#1 Re: mORMot 1 » TOleDBConnection: Not enough storage is available to complete » 2022-10-30 02:58:56

I couldn't compile in Win64 version.
I got this error when compile.

[dcc64 Fatal Error] F2084 Internal Error: L3226

Delphi 10.3 with mORMot 1.18.6416

So I try to test compiling with SQLite3/Samples
on 01 - In Memory ORM ==> Compiles Success
on 02 - Embedded SQLite3 ORM ==> Compiles Failed!!!!
After test it fail if include SynSQLite3Static

So I search and try
- download new latest version from github .obj / .o is 30 Sep 2022 checked.
- download sqlite3-64.dll and copy to where Project02.exe are. Still got same error as above L3226
- I cant find how to use dynamic link on wher to call and I use TOleDBMSSQL2012ConnectionProperties

Do I miss something?

#2 Re: mORMot 1 » TOleDBConnection: Not enough storage is available to complete » 2022-10-27 09:51:11

Okay, I will try with Win64.
Thank you for your assistance. ^_^

#3 Re: mORMot 1 » TOleDBConnection: Not enough storage is available to complete » 2022-10-27 05:25:06

No sir, what is the difference between compiling with Win32 and Win64?
And which one should we really use?

[more detail I forgot to mention on topic]
* Service only spend 350MB the time they have this problem.

#4 mORMot 1 » TOleDBConnection: Not enough storage is available to complete » 2022-10-26 08:53:01

Replies: 5

I got this error message

TOleDBConnection: Not enough storage is available to complete this operation

I already check RAM is fine used 14 GB out of 32 GB. And service only spend 350MB the time they have this problem.
I run this service on WindowsVM using MSSQL, mdf and ldf is unlimited no capped.

Could it be from shrinking DB from 400GB to 100GB make db file corrupt or something?

Thanks for helping, I totally have no clues right now @_@

#5 Re: mORMot 1 » Ctxt.Call.InBody in TSQLRestServer.OnAfterURI is not correct???? » 2019-03-30 05:19:05

Information I want is
- InputBody
- InputHeader (i sent something useful from Angular) (UserAgent and RemoteIP also)
- OutputBody (so OnServerBeforeURI won't have this data like OnAfterBeforeURI?)
- MicroSecondsElapsed (OnAfterBeforeURI has Ctxt.MicroSecondsElapsed)

Actually I try AddInterceptor(), every data I want is all fine except just

Ctxt.MicroSecondsElapsed always 0

#6 mORMot 1 » Ctxt.Call.InBody in TSQLRestServer.OnAfterURI is not correct???? » 2019-03-29 14:24:16

Replies: 2

This is when I start service

aProps := TOleDBMSSQL2012ConnectionProperties.Create(servername, databasename, username, password);
ServerDB := TSQLRestServerWS.Create(Model, ':memory:', True);
ServerDB.OnAfterURI := OnServerAfterURI;
HttpServer := TSQLHttpServer.Create(port, [ServerDB]);

Callback function

procedure TSM.OnServerAfterURI(Ctxt: TSQLRestServerURIContext);

UT.Log is just function that log text to file

This is what I got on output.txt

  "{"onlyunread":"Y","size":9999999} 9999}"

There is newline after the bracket and garbage at the end which screw JSON format

This is what Angular actually sent


I just want to log what Angular sent me as input when they request API to mORMot.
PS. sorry for my bad English. I'm not a native speaker U_U

#7 Re: mORMot 1 » Can't login if LogonName is NUMBER that equal to ID of table dbo.USERS » 2018-08-31 04:35:19

ab wrote:

Did you enable saoUserByLogonOrID?

Could you try it debugging what seems weird in TSQLRestServerAuthentication.GetUser?

I never seen this saoUserByLogonOrID before so i look into code and I see that this options is set by default, so i never know.
file: mORMot

constructor TSQLRestServerAuthentication.Create(aServer: TSQLRestServer);
  fServer := aServer;
  fOptions := [saoUserByLogonOrID];

So then I try disable it instead by using this code, now it works!!

serverAuth := (ServerDB.AuthenticationRegister(TSQLRestServerAuthenticationDefault) as TSQLRestServerAuthenticationSignedURI);
serverAuth.Options := [];

Thank you :3

#8 mORMot 1 » Can't login if LogonName is NUMBER that equal to ID of table dbo.USERS » 2018-08-30 11:40:16

Replies: 2

In my dbo.USERS there is 47 users with ID from 1-47 (ID is primary key with auto-inc)
I have one user with LogonName is 019 and try to login but it failed.
So I try change it to 025 047 47 it also failed
But when I change it to 048 48 it works!!!!!!

So I think, if LogonName can parse into number like 047=47 or 0000047=47
and if that number is same as ID it will failed when login.

below is just simple startService function that I use

aProps := TOleDBMSSQL2012ConnectionProperties.Create(servername, databasename, 'sa', password);
VirtualTableExternalRegister(Model, TSQLGroups, aProps, 'dbo.GROUPS');
VirtualTableExternalRegister(Model, TSQLUsers,  aProps, 'dbo.USERS');
ServerDB := TSQLRestServerWS.Create(Model, ':memory:', True);
ServerDB.ServiceRegister(TServiceDocument, [TypeInfo(IDocument)], sicShared);
ServerDB.ServiceRegister(TServiceDatabase, [TypeInfo(IDatabase)], sicShared);
ServerDB.ServiceRegister(TServiceKacc, [TypeInfo(IKacc)], sicShared);
ServerDB.ServiceRegister(TServiceCuisine, [TypeInfo(ICuisine)], sicShared);
HttpServer := TSQLHttpServer.Create(port, [ServerDB]);
HttpServer.AccessControlAllowOrigin := '*';

I'm using Mormot_610624

#9 Re: mORMot 1 » Javascript authentication » 2017-12-12 12:27:32

Not work either.
Try put breakpoint on ServerDB := TSQLRestServerWS.Create(Model, ':memory:', True); not break here too.

Did I do something wrong about debugging?

#10 Re: mORMot 1 » Javascript authentication » 2017-12-12 10:59:01


Try adding but error still happen

function TSM.StartService(port, databasename: String): Boolean;
	aProps := TOleDBMSSQL2012ConnectionProperties.Create(servername, databasename, username, password);
	VirtualTableExternalRegister(Model, TSQLGroups, aProps, 'dbo.LOT_GROUPS');
	VirtualTableExternalRegister(Model, TSQLUsers,  aProps, 'dbo.LOT_USERS');
	ServerDB := TSQLRestServerWS.Create(Model, ':memory:', True);
	ServerDB.ServiceRegister(TServiceDatabase, [TypeInfo(IDatabase)], sicShared);
	ServerDB.ServiceRegister(TServiceDatabase2, [TypeInfo(IDatabase2)], sicShared);
	(ServerDB.AuthenticationRegister(TSQLRestServerAuthenticationDefault) as TSQLRestServerAuthenticationSignedURI).NoTimeStampCoherencyCheck := true;
	HttpServer := TSQLHttpServer.Create(port, [ServerDB]);
	HttpServer.AccessControlAllowOrigin := '*';
	Result := True;

#11 Re: mORMot 1 » Javascript authentication » 2017-12-12 10:46:46

Trying to debug but don't know what i'm doing wrong. Put breakpoint but never stop here U_U.


#12 Re: mORMot 1 » Javascript authentication » 2017-12-11 15:23:37

Hello everyone, I try searching everywhere but nothing solve my problem.

I can login and everything works fine. Except that once in a while when client(angular2) call API to mormot server, it will throw error on chrome-debug with
{errorCode:403, errorText:"Authentication Failed: Invalid signature (0)"}

Likely to happen more frequent when server has many access at that time.

This is my SessionSign method on angular2

private SessionSign(url) {
	var Tix, Nonce, s, ss, d = new Date();
	Tix = d.getTime();
	if (this.fLastSessionTickCount == Tix) {Tix = Tix + 1;}
	this.fLastSessionTickCount = Tix;
	Nonce = Tix.toString(16);
	while(Nonce.length < 8) { Nonce = '0'+Nonce; }
	if (Nonce.length > 8) { Nonce = Nonce.slice(Nonce.length-8, Nonce.length) }
	ss = crc32(url, crc32(Nonce, this.fSessionPrivateKey)).toString(16);
	while(ss.length < 8) { ss = '0'+ss; }
	s = url.indexOf("?") == -1 ? url+'?session_signature=' : url+'&session_signature=';
	return s + this.fSessionIDHexa8 + Nonce + ss;

This is when I start service on Server

function TSM.StartService(port, databasename: String): Boolean;
	aProps := TOleDBMSSQL2012ConnectionProperties.Create(servername, databasename, username, password);
	VirtualTableExternalRegister(Model, TSQLGroups, aProps, 'dbo.LOT_GROUPS');
	VirtualTableExternalRegister(Model, TSQLUsers,  aProps, 'dbo.LOT_USERS');
	ServerDB := TSQLRestServerWS.Create(Model, ':memory:', True);
	ServerDB.ServiceRegister(TServiceDatabase, [TypeInfo(IDatabase)], sicShared);
	ServerDB.ServiceRegister(TServiceDatabase2, [TypeInfo(IDatabase2)], sicShared);
	HttpServer := TSQLHttpServer.Create(port, [ServerDB]);
	HttpServer.AccessControlAllowOrigin := '*';
	Result := True;

Called method

function AuditLog_GetAuditLog(dataobj: RawUTF8): TServiceCustomAnswer;
var res: ISQLDBRows;
    sql,data,lotstatus,onlyunread: RawUTF8;
    watch,size: Integer;
    obj: Variant;
    showAll: Boolean;
	obj := _JSON(dataobj);
	size := 1000;
	showAll := False;
	if obj.Exists('size') then begin
		size := obj.size;
	if obj.Exists('showAll') and (obj.showAll='Y') then
		showAll := True;

	//---- build SQL command ----
	sql := 'select TOP '+size.ToString+' * from AuditLog';
	if not showAll then
		sql := sql + Format(' where (UserID=%s or ChangeUserID=%s)', [SQLB.Str(obj.userid), SQLB.Str(obj.userid)]);
	sql := sql + ' order by ID';
	res := SM.aProps.ExecuteInlined(sql, True);
	Result.Content := Data_Content(res, 'false'); // make json
	Result.Header  := 'Content-type: application/json';

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