#1 Re: Delphi » Dll hell, WinSXS monster, and Delphi paradise » 2011-07-22 19:16:30

Microsoft fixes for problems are very often worse than the original problem.

COM/DCOM is an example.

SxS is another.

And  .Net is another. 

And winInet.  And MSXML.


I am not a Microsoft fan, can you tell?


#2 Re: Delphi » I hate Delphi IDE's Code Editor » 2011-07-22 19:15:10

YogiYang - I think you're on your own here. I like how the editor works.   Visual Studio's editor sucks in many ways. Specify a version of visual studio (version 6 through 2010) and I can point out lots of ways the editor, and the IDE sucks.    But all of them are as subjective as your opinions.   :-)


#3 Re: Delphi » I'm still preferring Delphi 7 IDE » 2011-07-22 19:09:31

I am happy with Delphi XE personally (I work for Embarcadero by the way, but I still feel the same way about XE, and I don't work on the RAD XE team, I work on AppWave).

But I understand the people who stick with Delphi 7.  Here is why I understand:

1.   The project Options and IDE Options got much more complex after Delphi 7.  Most people who were comfortable in Delphi 7 find the upgrade painful for that reason.

2.   People liked the IDE user interface the way it was, and moving it around, when you already know your way around the IDE upset lots of people.    You can make RAD XE work and look a lot like Delphi 7, at least for the main windows.  But you can't roll back the project options (base, debug and release configurations).

Here are the reasons why I would feel sick to my stomach working in Delphi 7 now that I use XE all the time:

A.  Stability. Delphi 7 crashed a lot for me.  Maybe it was my particular set of experts and add-ons, but I never could get it stable.

B.  Unicode. The internet is unicode. HTML and XML and SOAP and JSON all mostly uses utf8. I am sick of Ansi delphi and won't go back.  Your XP or other recent Windows version using an NTFS filesystem is purely Unicode too.  Like it or not.  It's the year 2011.

C. IDE Insight (F6). Try it. You'll get addicted to it.


P.S. I would be surprised even if there was an Update 2 for XE. I think Update 1 fixes all that is going to be fixed before the next version of Delphi is released.

#4 Re: mORMot 1 » Questions about SQLite3 framework and demo... » 2011-07-22 18:08:24

Excellent.  Thanks. I am trying to wrap my head around the ORM and see if ORM+RAD can be hybridized in some way.

There is a lot to absorb here, and the HELP is in a format that I don't quite understand how to view yet.

Incidentally, that link about "dropping your business logic on your controls" makes a point.  But the solution I prefer isn't to reinvent (or scrap) RAD.  It's to make the general practice that a button gets dropped, and the code inside it looks like this:

  procedure TForm1.AddButtonClick(Sender);
    Controller.DoAction( {action}acAdd, {reference}ObjRef2);

Then the .DFM and .PAS contain a mapping of your Controller to your UI, only.    Your UI doesn't know about your model, and your model doesn't know about your UI.   But you can still use RAD.

Having said that, I defend your ability to write your own code HOWEVER YOU WANT. I'm only asking why so I can understand.  It is clear to me you're a phenomenally talented developer, and this framework is really really cool!

(Update: Removed my religious-RAD-jihad beliefs which are off topic for this forum!)


#5 mORMot 1 » Questions about SQLite3 framework and demo... » 2011-07-22 17:13:41

Replies: 2

I am deeply impressed by the Synopse commons code I have seen so far.  I have been playing with SynFileDemo of the SQLite3 framework, and it's an impressive piece of technology. 

Most of the tabs (other than the data tab) seem to be self-evident in purpose and functionality to me, but I get a bit lost trying to figure out how the Data tab should be working...

So, with great respect for what an amazing piece of work this is.... I have a few questions:

1. Why does the SynFileDemo (and presumably others) use a blank main form and then construct all the components at runtime instead of working more idiomatically (at least for demo code) with a simple VCL form?    Is the purpose of the "Framework" to work opposite to all other Delphi conventions (avoid all TComponent and designtime stuff, and work 100% with only classes instantiated at runtime?).  Probably a FAQ, so a URL would be enough here.

2. When running SynFileDemo, I go to the data tab, and when i want to "create a new data", I get a "create a new empty data" file dialog, which seems to only work when I pick an existing file. Why is it called "new" when it requires a data file to work? The dialog doesn't tell me what the file extension is that it expects to find.  (Update: it seems it works with most basic mime types, and figures out mime types and attaches data files in any format.. So then that makes the Data tab clearer to me. I would have called it the "File-Attachment" tab, and the Create buttons really should be an Add Row button, in classic Delphi-world Database terminology.  Create conjures up the idea of creating a table, or creating a file, not adding a record to a file store.  Maybe CREATE is the word in SQLite circles for Add Record? )

3. Since the Data tab appears to be mostly about adding files to the system, is there a demo of a more typical "TTable" (think Fishfacts classic delphi demo)  available..... That shows string, integer, plus bitmap fields in a single record, and some kind of metadata editor (column type designer)?

What I'd like to do is something like the old BDE TTable functionality but using SQLite, where you define tables and fields, and you get a UI designed for you that displays (like a DB Grid view) the records/fields/data you are using. Essentially maybe I'm looking to see what to do to add a remote or local file "DataSet" (TTable) object to Delphi using this SQLite framework, and traditional data-aware controls.


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