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Pages: 1
the same service can return the error message in 2 different ways, one of them is an array. How can you distinguish and display the "errorText" message of each one.
a) '{"errorCode": 400, "errorText": "There are ongoing communications}}'
b) '{"errorCode": 400, "errorText": "[{\" ACTIVITY_GROUP \ ": \" A \ ", \" MODEL \ ": \" HELLO \ ", \" STATUS \ ": 0}, \ r \ n {\ "ACTIVITY_GROUP \": \ "B \", \ "MODEL \": \ "SALE \", \ "STATUS \": 0}] \ n "} '
Thanks in advance.
It is depending on the service implementation, for sure.
I guess that the b) case was not an error?
Sounds like a misconception on the service code.
You may post some code, but please not directly in the forum but as external link - see
For detailed returned content, uses a method-based service which allows to customized the returned content.
Or use a TServiceCustomAnswer function for interface-based service - but you will loose most of the interest of interface-based services.
Pages: 1