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i would like to export my existing crystal report to PDF, it's syncPDF can use for this function? Because i found it can use for FastReport and QuickReport.
I have no experiment with Crystal Report for Delphi.
If you can access each page of the report as a TMetaFile content, then you can use SynPDF to render it, just with FastReport or QuickReport.
Perhaps someone did already do this.
You may also ask BO support - but I would be tempted to say that they won't be very responsive, this this CR for VCL is deprecated...
But AFAIK CR is a set of external .dll - therefore I'm afraid it won't be possible to get the content as TMetaFile.
If you can get your report as a set of .emf or .wmf files, you should be able to use synPDF to convert them to one pdf file!