#1 Re: Other components » SynMongoDB float with quote problem » 2017-08-18 12:13:01

i create a TDocVariant from json :

doc := TDocVariant.NewJSON(aContent,[dvoValueCopiedByReference]);

i have added dvoAllowDoubleValue
doc := TDocVariant.NewJSON(aContent,[dvoValueCopiedByReference,dvoAllowDoubleValue]);
and it is now ok

I have searched in the source code of synCommons.pas but  this option has escaped my view

Thanks a lot

#2 Other components » SynMongoDB float with quote problem » 2017-08-18 09:46:37

Replies: 3


i am using synmongoDB with good results.
but i have a problem with double :
quotes are added to json and if i create  an index on the geoson structure i have an error message : point must only contain numeric elements


if the double value have 4 or less decimals it is ok :


the json send to mongodb is ok but the json in the database is wrong.

Do you have an idea to find a solution to this problem ?

Thanks by advance

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