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The new version now goes much further in compilation with Delphi 2009
than previous ones, but unfortunately
compiling with D2009 produces an 'incompatible types' error whenever
testing for the Boolean
as in the following in file mORMorSQLite3.pas:
function TSQLRestServerDB.MainEngineUpdateBlob(TableModelIndex: integer; aID: TID;
BlobField: PPropInfo; const BlobData: TSQLRawBlob): boolean;
var SQL: RawUTF8;
AffectedField: TSQLFieldBits;
Props: TSQLRecordProperties;
result := false;
if (aID<0) or (TableModelIndex<0)
or not BlobField^.IsBlob then // ERROR occurs here due to this boolean condition
Does anyone have a clue as how to fix this..?
Much obliged,
regards, Sami
I don't have any Delphi 2009 compiler at hand.
Current trunk has no troubles on my side with Delphi 2010:
********** mORMot integration using Delphi 2010 *********
Switches=-B -Q -GD -O\dev\lib\SQLite3 -R\dev\lib -Ec:\temp\tempbuild\exe -Nc:\te
mp\tempbuild\dcu -B -Q -DINCLUDE_FTS3 -GD -U\dev\lib;\dev\lib\sqlite3;\dev\lib\s
\infra -I\dev\lib;\dev\lib\crossplatform -NSSystem;Xml;Data;Datasnap;Web;Soap;Wi
Embarcadero Delphi for Win32 compiler version 21.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2009 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
364250 lines, 2.11 seconds, 4503480 bytes code, 193992 bytes data.
Try to disable inline; for this method.
Delphi 2009 was really a buggy beast...
OK, thanks a lot for the tip . Happily commenting
{or not BlobField^.IsBlob }
will clear the error, and it seems to be an integrity check that won't affect other parts.
Yes, too bad that while introducing new features in D2009, they also brought in
a whole set of new bugs .