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Hi, I'm trying to implement the Samples \ 16 - Execute SQL via services for a cross-platform client in delphi fmx, works fine without using
.SetOptions ([], [optExecInMainThread, optFreeInMainThread]) on the server, trying not to generate a new connection to the sqlserver every time I run a query on the client side, but when I use optExecInMainThread, calls to the methods from The client does not work, What am I doing wrong. Thank you.
ok thank you I will try, and congratulations for your great framework
{ Call CheckSynchronize periodically within the main thread in order for
background threads to synchronize execution with the main thread. This
is mainly for applications that have an event driven UI such as Windows
or XWindows (Qt/CLX). The best place this can be called is during Idle
processing. This guarantees that the main thread is in a known "good"
state so that method calls can be safely made. Returns True if a method
was synchronized. Returns False if there was nothing done.
function CheckSynchronize(Timeout: Integer = 0): Boolean;
Thank you very much for the help, now solve, everything was in the procedure ConsoleWaitForEnterKey both the loop with the function CheckSynchronize. I already have running the example 16 in windows, linux, android.