#1 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot2: Same SQL query runs considerably slower with Lazarus... » 2021-07-09 15:25:03

Did some further checking, and it would seem that on the Lazarus side, any  existing composite primary keys
are not found/are not used, hence the delay. Creating new composite keys each time produces a fast query though.
Noticed that there was long ago a bug in this issue regarding mormot (1) and
Delphi, could it be that the bug is now coming up with Lazarus..

#2 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot2: Same SQL query runs considerably slower with Lazarus... » 2021-07-07 12:53:25

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, the culprit was
indeed here, the missing index name with Delphi did not give any problems.
But with Lazarus, apparently the multi-index was not being created.

However, the following code only works fast once, the 2nd time,
it acts as if there is no index, until I change again the name of the index.
Am I missing something, perhaps having been using CreateSQLMultiIndex  wrongly all along...?

  lang :=   TRestClientDB(GG_globalClient).Server.Server.CreateSQLMultiIndex(
             TOrmTbl1, Ar_IndexesB,True,'IndexName1'); // quick only if IndexName change for each run

Tried using the memory manager mormot.core.fpcx64mm with FPC 3.3.1, it compiled,
but at run time got a mysterious segmentation fault.

#3 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot2: Same SQL query runs considerably slower with Lazarus... » 2021-07-07 10:32:20

Thanks for your help! Indeed, the index problem first came to mind,
but rechecked it and Delphi is pretty much using the same code,
with both tables having that 3-field composite index.

The Lazarus and the D2009 both read the same DB3 file.

Unless there is some mysterious error preventing the Lazarus application
from making use of the indexes..

The Lazarus application seems to go into intensive processing during the
query, so could also be the memory manager as you suggest, will try it out
and then finally FPC 3.2 if nothing else helps.

#4 mORMot 1 » mORMot2: Same SQL query runs considerably slower with Lazarus... » 2021-07-07 08:01:33

Replies: 4


The new mORMot2 runs an SQL query with an outer
join probably slightly faster than the earlier version,
just a few seconds for the following query that returns
an answer set of about 180 000 rows and 30 columns.

However, the very same query, when run with the same
code (in the same PC) over the same dataset using Lazarus 2.1 and FPC 3.3.1
takes one whole minute (!) to run...

It would be nice to make use of Lazarus when needed, but am puzzled here,
would greatly appreciate any pointers...

    GG_Model: TOrmModel;
  GG_globalClient:  TRestClientDB;
Array [1..3] of RawUTF8;        
lang :Boolean;
data1    : TOrmTable; (* was TSQLTable *)

  G_Database_FullPath:= ....

  GG_Model := TOrmModel.Create(
       TOrmTbl1, TOrmTbl2],'root'); // w/o root slower ?

  GG_globalClient :=    TRestClientDB.Create(GG_Model,nil,
      G_Database_FullPath,TRestServerDB, false, '');

Ar_IndexesA[1] := 'ACompPrimKey1'Ar_IndexesA[2] := 'ACompPrimKey2';
Ar_IndexesA[3] := 'ACompPrimKey3';

Ar_IndexesB[1] := 'BCompPrimKey1'Ar_IndexesB[2] := 'BCompPrimKey2';
Ar_IndexesB[3] := 'ABCompPrimKey3';

// using a composite primary key for both tables
  lang :=   TRestClientDB(GG_globalClient).Server.Server.CreateSQLMultiIndex(
             TOrmTbl1, Ar_IndexesB,True);
  lang :=   TRestClientDB(GG_globalClient).Server.Server.CreateSQLMultiIndex(
             TOrmTbl2, Ar_IndexesB,True);

sql_str :=  'SELECT * FROM Tbl1 T1 LEFT JOIN Tbl2 T2 WHERE T1.FieldX = T2.FieldX';
data1  := GG_globalClient.Orm.ExecuteList([],sql_str);  // very slow on Lazarus


#5 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot2: Any chance of using Delphi 2009? » 2021-07-03 13:30:36

Thank you very much for taking the time to make it D2009 compatible!

It's wonderful to be able to make again use of the latest version of this great package!

#6 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot2: Any chance of using Delphi 2009? » 2021-07-02 06:49:45

am probably missing something, but under 'core', found an update for file mormot.core.variants.pas
but unfortunately could not find one for file  mormot.core.rtti.pas where the error appeared,
so am still getting the same error..

#7 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot2: Any chance of using Delphi 2009? » 2021-07-01 15:26:15

mpv wrote:
jonsafi wrote:

Yes, exactly, Lazarus's slowness is in the compilation/linking process not the executable itself.

Is this difference visible? For my project for full rebuild (on Linux) I got

343140 lines compiled, 11.4 sec

in case of incremental build result is < 1 second.
Or fpc compiler is slow on Windows?

That is quite fast would say, seems a bit slower on a Windows 7 (8 GBRAM), bit over 15sec.
But yes, incremental compiling does help considerably :-)

#8 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot2: Any chance of using Delphi 2009? » 2021-07-01 15:21:55

Thanks a lot, again moved one step further, now the error is in File mormot.core.rtti.pas in line 5590:

      if (not FirstSearchByName) and
         (Info = TypeInfo(TGuid)) then // ERROR here, line 5590: E2134 Type 'TGUID' has no type info

Agree that Lazarus' s incremental compiling is neat!

Work with an external drive, which currently is no longer an SSD, should probably get one, although writing
to an SSD is still slow compared to its blazing read speed...

#9 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot2: Any chance of using Delphi 2009? » 2021-07-01 12:40:17

Many thanks for this version, it got past the previous TCallConv problem, but is now  stopping at line 451
in the same unit, and complains about incompatible types between TRttiKind and  TTypeKind.

function TRttiInfo.IsQWord: boolean;
  if @self = TypeInfo(QWord) then
    result := true
    {$ifdef UNICODE}
    if Kind = tkInt64 then //error here: E2010 Incompatible types: TRttiKind and  TTypeKind.

if you find the time to come up with a solution for this too, would be grateful and happy to test it.

Yes, exactly, Lazarus's slowness is in the compilation/linking process not the executable itself.

#10 mORMot 1 » mORMot2: Any chance of using Delphi 2009? » 2021-06-30 11:06:15

Replies: 11


Though was able to compile the brand-new  mORMot2
with Lazarus, still miss the speed of Delphi.
Am stuck with D2009, and since mORMot2 works
with D2007, was wondering if there is any way to
make mORMot2 work with D2009.

Know that RTTI was introduced only in D2010,
but even when I set {$define NEWRTTINOTUSED},
I still get an error with unknown identifier.
in file mormot.core.rtti.delphi.inc:

 procedure TGetRttiInterface.AddMethodsFromTypeInfo(aInterface: PTypeInfo);
  Var cc: TCallConv; //  line 622 ERROR: unknown identifier

Much obliged for your comments,

#11 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot2: SQL and the 'old' ExecuteList » 2021-06-27 09:49:25

Many thanks, works very nicely!
Just had to add .orm in between:

GG_globalClient.Orm.ExecuteList([], sql_str);

#12 mORMot 1 » mORMot2: SQL and the 'old' ExecuteList » 2021-06-27 08:41:54

Replies: 2


am trying out the nice brand new mORMot2 with Lazarus (2.1) and FPC 3.3.1.
Was able to compile and run the sample  01-StandAloneORM kindly converted by Martin Doyle.
However, the following will not compile as ExecuteList is not found for TRestClientDB.

  GG_globalClient:  TRestClientDB;
sql_str :String;
   data1    : TOrmTable; 
    sql_str  := 'SELECT * FROM My_Table WHERE ...';
    data1   := GG_globalClient.ExecuteList([], sql_str);

Am I missing something or is there currently no way to run free
SQL statements in mORMot2?

Any hints are much appreciated,

#13 Re: mORMot 1 » Incompatible types error when compiling with D2009... » 2020-12-16 17:02:33

OK, thanks a lot for the tip smile. Happily commenting

{or not BlobField^.IsBlob }

will clear the error, and it seems to be an integrity check that won't affect other parts.

Yes, too bad that while introducing new features in D2009, they also brought in
a whole set of new bugs sad.

#14 mORMot 1 » Incompatible types error when compiling with D2009... » 2020-12-16 10:35:46

Replies: 2

The new version now goes much further in compilation with Delphi 2009
than previous ones, but unfortunately
compiling with D2009 produces an 'incompatible types' error whenever
testing for  the Boolean


as in the following in file  mORMorSQLite3.pas:

function TSQLRestServerDB.MainEngineUpdateBlob(TableModelIndex: integer; aID: TID;
  BlobField: PPropInfo; const BlobData: TSQLRawBlob): boolean;
var SQL: RawUTF8;
    AffectedField: TSQLFieldBits;
    Props: TSQLRecordProperties;
  result := false;
  if (aID<0) or (TableModelIndex<0)
  or not BlobField^.IsBlob then // ERROR occurs here due to this boolean condition

Does anyone have a clue as how to fix this..?

Much obliged,
regards, Sami

#15 Re: mORMot 1 » Anyone managed to compile latest build with D2009...? » 2018-07-26 13:40:52


Thank you, just tried it, it got me at least one step forward: the error in file SynZap.pas is now gone,
what remains is:
the  'incompatible types' which stubbornly still appears in  file Mormot.pas:

function TIPBan.Add(const aIP: RawUTF8): boolean;
var ip4: cardinal;
  result := false;
  if (self=nil) or not IPToCardinal(aIP,ip4) then
  fSafe.Lock; // ERROR here at compilation: gives' incompatible types'

#16 Re: mORMot 1 » Anyone managed to compile latest build with D2009...? » 2018-07-26 09:33:11

Thanks for this hint, ab. Made sure that the correct synopse.inc
was being used (renamed the file to synopsenew.inc, changing all inc.references in the *.pas files accordingly).

However, compilation still stops at the file SynZip.pas
due to the following declaration.

    PDataStart: ZipPtrUint;

Am definitely using D2009, (checked that constant CompilerVersion does return 20)
so this is really puzzling...seems as if the D2009 directives are having no effect..?

#17 mORMot 1 » Anyone managed to compile latest build with D2009...? » 2018-07-25 11:25:41

Replies: 4

Hello everyone,

Downloaded the latest build (25 Jul 2018 this morning)
and came across an error that appears during compilation
and just cant' figure out...

The error msg when compiling with Delphi 2009
is 'incompatible types ' and it appears in the file Mormot.pas:

function TIPBan.Add(const aIP: RawUTF8): boolean;
var ip4: cardinal;
  result := false;
  if (self=nil) or not IPToCardinal(aIP,ip4) then
  fSafe.Lock; // ERROR here at compilation: gives' incompatible types'

I wonder what is happening at compilation,
(do know that D2009 is buggy with respect to NativeUInt which
can usually be avoided by changing the type to Cardinal or NativeInt).

Would really appreciate any comments here as am stuck with Delphi 20009 :-)

Kind regards,

#18 mORMot 1 » How to deal with compile error in D2009 appearing in newer releases.. » 2018-07-21 11:38:43

Replies: 0


Tried updating my Mormot version to a later release (June '18),
and due to the  changes in TZipRead.RetrieveFileInfo (file SynZip.pas),
get a compiler error there with D2009.

This is probably due to an internal problem of NativeInt with D2009,
and indeed the error disappears when
changing the declaration

    PDataStart: ZipPtrUint;


    PDataStart: NativeInt;

but as a result of that change, get an other error
'incompatible types ' in file Mormot.pas:

function TIPBan.Add(const aIP: RawUTF8): boolean;
var ip4: cardinal;
  result := false;
  if (self=nil) or not IPToCardinal(aIP,ip4) then
  fSafe.Lock; // ERROR here at compilation: gives' incompatible types'

Would be very grateful for any hints/pointers on how to deal with this issue..


#19 Re: mORMot 1 » TSQLTableToGrid: Anything similar with TSynBigTable (NoSQL)... » 2017-09-28 13:55:21

OK, thanks a lot for your reply!

Don't use JSON so will
try and figure out something. Will post if I come up with
something useful for the Mormot community.

#20 mORMot 1 » TSQLTableToGrid: Anything similar with TSynBigTable (NoSQL)... » 2017-09-27 18:39:03

Replies: 2


TSQLTableToGrid is just great when used with TSQLTable.

Lately have been trying out the TSynBigTable
and was just wondering if there's any nice solution
for displaying its data in a similar way as TSQLTableToGrid does...


#21 Re: mORMot 1 » TSynBigTableString: Can't seem to save file... » 2017-09-15 17:27:55

Just a quick update, am using the nice
TSynBigTable successfully, the above problem with
TSynBigTableString is still a bit unclear, but
now guess it has something to do with the
fact that the file holding was not being
created successfully and was not checking the
error status...

#22 Re: mORMot 1 » TSynBigTableString: Can't seem to save file... » 2017-09-15 12:25:46


Tried the above code in a new, separate application and it works just OK.
However, when used together with the original application with the native Oracle
driver unit SynDBOracle, it just won't write a file when called
by UpdateToFile.
It does report a filesize however, using
which is suspiciously large, over 40GB.

Could this be somekind of memory interference...

Much obliged for your comments. In the meantime,
will try  using TSynBigTable instead.

#23 mORMot 1 » TSynBigTableString: Can't seem to save file... » 2017-09-13 12:04:10

Replies: 2


Have just updated the framework and am using Delphi 2009.
Can't seem to get the file saved to disk for the info stored on
TSynBigTableString, perhaps it did save it once out of five trials or so...

Checked that the info does go into TSynBigTableString
before the attempt to save the file..
Also checked that the data indexes are unique..
Could you please help me out as to what could be the reason...?

BT_: TSynBigTableString;

BT_ := TSynBigTableString.Create(stud_dir +GG_STUD_DIR + 'Stud_Info' + GG_TXT_); // create file handle

BT_.Add(student_id_str + GG_SEP + Email_str
                                    + GG_SEP +  FullName_str
                                    + GG_SEP + GPA_str
                                    + GG_SEP + Total_Credits_str,
                                    StringToUtf8(student_id_str)); // add data

write_log(BT_.FileName + ' '+ inttostr(BT_.Count) + ' entries',True); // save to log nr of entries

If   BT_.Get(StringToUtf8('123456'+GG_SEP),Raw_2) Then
     write_log('found ' + Raw_2 + '!',True) // Student '123456' is indeed there
     write_log('Not found!',True);

BT_.UpdateToFile(); // fails to save file

BT_.UpdateToFile(True); // also fails to save file


#24 Re: mORMot 1 » TDynArrayHashed:Trouble with loading file saved file... » 2017-09-12 08:37:16


Thanks a lot for both your help.


would not compile,  perhaps the error is elsewhere..

Anyhow, got rid of the memory streams and using the following
code no longer produces an access error,
but now fails to find the given student (which should be in the file).

Still need to try this with a new framework...

     Raw_:        RawByteString;

Raw_  := BinToBase64(StringFromFile(GG_STUD_DIR +  GG_S_
                    +  'Stud_Info' + GG_TXT));
StudentsCount := 0;
aDynArray.Init(TypeInfo(TStudents),MyStudents, nil, nil, nil, @StudentsCount);

aDynArray.Capacity := 120000; 

 aStudent.sStudentId := '296380'; // student actually is in file...

 indx_ := aDynArray.FindHashed(aStudent); // indx_ returns -1

#25 mORMot 1 » TDynArrayHashed:Trouble with loading file saved file... » 2017-09-11 16:50:11

Replies: 3


Was using successfully TDynArray and saving and loading the data
from a file. Since the file generated was a bit large, tried
switching to TDynarrayHashed instead..

However, keep getting an access violation at the
when trying to load data from the file into hashed array.

Any comments/hints would be much appreciated.

P.S. Am using an older version of the framework, released in Feb '17.

// simple student DB
 TStudent = packed record
    sEmail: string;
    sStudentId: string;
    sGender,sFullName: string;
 TStudents = array of TStudent;

  MyStudents: TStudents;
  aStudent  :   TStudent;
  aDynArray:  TDynArrayHashed;
  MStream_ : TMemoryStream;

 StudentsCount: Integer;

    MStream_ := TMemoryStream.Create;
  MStream_.LoadFromFile(GG_STUD_DIR +  GG_S_
                    +  'Stud_Info' + GG_TXT);

aDynArray.Init(TypeInfo(TStudents),MyStudents, nil, nil, nil, @StudentsCount);
     aDynArray.Capacity := 1200000; // should be enough
  DynArray(TypeInfo(TStudents),MyStudents).LoadFromStream(MStream_); // access violation



#26 Re: mORMot 1 » Cannot compile newer versions with Delphi 2009 » 2017-01-26 09:17:53

Just to add to the previous post, downloaded the latest nightly build
and now BatchSend works fine the first time when adding  a set of records.

If however, the same set of records are added again, the
application returns error code 500, 'internal server error'.
Could it be that the new Mormot
is now  complaining of key violations which went unnoticed before...

Am using the following though for addind records...:

GG_globalClient.BatchAdd(mytbl, True);

#27 Re: mORMot 1 » Cannot compile newer versions with Delphi 2009 » 2017-01-25 17:28:59

Thank you again, did that switch all over in the code and  finally got it to compile!

What can't figure out now is why the BatchSend fails (used to work
with old Mormot) and returns error code 400 (bad request).

Made sure that the server code too got updated & compiled...



#28 Re: mORMot 1 » Cannot compile newer versions with Delphi 2009 » 2017-01-25 13:09:22


Many thanks for all your help, finally went back and
changing NativeUInt to UInt did solve this mysterious problem!

Now, however, when trying to compile a D2009 application
containing the BatchSend command (as below) that used
to compile fine with a very old Mormot (from Jan '14)
gives the following error when compiling it with a new Mormot from Jan '17:

' There is no overloaded version of batchsend that can be called with
these arguments..'

Would be very grateful for any hints, am not aware of changes in BatchSend...


AllResults: TIntegerDynArray;


#29 mORMot 1 » Cannot compile newer versions with Delphi 2009 » 2015-09-20 13:44:08

Replies: 8


Have been using Mormot successfully for quite some time now, albeit an older
version. Tried now to install several later builds,
for instance one released last August (44d7dcce95aa324)
along with the latest stable version.

In both cases, the compiler for Delphi 2009 stops/breaks at Unit 'SynZip.pas'
apparently at the end of  function TZipRead.RetrieveFileInfo(Index: integer; var Info: TFileInfo): boolean;

and just says, pointing to line 1321 'F2084 Internal Error: C12074'

Wonder if anyone has come across something similar..?
Am using Win 7 with D2009.

Any help would be much appreciated,


#30 Re: mORMot 1 » Client-server applications: small clarification needed... » 2013-09-18 15:22:01

Yes, will do that, thanks. Just wanted to get 'the big picture' right.

#31 mORMot 1 » Client-server applications: small clarification needed... » 2013-09-18 12:14:50

Replies: 2


For those of us who are developing so-called basic
Windows client-server applications (using SQLite3) that are *not* Web applications,
I understand the way to go is still to use
the HTTP server (http.sys) for remote access.

If one does not want to use interfaces
and write the server application as a service, eg. using TServiceFactoryServer,
then we just use
TSQLite3HttpServer and TSQLite3HttpClient...

Now if I understood correctly, it still makes
sense to run the server console application as a service
for maximum flexibility, and this can be achieved using

With thanks for your comments,

#33 mORMot 1 » Reporting (mORMotReport) Getting text at the desired row... » 2013-07-15 10:26:27

Replies: 2

Hello Arnaud,

Am doing a multi-page report using the nice
mORMotReport, but have been
stuck when trying to re-generate the same line of text on another
page using 'DrawTextAt'.

Have tried various tricks like saving the last
row from CurrentYPos, but this has side-effects (for the header, etc.)

Are you by any chance considering to extend the 'DrawTextAt'
with an additional parameter for specifying YPos?

Kind Regards,

#34 Re: mORMot 1 » Trying to pass parameters in SELECT for Oracle... » 2013-06-01 11:56:09

Many thanks! Was looking for the error in the wrong place, thinking that
some additional binding was required.

#35 mORMot 1 » Trying to pass parameters in SELECT for Oracle... » 2013-05-27 08:16:38

Replies: 2


Having succesfully connected to Oracle am now trying to run
a simple query with parameters (w/o parameters works fine).
The query is a simple select with one parameter as shown in below.

When running it, get the following error:
'Prepare called with wrong ExpectedResults'
which apparently means that Mormot does not
recognize it as a legitimate select statement.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The code is as follows (actually the sql statement sql_ is read from an inifile)

sql_    : RawUTF8;
Props  : TSQLDBOracleConnectionProperties;
sql_       := 'select * from tbl.studentId where accepted_date > To_date(?, 'DD-MM-YYYY')';
Props     := TSQLDBOracleConnectionProperties.Create(MyAlias,'',

Props.ExecuteNoResult(sql_ ,['01.09.2009']); // Error here
With Props.Execute(sql_ ,[],@row) Do
    While Step Do
    Begin (* Step thru results *)
     // .....
    End; (* while *)
End; (* with *)

#36 Re: mORMot 1 » Getting BatchAdd/BatchSend to work in a C/S environment... » 2013-04-28 09:37:46

Thanks a lot! Felt that something was missing but could not figure out what. smile

The client can now run successfully w/o having
to run as 'admin'  (am using localhost on a single PC)

However, when it doesn't run as admin, seems to be slower...

#37 Re: mORMot 1 » Getting BatchAdd/BatchSend to work in a C/S environment... » 2013-04-27 18:55:58

When running the server under the debugger, then
at the following statement

      aServer := TSQLHttpServer.Create('888',[DB]);

got an error saying that administrator rights
needed for 'root'. The error does *not* appear
when the server is started normally outside the IDE.

Tried running the application as the administrator, and
it seems to work now.
Am in the habit of avoiding working under the administrator
account (for protection against malware).

Would not have guessed this to be the issue, so thank you so much
for your kind assistance!

#38 Re: mORMot 1 » Getting BatchAdd/BatchSend to work in a C/S environment... » 2013-04-27 15:01:17

Thanks for this info, now compiled latest unstable version with no problem.

Can now finally add data to the server tables, (not using batch yet)
however, when stepping on the statement:


still get the error Exception class EOSError' with message 'System Error. Code 12152
which apparently means the following:

HTTP Status 12152 The server has been taken down momentarily for database or server maintenance, or there has been a network error. This status will generally come up when attempting to upload.

Wonder if you have any ideas on this?

#39 Re: mORMot 1 » Getting BatchAdd/BatchSend to work in a C/S environment... » 2013-04-27 09:12:39

Thanks for the tip, now realize had moved
too high in the code, it was supposed to just be before
Will try instead

    aModel := get_model_HEVDB; // tbls defined in unit HEVDB

Had downloaded the   latest 'unstable' 1.18  version,
but there was a D2009 issue at compilation,
(will try to reproduce it and post it)
so went back a little in history...

#40 Re: mORMot 1 » Getting BatchAdd/BatchSend to work in a C/S environment... » 2013-04-27 05:30:56

Thanks for your pointers, in fact, it turns out that
only one of the tables works with regular Add
(both have a similar structure though)
and none of them will work with


causes a mysterious 'Exception class EOSError'
with message 'System Error. Code 12152,
apparently generated from InternalGetInfo32 in
TWinHttpAPI.Request in the unit SynCrtSock

The server code is very simple:

aProps := TSQLDBSQLite3ConnectionProperties.Create(ChangeFileExt(paramstr(0),'.db'),'','','');
    aModel := get_model_HEVDB; // tbls defined in unit HEVDB

   DB :=   TSQLRestServerDB.Create(aModel,'Hev.DB3',
      aServer := TSQLHttpServer.Create('888',[DB]);

          Write('Press [Enter] to shut down server.');

To step down code in the server would require attaching some event handler to
the server,  I guess?

#41 mORMot 1 » Getting BatchAdd/BatchSend to work in a C/S environment... » 2013-04-26 18:11:30

Replies: 12


For some reason am not getting the addition of records via batch
to a client server (HTTP, No Ajax or Web) to work.

Immediate updates to another table do work though.

The following call returns 0 so it seems to work:

indx  := GG_globalClient.BatchAdd(d_TableInstance, true);

The following call returns 200 so it would seem to work,
but on closer inspection
AllResults[0] and  AllResults[1] are returning 0,
so there seems to be a problem.
However, cannot figure out how to find out the
cause of this error?

AllResults: TIntegerDynArray;
ix := GG_globalClient.BatchSend(AllResults);

Made sure the server is working properly.
The client starts as follows:

GG_globalClient := TSQLHttpClient.Create('someIP',
                       '888', GG_Model);

Would be very grateful for your pointers over here.

#42 Re: mORMot 1 » Table creation and Client-Server... » 2013-04-20 13:45:34

Yes, am actually using TSQLRestClientURINamedPipe to
connect on the client side, although the server and client are still
in the same PC.

The client can now successfully retrieve data from a table defined on
the server, My mistake sorry, no additional definitions are
needed on the client side, thanks for pointing this out.

I assume when the server is located physically on another PC,
this method should still operate rather fast?

Thanks a lot,

#43 mORMot 1 » Table creation and Client-Server... » 2013-04-20 12:19:50

Replies: 3


Am trying to develop a simple Client-Server DB application to which a client can connect from
a different PC using service names (no Web-browsing so no HTTP).

Was thinking that if one puts the code to generate the tables in the server-side,
then one still needs that table definition code on the Client-side
in order to perform routines for input data into the tables.

So is one supposed to write a shared unit for the DB table
definitions that gets shared by both the server and the client side
or am I missing something?

Am grateful for any pointers,

Below is a sample of the server code.


  aModel   : TSQLModel;
  aProps   : TSQLDBSQLite3ConnectionProperties;
      aServer : TSQLRestServerDB;
  aProps := TSQLDBSQLite3ConnectionProperties.Create(ChangeFileExt(paramstr(0),'.db'),'','','');
    aModel := TSQLModel.Create(
      aServer :=   TSQLRestServerDB.Create(aModel,'Babies.DB3',

      With aServer Do

#44 Re: mORMot 1 » Connection Parameters to Oracle... » 2013-04-05 14:45:50

Thanks so much for pointing this out,
somehow got confused in the order of parameters :-).

#45 Re: mORMot 1 » Connection Parameters to Oracle... » 2013-04-05 08:07:18

Thanks for your help,
and sorry, my mistake, am using a newer version from March 2013,
but left out one parameter in the example,

so am using this:

('','tnsnames.ora','USERId', 'mypassword');

Will try the other way you suggested,
hopefully will find all the required parameters in the tnsnames.Ora

Many thanks,

#46 mORMot 1 » Connection Parameters to Oracle... » 2013-04-05 06:11:16

Replies: 4


Am trying to change an old application that used a commercial
component to connect to Oracle to just use the greate MorMot framework.

Am calling the following

and still can't connect.

The old component used SID (from the tnsnames.ora file ) as a connection parameter.
If I understood correctly , what is needed now as the first parameter
is the *actual* name of the tnsnames.ora file?

( have Instant client and tnsnames.ora in the same directory along
with my applic)

Much obliged for your help,

#47 mORMot 1 » Deleting with a dynamic query... » 2011-11-25 15:13:07

Replies: 1

Hello, was trying to delete hundreds of rows from
a table based on a date value. Tried first
retrieving the row matching the date and then
deleting the rows using:

followed by Commit.
This returned success (200)
but for some reason the rows were not removed.

Anyhow am now trying to use the following simpler way:


where_str  := 'date(datetaken) > '2010-10-15''';
sql8            := 'DELETE FROM MYTABLE WHERE ' + where_str;

This code will not compile, because of a type error.
Could not find any easy way of converting a string to
putf8Char. Could you please help me out here?

Thanks a lot for any pointers.

#48 Re: mORMot 1 » Quick to check if keyfields exist... » 2011-08-26 10:01:59

OK, thanks a lot for your kind help.
Can figure out a manual workaround then..

#49 Re: mORMot 1 » Quick to check if keyfields exist... » 2011-08-26 08:51:33

Thanks for pointing out, it was my mistake with the call

If was returning False indeed.
So now indexes are created and am getting the
exception 'constraint failed'.

However, am using BatchAdd(..) to add the record,
so I imagine the key violation error/exception
doesn't get triggered until BatchSend(..)

Is there a way to trap this key violation
easily and get hold of the control so as to
perform a record update on key violation?

Am really grateful for any suggestions.

#50 Re: mORMot 1 » Quick to check if keyfields exist... » 2011-08-26 06:51:56

Thanks for your tip,
I already tried the following to create a multifield index ( 6 fields).

It seems to have no effect,
as the application happily keep inserting duplicates
into the same table without giving any error..



6 field names starting from index 0.

I'd like to have control of the code when there
is a key violation  to update
the existing record if necessary.

Know that there is a method such as

but couldn't find an example on how to use it.

Could you give me one more hint, please?

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