#1 mORMot 1 » SQlite .obj or .dll » 2013-02-20 18:52:48

Replies: 1


What's the diference in using sqlite files in .obj and .dll?

Because I was reading a blog and it says that the .dll is faster. Is that true?

#2 mORMot 1 » Execute script in SynDBExplorer » 2013-02-20 12:46:42

Replies: 1


Is there a way to execute sql scripts in the SynDBExplorer?

If not I think it would be very helpful to add this feature.

What do you think?

#4 Re: mORMot 1 » Too many : ( ) : params » 2013-02-19 13:15:49

Thank you for the answer, but, this is already in 128. Even If I change to 256 the error continues.

function ExtractInlineParameters(const SQL: RawUTF8;
  var Types: TSQLParamTypeDynArray; var Values: TRawUTF8DynArray;
  var maxParam: integer; var Nulls: TSQLFieldBits): RawUTF8;
var ppBeg: integer;
    P, Gen: PUTF8Char;
    wasNull: boolean;
    if maxParam>high(Types) then
      raise ESynException.Create('Too many :(): params');  //<--- error occurs here

#5 mORMot 1 » Too many : ( ) : params » 2013-02-19 12:31:47

Replies: 4

I'm trying to insert a object into a table and I get this error from the server:
"Too many : ( ) : params".

The table(class) that I'm trying to insert has 65 fields (published properties).

What could be the cause of this error?

#7 Re: mORMot 1 » mormort as Windows Service » 2013-02-16 17:31:31

How can I do that? Is It a property of the TSQLHttpServer?

#8 Re: mORMot 1 » mormort as Windows Service » 2013-02-14 17:59:12

Yes the server works when it is not run as a service.

Wich event of the Service do you use to create the TSQLHttpServer?

#10 mORMot 1 » mormort as Windows Service » 2013-02-14 17:48:08

Replies: 4


I'm trying to create a Server as Windows Service. The server has a TSQLRestServerDB and TSQLHttpServer.

I install the service and everything is fine, but the TSQLHttpServer don't start (I guess...) because I can't connect the client with the server.

What could be wrong? Is there a example how to create a service with mormot?

#11 mORMot 1 » RawUTF8 to PUTF8Char » 2013-02-13 13:31:09

Replies: 1

Hello guys,

What function of SynCommons should I use to convert a RawUT8 to PUTF8Char?

#12 Re: mORMot 1 » Compress data » 2013-02-13 11:23:33

Is there any example using RegisterCompress?

In the server I found this method all right, but in TSQLHttpClient I didn't find it.

#13 Re: mORMot 1 » Select DISTINCT » 2013-02-12 13:01:36

How about commands like: COUNT, AVG, SUM...

Is there a way to use it with TSQLRecord kind of approach?

#14 Re: mORMot 1 » Select DISTINCT » 2013-02-11 16:23:42

I think that the CreateAndFillPrepare should have a implementation with the possibility of we write our own SQL command.

Someting like :

Rec := TSQLRecord.CreateAndFillPrepare(DB, 'SELECT HERE');

#15 mORMot 1 » Select DISTINCT » 2013-02-11 11:33:31

Replies: 8

Hello, How can I do a select with a DISTINCT clause using the TSQLRecord.CreateAndFillPrepare?

#16 mORMot 1 » Compress data » 2013-02-10 18:39:44

Replies: 11

How can we compress data transmited between TSQLHttpserver and THttpclient?

#17 mORMot 1 » Limit number o Records » 2013-02-10 15:00:08

Replies: 1

Hi, is there a way to limit the number of records that is passed from the server to the client, even if the search retrieves more than that limit?
I'm using the ORM with SQlite and HttpServer.

#18 Re: mORMot 1 » VACUUM Sqlite » 2013-02-05 18:20:54

Wich command can I use before run a VACUUM, you know to disconnect the connections and sql statements from the database?

#19 mORMot 1 » Update SQlite database » 2013-02-04 17:13:04

Replies: 1

Hello everybody!!

I'm using TSQLRestServerDB.Update to update a record, in the first time works fine but on a second time it doesn't update the record.

What could be the cause to this problem? Is because I'm trying to update it two times in a row?

#20 mORMot 1 » VACUUM Sqlite » 2013-02-04 12:04:14

Replies: 2

How you doing?

How can we make the ORM do a VACUUM command in the SQlite database?

#21 Re: mORMot 1 » One to one relationship » 2013-02-04 12:00:52

I have the same doubt. How can the server know if a record as updated? Is there a event like AfterUpdate?

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