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Now work in Linux and Windows.
What needs to be typed into the browser to get any response?
Thanks for the quick reply.
1) I installed Oracle VM VirtualBox.
2) Install debian
Static hostname: debian
Icon name: computer-vm
Chassis: vm
Machine ID: 0bfe880fa420421dac7e23a8167815eb
Boot ID: fb2e4bbf1fb54355ab39afea53830899
Virtualization: oracle
Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Kernel: Linux 4.19.0-12-amd64
Architecture: x86-64
39 I Download fpcupdeluxe-x86_64-linux
4) I successfully install FPC 3.3.1 and Lazarus 2.1.0
5) git clone
6) I successfully build /mORMot/SQLite3/TestSQL3.dpr
Verbose: Linking /home/usb/mORMot/SQLite3/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/TestSQL3
What now?
which web server do I need to install?
Which version of the web server?
What settings does the web server need for mormot?
How to run TestSQL3 ?
This is where my knowledge ends. Im asking for help.
I have experience with Lazarus and firebird on Debian.
But on the web and on the mormot, I’m a total beginner
I would like to test a mormot sample.
I tried unsuccessfully.
I would be very grateful for your help.
I want to follow instructions steps, to friendly experienced programmers on this forum.
My Wishes and Questions:
Free Pascal Compiler?
Is it possible to linux based on debian?
Which version of linux do you recommend?
Which version of the web server?
What settings does the web server need for mormot?
Help is very welcome.
Kind regards from Slovenia.
Pages: 1