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Ok, this GUI app using FMX and I see now this is reason of uncompatybile with Lazarus. But main reason is lazarus conversion. After convert delphi project to lazarus project missing some paths in "Other uinit files" -Fu optins. AFter add paths, this error disapeare. And this some fpc directives and units add Lazarus during covertion.
Thanks for answer, but why? In SynDBExplorerMain.pas is some LCL units and LCL are Lazarus units, and in this pas file are some FPC directives... Why I can't include SynCommons in Lazarus? I need to see some examples and debug some becouse I want to understand mormot. I want create some backend service in lazarus and mormot, to manage some english school. I want to use firebird database. Where are some example (compilable in Lazarus) of using mormot with firebird, make some crud operations, migration from orm to database structure. I want make 2 frontend - one make in LCL, and second in some Web technologi. Sorry for my English.
I'm beginner in fpc and mormot. I want to build 12 sample - SynDB Explorer using Lazarus. First I see that, in SynDBExplorerMain missing uses keyword and I add this. Then can't find LMessagess on mormot directory or in Lazarus and I comment this. Then I have problem that I dont't find SynCommons, but I have ../../.. in my include dir in project options (SynCommons.pas is 3 dir up in main dir of mormot). How can I use SynCommons.pas? Please help me, and thanks for your time!
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