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Pages: 1
Hi, ab,
Thank you for the quick and considered response. I was struggling to visualize how the data was being stored in the WideString variable; your comments have clarified the possibilities, especially the code example, thank you.
I now know what question to ask the (external) software house about their webservice library - I'll let everyone know how I get on.
Many thanks
Firstly, I would like to thank everybody at Synopse for making such wonderful software opensource.
I have Delphi XE, and use the SynZip component for all my zip/unzip tasks in my programs; I have a requirement which I could do with some advice, please.
I am retrieving a zip archive via a webservice, the (external dll) function returning the data in a WideString variable.
Something like this, for instance:
---------------a bit of code-------------
MyWoInterop: IWoWebServiceInterop;
s: WideString;
MyWoInterop := CreateComObject(CLASS_WoWebServiceInterop) as IWoWebServiceInterop;
Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
try try
s := MyWoInterop.GetStockProducts(DEF_WEBSITE);
My question is, how can I uncompress the zip data held in the Widestring variable. SynZip has a "UncompressString" method, but the code says :
/// uncompress some data, with a proprietary format (including CRC)
// - return '' in case of a decompression failure
function UncompressString(const data: RawByteString) : RawByteString;
which looks as it will not handle zip data, even if the cast from WideString to RawByteString is valid.
What else could I try? Any advice please?
Thanks for your help
Kind regards
Pages: 1