You are not logged in.
In my dbo.USERS there is 47 users with ID from 1-47 (ID is primary key with auto-inc)
I have one user with LogonName is 019 and try to login but it failed.
So I try change it to 025 047 47 it also failed
But when I change it to 048 48 it works!!!!!!
So I think, if LogonName can parse into number like 047=47 or 0000047=47
and if that number is same as ID it will failed when login.
below is just simple startService function that I use
aProps := TOleDBMSSQL2012ConnectionProperties.Create(servername, databasename, 'sa', password);
VirtualTableExternalRegister(Model, TSQLGroups, aProps, 'dbo.GROUPS');
VirtualTableExternalRegister(Model, TSQLUsers, aProps, 'dbo.USERS');
ServerDB := TSQLRestServerWS.Create(Model, ':memory:', True);
ServerDB.ServiceRegister(TServiceDocument, [TypeInfo(IDocument)], sicShared);
ServerDB.ServiceRegister(TServiceDatabase, [TypeInfo(IDatabase)], sicShared);
ServerDB.ServiceRegister(TServiceKacc, [TypeInfo(IKacc)], sicShared);
ServerDB.ServiceRegister(TServiceCuisine, [TypeInfo(ICuisine)], sicShared);
HttpServer := TSQLHttpServer.Create(port, [ServerDB]);
HttpServer.AccessControlAllowOrigin := '*';
I'm using Mormot_610624
Did you enable saoUserByLogonOrID?
Could you try it debugging what seems weird in TSQLRestServerAuthentication.GetUser?
I never seen this saoUserByLogonOrID before so i look into code and I see that this options is set by default, so i never know.
file: mORMot
constructor TSQLRestServerAuthentication.Create(aServer: TSQLRestServer);
fServer := aServer;
fOptions := [saoUserByLogonOrID];
So then I try disable it instead by using this code, now it works!!
serverAuth := (ServerDB.AuthenticationRegister(TSQLRestServerAuthenticationDefault) as TSQLRestServerAuthenticationSignedURI);
serverAuth.Options := [];
Thank you :3