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Hi all,
is there really noboy who can help?
I don't know as much as neccessary to understand the problem!
Thanks Charly
hi all,
I try to generate an pdf file with mORMot und found the examples in the
mORMot-master\SQLite3\Samples\05 - Report created from code\ folder.
With this samples I am not able to generate a pdf with shows unicode characters correct.
The TestSQLite3Pages.dpl shows the 5 Chars from
UNICODE: array[0..5] of WideChar =
correct in the preview, but the generated pdf dosn't.
Are there some settings/changes neccessary or is it an issue?
Thanks for help charly
Hi all,
I ported the TestSQLite3Pages-Project from mORMot1 ".......\mORMot-master\SQLite3\Samples\05 - Report created from code\" to mORMot2.
Thereby I found an issue with Unicode Characters (chinese) in the generated Pdf-File.
In the preview, the chinese characters are shown correct, but in the generated pdf-file they are shown wrong.
Seems to be the same in the mORMot1 version as well.
And how can I transfer the new version to the forum?
on the Site: … anced-RTTI
in the Text
Of course, text-based definition or callback-based registration are still at hand, and will be
under the link … ialization
I got an 404 Error
Thank you for this answer, but
1) Is the "packet record" essential or a recommendation? I have to serialize an old SW with existing Types.
2) The same and in the moment no time to change the code. :-(
Can you give me a little example on base of the code in my question above (rec3 : TtestRec3;)
Danke Charly
I have the following structur:
TIntArray = Array[1..5] of Integer;
Ttestrec1 = record
Int1 : Integer;
String2 : String;
feld1 : TIntArray
TStrArray = Array[1..3] of String;
Ttestrec2 = record
Int2 : Integer;
Int3 : Integer;
feld2: TStrArray;
Ttestrec3 = record
rec1 : Ttestrec1;
rec2 : TtestRec2;
rec1 : Ttestrec1;
rec2 : Ttestrec2;
rec3 : TtestRec3;
How can I do an "Automatic JSON serialization" of this structure of rec3?
And what must be used in the new version2 Framework?
SynCommons.pas seems to be splitted
Regards Charly
After running the restws_chatserver.exe I got the message
20220721 10424610 ! - 01.118.083
WebSockets Chat Server running on localhost:8888
Please compile and run Project31ChatClient.exe
is this an old/internal projectname for restws_chatclient?
regards Charly
20.1. Windows and Linux hosted
The current version of the framework fully supports deploying the mORMot servers on the Windows platform, either as a Win32 executable, or - for latest versions of the Delphi compiler - as a Win64 executable.
Linux support (via FPC 3.2.x) is available, but we face some FPC compiler-level issue with FPC 2.x, which does not supply the needed interface RTTI - see - so that the SOA and MVC features are not working directly non old FPC revision, so you need to generate the RTTI from a Delphi compiler, as stated below.
in program restws_chatserver from mORMot2 there is a
{$I} // use FastMM4 on older versions of Delphi
without conditional compiler info.
regards Charly
I found an other point to fix.
In the description Quick Start
in the path list
the entry : $(mormot2)\src is missing.
Without this, in my IDE the isn't found.
Hi ab,
i did it as in the at is written.
Downloaded the Project and the momot2static.7z, extracted this at ../static
created a environment variable mormot2 and
entered the path-string to the IDE lobrary path.
I work with Delphi 10.4 Community
A can open the ../test/mormot2tests.dproj
during compilation I got the error:
[dcc32 Error] mormot.core.variants.pas(5104): E2250 There is no overloaded version of 'SaveToJson' that can be called with these arguments
if item.Kind in (rkRecordOrDynArrayTypes + [rkClass]) then
// use temporary non-expanded JSON conversion for complex nested content
// aItems.SaveToJson(json, [twoNonExpandedArrays]);
aItems.SaveToJson(json, false); <------------------------------------ so it compiles well!!!!
Do I have a wrong
Hi all,
I am new here and not shure whether I am right at this point.
If not please apologize me and put me through to the correct position.
My question:
I found an article depending on "JSON serialization of records" at this address: … anced-RTTI
And my problem is. I don't know the environement and structur of your projects/Sources
The syncommon.pas is member of wich project?
Can it be used "standalone" or do I need som more?
What must I download from where to realise a serialization in delphi 10.4?
best regards and thank you all for help
Pages: 1