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Pages: 1
@ab, there is regression in changed TSynLog.Log(TypeInfo()) to specify the value as const commit.
Now I can't compile code what use a call to Log with TextTruncateAtLength parameter
procedure Log(Level: TSynLogInfo; const Text: RawUTF8;
Instance: TObject=nil; TextTruncateAtLength: integer=maxInt); overload;
// my code
Ctxt.Log.Log(sllHTTP, Call.InBody, nil, 1024)
because it call match a
procedure Log(Level: TSynLogInfo; const aName: RawUTF8;
aTypeInfo: pointer; const aValue; Instance: TObject=nil); overload;
signature instead of version with TextTruncateAtLength ( FPC compiler)
Please, fix it in some way..
Please check
Another regression with the similar reason. In case
constructor TSynMemoryStreamMapped.Create(const aFileName: TFileName;
aCustomSize: cardinal; aCustomOffset: Int64);
called with one argument (aFileName) then actual stream is created using
constructor TSynMemoryStream.Create(const aText: RawByteString);
and content of a stream is a file name, instead of file content.
Possible fix is in pull 107 (verified with FPC)
Pages: 1