#1 Re: Free Pascal Compiler » Can't compile simple app on Lazarus with FPC 3.0.4 » 2019-08-09 15:13:43

The link of this reply is not found: https://synopse.info/forum/search.php?s … =574394027

Also, when you say: "You need latest trunk" I don't understand... Isn't Github latest trunk?


#2 Free Pascal Compiler » Can't compile simple app on Lazarus with FPC 3.0.4 » 2019-08-09 09:57:11

Replies: 3

Error on SynFPCTypInfo.pas file

This method/procedure is not found:
  >  TypInfo.AlignTypeData(...

I'm on Windows, using Lazarus 1.8.0 and FPC 3.0.4

I downloaded Github snapshot on August 8 2019 (yesterday)

I want to test and use SynBigTable component only

It's just my first simple app for test, using only few units:


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