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My test server hangs on new connections:
20140829 20284825 + TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770).00868C04
20140829 20284825 call TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) TimeStamp
20140829 20284825 srvr TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) GET TimeStamp -> 200
20140829 20284825 - 00.000.033
20140829 20284827 + TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770).00868C04
20140829 20284827 call TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) Auth
20140829 20284827 srvr TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) GET auth -> 200
20140829 20284827 - 00.000.033
20140829 20284829 + TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770).00868C04
20140829 20284829 call TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) Auth
20140829 20284829 auth TAuthSession(03639330) New "User" session User/2121733790 created at running Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; Indy Library)
20140829 20284829 srvr TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) GET auth -> 200
20140829 20284829 - 00.000.197
20140829 20284849 + TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770).00868C04
20140829 20284849 EXCOS EAccessViolation (C0000005) at 00869889 stack trace 0045A7CD 00408A06 75E733CA 778F9ED2 778F9EA5
20140829 20284849 - 00.000.700
20140829 20284907 + TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770).00868C04
20140829 20284907 EXCOS EAccessViolation (C0000005) at 00869889 stack trace 0045A7CD 00408A06 75E733CA 778F9ED2 778F9EA5
20140829 20284907 - 00.000.330
20140829 20284926 + TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770).00868C04
20140829 20284926 EXCOS EAccessViolation (C0000005) at 00869889 stack trace 0045A7CD 00408A06 75E733CA 778F9ED2 778F9EA5
20140829 20284926 - 00.000.565
I have already compiled the project with MAP detailed options.
This log does not help me.
The only thing I'm sure of is that the call does not come to my function.
I start with this:
// define the log level
with TSQLLog.Family do
// EchoToConsole := LOG_VERBOSE; // log all events to the console
// create a Data Model
aModel := TSQLModel.Create([],ROOT_NAME);
// initialize a TObjectList-based database engine
aServer := TSQLRestServerFullMemory.Create(aModel,'test.json',false,true);
// register our Irestsrv service on the server side
// launch the HTTP server
aHTTPServer := TSQLHttpServer.Create(PORT_NAME,[aServer],'+',useHttpApiRegisteringURI);
aHTTPServer.AccessControlAllowOrigin := '*'; // for AJAX requests to wor
any ideas ?
ps exe runs on win2008 R2 / xe2
client android
more log:
20140829 19165930 call TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) Auth
20140829 19165930 auth TAuthSession(036395A0) New "User" session User/2121733791 created at running Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; Indy Library)
20140829 19165930 srvr TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) GET auth -> 200
20140829 19165930 - 00.000.128
20140829 19165952 + TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770).00868C04
20140829 19165952 auth TSQLRestRoutingREST(035B9450) User/2121733791
20140829 19165952 call TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) restSVR._contract_
20140829 19165952 srvr TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) POST restSVR._contract_ -> 200
20140829 19165952 - 00.000.030
20140829 19165954 + TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770).00868C04
20140829 19165954 auth TSQLRestRoutingREST(035B9450) User/2121733788
20140829 19165954 call TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) Auth
20140829 19165954 auth TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) Deleted session User/2121733788 from
20140829 19165954 srvr TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) GET auth -> 200
20140829 19165954 - 00.000.035
20140829 19170015 + TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770).00868C04
20140829 19170015 auth TSQLRestRoutingREST(035B9450) User/2121733791
20140829 19170015 call TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) restSVR.func1Back
20140829 19170015 srvr TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) POST restSVR.func1Back -> 200
20140829 19170015 - 00.000.873
20140829 19170155 + TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770).00868C04
20140829 19170155 auth TSQLRestRoutingREST(035B9450) User/2121733791
20140829 19170155 call TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) restSVR.func1
20140829 19170155 srvr TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) POST restSVR.func1-> 200
20140829 19170155 - 00.000.960
20140829 19170256 + TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770).00868C04
20140829 19170256 auth TSQLRestRoutingREST(035B9450) User/2121733791
20140829 19170256 call TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) restSVR.func1
20140829 19170256 srvr TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) POST restSVR.func1-> 200
20140829 19170256 - 00.001.012
20140829 19170504 + TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770).00868C04
20140829 19170504 auth TSQLRestRoutingREST(035B9450) User/2121733791
20140829 19170504 call TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) restSVR.func2
20140829 19170540 srvr TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) POST restSVR.func2 -> 200
20140829 19170540 - 00.581.775
20140829 20284825 + TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770).00868C04
20140829 20284825 call TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) TimeStamp
20140829 20284825 srvr TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) GET TimeStamp -> 200
20140829 20284825 - 00.000.033
20140829 20284827 + TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770).00868C04
20140829 20284827 call TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) Auth
20140829 20284827 srvr TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) GET auth -> 200
20140829 20284827 - 00.000.033
20140829 20284829 + TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770).00868C04
20140829 20284829 call TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) Auth
20140829 20284829 auth TAuthSession(03639330) New "User" session User/2121733790 created at running Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; Indy Library)
20140829 20284829 srvr TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) GET auth -> 200
20140829 20284829 - 00.000.197
I noticed:
20140829 19165930 auth TAuthSession(036395A0) New "User" session User/2121733791 created at
20140829 20284829 auth TAuthSession(03639330) New "User" session User/2121733790 created at
2121733791 before 2121733790 ?
I think:
20140829 19165952 call TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) restSVR._contract_
20140829 19165952 srvr TSQLRestServerFullMemory(0359C770) POST restSVR._contract_ -> 200
could be the point of the exception
You did NOT have the .map generated with the .exe, I'm quite sure.
Otherwise the line numbers would appear at the exception level in the logs.
The session numbers are NOT sequential for security reasons.
So 2121733791 is computed before 2121733790.
But they will always be unique.
Did you use the latest source code?
Your problem sounds close to
Now I'm trying
But the .map must be included or separate from exe?
The rest server now seems stable.
I forgot to upload the .map .....
Works well.
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