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I'm sad to read that, `cause this method used by PHP backend and I need to realese it in my application. Currently I have code based on IdHMAC, but it is very slow. Maybe there is some way to release it using SynCrypto? Just help me to make first step if it is possible. Thx.
ab, thank you so much! Now I have another one question: can I modify the PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1 procedure to return the key with not default size (20 bytes)? As I can do it in PHP:
$key = hash_pbkdf2("sha1", 'password', 'salt', 5000, 32, TRUE);
32 - the key size in bytes
Hi! I have a problem with different results of encryption using Syncrypto TAESCBC and PHP openssl_encrypt.
Delphi code:
function Str2Hex(s : string): string;
var i : integer;
result := '';
for i := 1 to Length(s) do
result := result+LowerCase(IntToHex(ord(S[i]), 2));
var cipher : TAESCBC;
s : string;
key : THash256;
key := MyPBKDF2('password', 'salt', 5000, 32); //my function, the result is the same as PHP hash_pbkdf2, rechecked many times
cipher := TAESCBC.Create(key, 256);
s := cipher.EncryptPKCS7('test');
The result is 4e4404591a4c3a44b5f5f4030541b43541748453
And PHP code:
$key = hash_pbkdf2("sha1", 'password', 'salt', 5000, 32, TRUE);
$s = openssl_encrypt("test", "aes-256-cbc", $key);
echo bin2hex(base64_decode($s));
And it's result is 4ef09a1a4c3afb5f5f8105cbe5c74883
What is my fault? Thanks.
P.S. Sorry for my bad English.
Pages: 1