#1 2013-11-05 18:09:26

Registered: 2013-11-05
Posts: 11

Newbie coming from RtcSdk/Datasnap

I am totally new to Mormot so please bear with me. Currently I am at page 176 of the documentation and by right I should finish reading before I ask questions, however seeing that i am still way to go before i can finish and my not so intelligent brain keep asking questions so i just try my luck if by any chance you have any step-by-step guide to build database application from scratch and how to implement deltas changes/reconcile errors and pagination (like packetrecord in datasnap) the mormot way. In rtc (Http server hence stateless too) i store the pagination information like the last fetched unique id at the client and pass the information to the rtc server and it will issue SQL statement something like SELECT col1, col2.. coln FROM table WHERE (id > :lastfetchid) ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT :pagerows' to the postgresql DB server.

I am happy to listen to any suggestion and am willing to adapt to Mormot ways because I am looking forward to Mormot/FireDac/Postgresql + SMS combinations for my future projects. Oh yeah, This is my 1st post so please accept my gratitude for your great works and best wishes from Malaysia.


#2 2013-11-05 19:17:36

From: Slovenia
Registered: 2011-04-29
Posts: 113

Re: Newbie coming from RtcSdk/Datasnap

there is a lot of topics with headline "Newbie..." or something similar, so gather knowledge using search on this forum.
This kind of question has been asked many times.

Second, look through samples in source code and try it out.

Last edited by Leander007 (2013-11-05 19:18:25)

"Uncertainty in science: There no doubt exist natural laws, but once this fine reason of ours was corrupted, it corrupted everything.", Blaise Pascal


#3 2013-11-05 20:32:52

Registered: 2013-11-05
Posts: 11

Re: Newbie coming from RtcSdk/Datasnap

Thanks for your advise, I should have finished the documentation and search the forum before posting. I will be back after that tongue


#4 2013-11-06 12:09:43

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,845

Re: Newbie coming from RtcSdk/Datasnap

Ensure you are reading the latest SAD 1.18 pdf version (not the 1.17 which is deprecated).
And there is a FAQ at the beginning of the 1.18 version pdf.

Thanks a lot for your interest and feedback - best wishes from France!
mORmots are everywhere around the globe - I did not now they may be able to adapt to Malaysian climate! Perhaps around the Mount Kinabalu...
It is great news!


#5 2013-11-06 13:11:10

Registered: 2013-11-05
Posts: 11

Re: Newbie coming from RtcSdk/Datasnap

Yes, I am reading the latest 1.18 and downloaded the latest nightly build. I am doing it in my free time as of now and in the very early stage testing with TDynArray/TSynLog, so far so good and i like the dynamic array wrapper which can be used even in my existing codes to increase performance and to make the codes like handling TList smile. In Malaysia we have "Tupai" (squirrel in English), I think there are cousin/maybe nephew tongue to Mormot no ?


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