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I was wondering what happens with a database connection (TSQLDBConnectionProperties, in my case a TSQLDBZEOSConnectionProperties) if a server timeout occurs?
I get these exceptions after my server has been up for some time (5 to 6 hours): EXC EZSQLException ("SQL Error: Too many connections") at 006870F8 stack trace API ...
In the log I see that timeout has happened (' ... call TServiceFactoryServer(00D55E50) Deleted SiMServer instance (id=21) after 125000 ms timeout (max 60000 ms') a couple of times.
Can it be that the database connection is not closed properly when a timeout occurs?
fpcdeluxe, FPC 3.2 / Lazarus 2.0, mORMot on Windows 10 ...
With which ZDBC provider?
With which ZDBC version?
It will depend on the DB backend used.
There is only one connection per thread, so you should not have any leaking of connection.