsoHeadersInterning, I will try to investigate a bit more but I did not see anything wrong with how TDynArrayHasher works.
Edit: I have added some hardcoded checks, and was NOT able to find anything wrong about indexes, as reported by valgrid:
function TDynArrayHasher.HashTableIndexToIndex(aHashTableIndex: PtrInt): PtrInt;
if ((hash16bit in fState) and
(PtrUInt(aHashTableIndex) >= PtrUInt(length(fHashTableStore)) * 2)) or
((not (hash16bit in fState) and
(PtrUInt(aHashTableIndex) >= PtrUInt(length(fHashTableStore))))) then
RaiseFatalCollision('HashTableIndexToIndex', aHashTableIndex);
result := PtrUInt(fHashTableStore);
I also do not see any problem there - may be this is false-positive warning. And I can`t reproduce crush on my environment
On laet run (with mimalloc) failure message is
mimalloc: assertion failed: at "./src/alloc.c":231, mi_page_usable_size_of
assertion: "ok"
assertion source - … loc.c#L231
P.S. Real assertion error is here - … loc.c#L223
a test case where we fails (may be it helps to reproduce crash on your side):
wrk -H 'Host:' -H 'Accept: text/plain,text/html;q=0.9,application/xhtml+xml;q=0.9,application/xml;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.7' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' --latency -d 15 -c 256 --timeout 8 -t 56 -s pipeline.lua -- 16
A pipeline.lua is here - … peline.lua
Last edited by mpv (2024-06-01 13:47:03)
Sounds like a canary overwrite. That is, some buffer overflow.
Pretty weird. Because in FPC heaptrc does not trigger it.
Edit 1:
I was not able to reproduce the problem either here.
Perhaps we may disable the msize() function in mormot.core.fcplibcmm, and let _MemSize() always return 0.
I have added the new FPC_LIBCMM_NOMSIZE conditional, to be used together with FPC_LIBCMM.
Edit 2:
We use -O4 to compile the executable and I doubt it is worth it.
I only always use and validate -O3 level, and optimize the pascal code to have the best generated asm at -O3.
From -O4 may come some instability, with potentially no performance benefit.
Edit 3:
But I may have an hint about what happens. My current guess is that the issue could be about interning the "Host" and "Accept" header values.
I will investigate.
Edit 3-followup: Found nothing after investigation. There is no specific memory allocation due to those additional headers.
Updated PR 9072:
- migrate to Ubuntu24.04;
- mORMot@2.2.7579;
- return to glibc MM;
- plaintext is run after cached-queries
- define FPC_LIBCMM_NOMSIZE to disable the malloc_usable_size() call on Linux
- use O3 compiler optimization level
Hope that FPC_LIBCMM_NOMSIZE or -O3 will help
Last edited by mpv (2024-06-03 14:57:08)
With the current round, we got very good results, but... /plaintext failed … =plaintext
We will see with your PR.
In previous run (2d run with mimalloc) where is new warnings and error
mormot: mimalloc: warning: mi_free: pointer might not point to a valid heap region: 0x7c5bc8bd9040
mormot: (this may still be a valid very large allocation (over 64MiB))
mormot: mimalloc: warning: mi_free: pointer might not point to a valid heap region: 0x7c5bc8be1040
mormot: (this may still be a valid very large allocation (over 64MiB))
mormot: mimalloc: warning: mimalloc: error: mimalloc: warning: mi_free: pointer might not point to a valid heap region: 0x7c5bb689a040
mormot: (this may still be a valid very large allocation (over 64MiB))
mormot: mimalloc: error: mi_free: pointer does not point to a valid heap space: 0x7c5bc8be1040
mormot: mi_free: pointer might not point to a valid heap region: 0x7c5bc8bd1040
mormot: (this may still be a valid very large allocation (over 64MiB))
mormot: mi_free: pointer does not point to a valid heap space: 0x7c5bc8bd9040
mormot: mimalloc: error: mi_free: pointer does not point to a valid heap space: 0x7c5bc8bd1040
mormot: mimalloc: warning: mi_free: pointer might not point to a valid heap region: 0x7c5bb68b2040
mormot: (this may still be a valid very large allocation (over 64MiB))
mormot: mimalloc: assertion failed: at "./include/mimalloc-internal.h":467, _mi_segment_page_of
mormot: assertion: "idx < segment->slice_entries"
mormot: mimalloc: assertion failed: at "./include/mimalloc-internal.h":467, _mi_segment_page_of
mormot: assertion: "idx < segment->slice_entries"
mormot: mimalloc: warning: mi_free: pointer might not point to a valid heap region: 0x7c5bb68a2040
mormot: (this may still be a valid very large allocation (over 64MiB))
mormot: mimalloc: warning: mi_free: pointer might not point to a valid heap region: 0x7c5bb68aa040
mormot: (this may still be a valid very large allocation (over 64MiB))
mormot: mimalloc: assertion failed: at "./include/mimalloc-internal.h":467, _mi_segment_page_of
mormot: assertion: "idx < segment->slice_entries"
I guess I found the cause of our problem.
I was able to reproduce it with a Windows VM hosting a mORMot web server, and a Linux client running wrk requests.
Randomly, some connections instances may be freed twice, so GPF occurred after a successful run.
Randomly, some connections instances may be freed twice, so GPF occurred after a successful run.
I have seen that sometimes, I believe. Will check it out and watch it. Could never reproduce it in any sensible way. Let you know, if it seems better.
Nope, I still sometimes get the following error:
0000000000B012CF " EXC EInvalidPointer {Message:"Invalid pointer operation"} [TRestHttpSrv 443psyprax THttp] at 7c0784 System.pas @DynArrayClear (37156)
- usually when the browser tries to prefetch a petch, while the server is just starting. I'll keep trying to localize the problem for more information, but for now, I'm at a lost as to exactly why/when that happens.
DynArrayClear() is called by the system e.g. when a class containing a dynamic array is released, or when a dynamic array on stack is released.
If it happens at startup, it may be due to some initialization code, which is not thread-safe.
You may enable the stack frames in your project option, to have a larger stack trace.
With no stack trace it is very difficult to investigate...
Any luck in finding the bug?
Since it was only in pipelined mode, which is never used on production, I honestly did not investigate much.
But I am more worried about the fact that Pavel did not send some news from Ukraine since a lot of time.
But I am more worried about the fact that Pavel did not send some news from Ukraine since a lot of time.
That is worrying indeed, hope he is OK.
But I am more worried about the fact that Pavel did not send some news from Ukraine since a lot of time.
I believe he is ok. Probably busy with UnityBase
Guys, thanks, I'm fine. It's just that time flies very strangely at war...
I will try to find the cause of GPF by switching FTB to mormot MM - PR 9283
If this does not help, we will disable HTTP pipelining in the next round
Last edited by mpv (2024-09-18 14:51:41)
We have the result for TFB with FPC_X64MM - it still fails for /plaintext, it also fails for /cachedqueries (ORM) and very low results for /fortunes. We'll have the log in a few days - maybe we'll see something interesting there...
Got a log: with FPC_X64MM /plaintext endpoint crashes with malloc(): unaligned tcache chunk detected - so, IMHO, we have corrupted or overwritten the memory allocator's internal metadata - may be some code in mORMot with direct memory access write outside a buffer..
I don't understand because malloc(): unaligned tcache chunk detected is a malloc error, not a mormot.core.fpcx64mm error.
It sounds like if malloc is still used somewhere by the program.
The only place where I could see malloc still being used is in the PostgreSQL client library.
But it should not trash the /plaintext test, where PostgreSQL is not involved.
New PR 9350 to TFB with Mormot2@2.3.stable + CMem. Hope fixed TPollAsyncConnection locks structure commit solves mem problems
Because memory problems is not solved I tries *without* `hsoEnablePipelining` option, and got a strange result: when client query /plaintext in pipelining mode (see … 769#p38769 for how to call) - server answer only to firs request in each thread. @ab - can you, please, look at this problem? Correct server behavior is "to respond to pipelined requests correctly, with non-pipelined but valid responses even if server does not support HTTP pipelining."
I suspect this behavior has always been the case with the async server: pipelined requests were never taken into account, but in explicit hsoEnablePipelining.
And it seems that the mem problem occurred also outside of the pipeline /plaintext request, right?
@ab Yes mem issue is outside of pipeline.
Today we had such an issue in our program (of course without pipeline):
SOneSrv2: malloc.c:4302: _int_malloc: Assertion `(unsigned long) (size) >= (unsigned long) (nb)' failed
We had no error in Postgres log at all. But we are using cmem.
Last edited by danielkuettner (2024-11-19 07:27:34)
I have made some fixes last week, with a potential buffer overflow in CommandUri.
See … bea6b543b7
This was indeed a buggy optimization, just to avoid one string allocation, which may lead into buffer overflow, especially when a HTTP error is triggered and CommandUri is reused to compute the error the message.
TL;WR: never assume the usage on any string variable, and sub-allocate (i.e. reduce their length), but never over-allocate them.
@mpv @daniel
Perhaps we could try if it helps about the stability.
I made a TFB PR 9457 with latest changes (include TMultiLightLock)
Oups.... there seems to be a regression about async PostgreSQL:
Verification failed: Command '['siege', '-c', '512', '-r', '1', 'http://tfb-server:8080/asyncqueries?queries=20', '-R', '/FrameworkBenchmarks/toolset/databases/.siegerc']' timed out after 20 seconds
FAIL for http://tfb-server:8080/asyncqueries?queries=2
I suspect it could came from the refactoring done for … 2489112468
Please try with
On my PC, I got again the expected results for /asyncqueries
The run did fail.
We will see the reported reason, but I guess the memory problem is still there. I was convinced the "CommandUri" problem was it. But there is something else.
It seems to be about /plaintext only. All other tests did pass this time.
I have made a lot of changes, trying to cleaning up the code.
For instance, removing
But on second thoughts, I am not sure what the root cause is...
Previous fixes were not enough. I was able to reproduce a memory corruption by running
$ wrk -c 16384 -t 8 http://localhost:8080/plaintext -d 8 -s pipeline.lua -- 16
Sounds like if it is a bug with fpcx64mm and medium blocks, because I can't reproduce it with the libc MM or the FPC heaptrc unit.
PR 9480 with mORMot@2.3.9262 2024-12-23
Merry Christmas!
Did it fail with libc mm or fpcx64mm?
Did it fail with libc mm or fpcx64mm?
I would suggest disabling optimizations and inlining for your next test, there are some wonky compiler bugs currently even in stable.
inlined function does not produce same result as normal function
Bit shift error, depending on optimization level
I'm in a similar situation.
Using the latest version of FPC Trunk 3.3.1-17174-g72a3729ca0 [2024/12/31] for x86_64 to compile mormot2tests, TTestCoreBase.FastStringCompare fails to run. Specifically, the shr code of strspn is incorrectly optimized. Only adding {$OPTIMIZATION OFF} works, but this makes FastStringCompare test twice as fast.