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Pages: 1
I would like to try out sample 28 - Simple Restful ORM Server, using SQLite.
I change the ODBC connection to :
aProps := TODBCConnectionProperties.Create('',
'Driver={SQLite3 ODBC Driver};Database=C:\Temp\REST.db3', '', '');
I also got an error on this line:
// create tables or fields if missing
so I commented it out, not sure why the error occurs.
Then server compiles and runs ok. When I run the client it looks like something is not working since the output is:
Added TPerson.ID=0
Name read for ID=0 from DB = ""
and nothing gets added to the database.
What needs to be changed to get the example to work?
Sorry, I updated the ODBC driver and then it worked fine.
Pages: 1