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Pages: 1
AB, I am using Delphi 7 and DynArrayHashed with success, to process a dictionary of a record. Thank you very much about this.
TEspecie = record
.. some fields here ..
But now I need to transform TEspecie in a old fashion object (not a class).
TEspecie = object
.. some fields here ..
.. some methods here..
Can DynArrayHashed handle old objects? Will it work the same way?
Last edited by Junior/RO (2015-06-03 21:04:52)
Yes, from the RTTI point of you, an object is just a record with methods.
So a TDynArrayHashed of an object would work just great.
Only non implemented feature is that virtual methods and constructors are not handled.
But I suspect you do not use those (buggy) features.
Yes, virtual methods for this type of object is very buggy in Delphi 7. Thank you, AB.
Pages: 1