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Pages: 1
In my program DeCard64 rendered PNGs can be assembled into PDF pages using SynPDF library.
But one user "really needs CMYK", otherwise the publishing house does not accept files.
Is it possible to perform such a transformation RGB-CMYK in SynPDF and include PDF a specific ISS profile?
I made invisible text under the picture (with the rendered text in the SVG picture). The text is for search only, do not edit.
Due to the peculiarities of matrix formatting, I write to PDF one word at a time. But when selecting text in PDF, part of words merge. Adding a space to the end each word did not help.
Is there some way to do forced word breaks on one line?
while nod.Next <> nil do
nod := nod.Next;
with aPdf.Canvas do
M := NodeTrans(nod);
StrToIntDef(nod.Attribute['font-size'],8) ,[]);
SetTextMatrix(M.A[0, 0], M.A[0, 1], M.A[1, 0], M.A[1, 1], M.A[2, 0], Box.Height - M.A[2, 1]);
ShowText(nod.text+' ');
PS And the rotated transform matrix works differently from SVG...
Pages: 1