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I wan't to use the fpcx64mm memory manager to find memory leaks, but I only get classes and addresses of leaks like
probable TMemoryStream leak (40/48 bytes) at $00000000051834D0.
How can I get the code file and position of such an address?
Best regards,
Thank you for your reply!
I switched to fpcx64mm because I'm getting a EAccessViolation with enabled heaptrc.
So there is no way to identify the memory leak with fpcx64mm? Not even in debug mode?
I hope for this possibility in the future.
Best regards,
Sadly, it is out of scope for the moment.
If you have an EAccessViolation with heaptrc, this is not a heaptrc bug, this is more likely to be a bug in your code.
I strongly advise you to try to debug this access violation with heaptrc first.