#1 2018-09-23 18:08:49

Registered: 2015-08-20
Posts: 101

Problems encoding JSON array in URL for sending to PostgreSQL server

Hi there everyone,

I've been struggling with this problem for a couple of days. I have a mORMot REST interface application server in front of a PostgreSQL 10.5 server. It is working very well for a while now.

I just wrote a function in the PostgreSQL server that generates and returns work/planning schedules as a JSON text output to clients. The PostgreSQL function has the following signature:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.agg_planning_json(id_json text, date_debut date, date_fin date)

The function expects the id_json parameter to have the following format:

{"ID": [20,19]}

I have tested this function directly in the PostgrSQL server and it works well. I can even call the function from any browser or REST client after encoding the JSON input parameter like this


and it works.

The mORMot REST server code that handles these requests looks like this:

Res := aServer.fDbProps.Execute(Format('select * from %s.agg_planning_json(%s, %s, %s)',
   [Schema, QuotedStr(IDList), QuotedStr(DateDebut), QuotedStr(DateFin)]), []);
while Res.Step do
   Result := Res.ColumnUTF8('agg_planning_json');

My problem is with the Lazarus clients. I send the request to the server after encoding the JSON array as follows:

ARestThread.Post(sqlPlanningSalarie, '', '', [UrlEncode(strIDList), SQLDate(dtDateDebut.Date), SQLDate(dtDateFin.Date)]);

This ALWAYS fails with the error below:

Project server raised exception class 'Unknown' with message
SQL Error: ERREUR: syntaxe en entrée invalide pour le type json
DETAIL: le jeton << % >> n'est pas valide
CONTEXT: données JSON, ligne %1 : %...
instruction SQL << SELECT * FROM json_array_elements_text(id_json::json -> 'ID') >>

The PostgreSQL function seems to be complaining about the format of the JSON parameter. I noticed that the Lazarus client sends the parameters to the server with each parameter in double quotes " ". Could this be the source of the problem? Is this normal? How do I correct this problem?

Thanks a lot for your assistance,



#2 2018-09-25 11:53:38

Registered: 2015-08-20
Posts: 101

Re: Problems encoding JSON array in URL for sending to PostgreSQL server

I finally got it to work. This time I stopped encoding the JSON array before sending it to the REST server and it now works in the Lazarus clients as well as when I call the function from an SQL tool or even from my browser.

Thanks a lot,



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