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I use QuickReports to print reports, and I do a PDF with SynPdf, but Hebrew characters are not displayed.
I am using the latest version of SynPDF (1.18).
I tried to fix the problem myself, and I succeeded partially but not completely because there are problems in some characters RightToLeft.
I added this line, in line # 5042, because I saw that in Hebrew characters the variable "W" is empty.
if W = '' then W := PW;
I would be very happy if you could help me and solve the problem completely.
Thanks for the quick reply. I am excited that there is an attentive ear to every problem ...
Sure I use UniScribe = True, because without it it actually shows all characters but the Hebrew goes backwards ...
Thanks again.
Hi !
Do not you have a solution for me?
Hello !
I'm trying to Debug, what i see is that: if the Control (QrDBText or Qrlabel or QrExpr) BidiMode = bdRightToLeft, and the UniScribe = True, the Hebrew characters not viewing, I'm not understand the all method, but i see that in this situation in the line #5041 the "W" variable go out empty.
In the meantime, I have solved the problem for myself, by changing in line #5080 "AScriptState.uBidiLevel := 1" to "AScriptState.uBidiLevel := 0", that help me to view the Hebrew characters, but it's not perfect because that make actual the BidiMode = bdLeftToRight.
I hope that's understandable enough.
Hi !
Anything new?
Best regards
Hello !
It's been two months since I opened this question and I still have no solution, too bad, because this problem bothers me a lot, should I give up?
Pages: 1