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Hi, I need to serialize several datasets, for example Invoices, Details, Customers and Groups and expose them (maybe a DatasetToJSON function?), how can I join them in one JSON object? Any sample?
Of course, later I need to unserialize it (JSONToDataSet?) to 4 memory datasets. I'm using FirecDAC in memory DataSet but I'm open to other ideas.
Can I use mORMot on Android 4 as client to consume those datasets?
The easiest is to use a TDocVariant from SynCommons.pas - or TJSONVariant for our SynCrossPlatformJSON.pas unit which works with Android 4 - to create a document containing several datasets.
But we do not have TDataSet to/from JSON classes for cross-platform yet.
ab, and what about using FireDac.Reflection classes? of course those are new to XE6 but it is a beginning. The only thing DataSnap is supperior to mORMot is this.
Pages: 1