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Pages: 1
It's working now for XE2 both 32bit and 64bit.
It's working now for XE2-32, but still fails for XE2-64
[DCC Error] SynSelfTests.pas(3320): E2010 Incompatible types: 'PUTF8Char' and 'PAnsiChar'
--> Check(not IdemPropNameUSameLen('abcD','ABcF',4));
[DCC Error] SynSelfTests.pas(3321): E2010 Incompatible types: 'PUTF8Char' and 'PAnsiChar'
--> Check(not IdemPropNameUSameLen('abcD','ABcFG',4));
[DCC Error] SynSelfTests.pas(3322): E2010 Incompatible types: 'PUTF8Char' and 'PAnsiChar'
--> Check(IdemPropNameUSameLen('abcDe','ABcdE',5));
Pages: 1