#1 Re: GDI+ » Register SynGdiPlus formats in Delphi 7 IDE? » 2021-10-07 04:09:44

I tried adding the unit to the dcluser.dpk and compiled it, and that seemed to work.  It let me add a GIF image which I could see at design time, but when I run the program, the image is blank!  Delphi is now also crashing when I exit the IDE with access violations in rtl70.bpl.  I'm really stuck now.  Do I need to go back to JVCL?

I've got some deadlines and need to get this sorted quickly.  Please help.

#2 GDI+ » Register SynGdiPlus formats in Delphi 7 IDE? » 2021-10-07 03:52:01

Replies: 2

I went to a lot of trouble removing TJvGIFImage from my Delphi installation but of course now I can't assign a GIF to a TImage at design time in the IDE.  I'm not an expert at this type of thing.  How do I do that?


#3 GDI+ » TGifImage.LoadFromResourceName » 2021-10-06 10:22:52

Replies: 0


Using Delphi 7, I was using JvGIF to load gif images but are switching to SynGdiPlus.  With JvGIF I was able to load a GIF image from the EXE using TJvGIFImage.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, 'Logo', 'GIF'), but TGifImage.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, 'Logo') doesn't work.

Logo := TGifImage.Create;
Logo.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, 'Logo');
SPLLogo.Picture.Bitmap := MainLogo.ToBitmap; (SPLLogo is a TImage on a form)

Also tried...
SPLLogo.Picture.Graphic := TGraphic(MainLogo);

Can someone please help be get this working please.  It just shows blank.

I also tried this as found on the forum with the same results...

SPLLogo.Picture.Graphic := TGifImage.Create;
TGifImage(SPLLogo.Picture.Graphic).LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, 'Logo');

I traced the code to TSynPicture.LoadFromResourceName where the line
if FindResource(Instance,PChar(ResName),RT_RCDATA) is equal to 0 so that is the problem.  In the .rc file I have
Logo GIF SPLLogo.gif

Is that not correct?  It works with TJvGIF.

Many thanks,

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