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Pages: 1
Hi, I'm starting with mormort.
When try use https, InitNetTlsContextSelfSignedServer or InitNetTlsContext, returning this error on every request.
Exception class ESChannel with message '<>: HandshakeStep returned 80090331 [SEC_E_ALGORITHM_MISMATCH], System Error 1 [ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION]'.
Exception class ESChannel with message '<>: HandshakeStep returned 80090327 [SEC_E_CERT_UNKNOWN], System Error 87 [ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER]'.
I dont undestand where put this code "InitNetTlsContextSelfSignedServer" or "InitNetTlsContext".
I using Server.WaitStarted(10,@FCertificado) but always return erro on request.
I tried use certificate .crt, .pem, .pfx evething return same error, this certicates dont installed on windows.
this is my code.
ab edit: moved to gist
I correct my code and now everything is ok.
ab edit: moved to gist
Please follow the forum rules and don't put code directly in the forum, but in a gist.
So, to sumup, now your HTTPS server is working as expected, with the code of your last post?
I have created a gist to show you how it works, and taken the liberty to remove the source code from your posts. … e910a4e75c
And you can easily show diffs between versions, so it is easy to see what you did to make it work in your 2nd revision: … /revisions
Pages: 1