#1 Re: Free Pascal Compiler » mORMot and FPC 3.0/3.1.1 » 2016-10-24 17:59:05

It is always safe to look twice!

Now I finally found the "ccr" sub-folder on NewPascal dir. That put a smile on my face! lol

The tests are running just fine (well, some errors, but I think those are the expected ones).

#2 Re: Free Pascal Compiler » mORMot and FPC 3.0/3.1.1 » 2016-10-24 17:52:03

Hello guys!

I'm starting with mORMot, and trying to use it with FPC and Lazarus.

Downloaded the IDE from NewPascal, opened via link (Lazarus_NewPascal.lnk) and everything works fine. But when I've tried to open TestSQL3.lpi, the IDE starts flickering (??? it must be something with this release of Lazarus), I can build just fine, but I can't make it run. Got this misterious error:

An unhandled exception occurred at $00463D64:
EAccessViolation: Access violation

Is it something I've missed, or have to wait for a new version of FPC?

Unfortunately, it's out of my plans to get back to Delphi IDE. I found very very pleasant the proposals of mORMot framework on the development subject (Service Oriented Architecture, and DDD, to name a few), but if Delphi is a price, maybe I can't afford.

(Sorry about my poor english. Hope I can help the project somehow)

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